Serendiptiy & Synchronicity is all around us: TOLT

I’m Thinking Out Loud about serenditpity and synchronicity, because both played a big part in my week in a good way. In my life, actually, as you’ll see later in the week.

Counting all the steps
If you walk without your fitness tracker on, does it count?

That moment when you get up to put the wash in the dryer and realize that your watch is still attached to the computer . . . do you go back for it?


Sephora haul

Score at Sephora! Again!
I went back to return that lip gloss. Sadly they didn’t have the lip tint I wanted (but I ordered it directly from the company with a coupon on leap day, but some other things may or may not have jumped into my cart), which probably explains why I got the wrong thing in the first place.

I got my birthday gift, another free thing with my points (although they had already changed the offerings) — DevaCurl is what I use on my hair, by the way.


And a new blush. Spring isn’t far away, time to refresh and restart, right?

Typing on two devices
So there I was the other day, using my desktop and my ipad. Typing on the keyboard when I was trying to search my email on the ipad, which obviously meant I should have been typing on the ipad.

Wondering why the search wasn’t working.

Bird watching

Gizmo is changing postions
Gotta make sure Gizmo gets his airtime. Although techically he was in last week’s post (he was on my lap for the blurry pinkie photo).

It always amuses me how the cats change positions throughout the year.

Gizmo has begun to lay on top of the couch and his hammock (as seen above) a lot more than his heated bed, which is often his preference in winter.

My guess is that he wants to be in position to watch the returning birds.

My blog woke me up
Well, not really; I had to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.

But I realized once I got back into bed that I hadn’t stripped out some of the old stuff in the blog post I had scheduled to post the next morning.

Do you wake up thinking about your blog?

You want me to write about serendipitous?
Geez, really?

That was Wednesday’s Word and it was a word I really struggled with until I had my own serendipitous moment(s) last weekend.

But there’s yet still more!

Monday I finally made it to Fleet Feet to get fitted (for the umpteenth time). The sales clerk and I were chatting during the fitting, and it turns out that he is also trying to run a half in every state.

Yet that was not the only serendipitous moment of the fitting. When I went to pay, it turns out we live in the same neighborhood! We are both running around it on a regular basis and we started to chat about where we run, and not surprisingly, considering it’s not a large neighborhood, we run the same routes.

No doubt he runs them a lot faster and of course I’m old enough to be his mother. But damn, once serendipity got a hold of me this week, it wouldn’t let up. With just a dash of synchronicity on the side.

The universe can be a pretty cool place sometimes.

The story of how I met my husband and started dating him is actually quite serendipitous as well, but this is already getting pretty long.

And then a comment on Wednesday’s blog reminded me of yet another serendipitous moment to do with running — geez, it really is everywhere!


It’s baaaaacon!

So this has always puzzled me. I can hear the rain while laying in bed. But Chester (or Lola) would eagerly follow me downstairs to go outside, then back away the minute I opened the door and they realized it was raining.

But dogs have more acute hearing.

Seriously, what’s up with that? Did they think it would stop by the time we got downstairs?

I tweeted
I guess hell really has frozen over.

Right now I’m still @chocolaterunsj (haven’t decided if I want to change it) and I tweeted something before entering a giveaway. Because I didn’t want my first tweet to be a giveaway entry!

I haven’t followed any of you yet . . . except after I wrote that, I did. Some people. Because I actually tweeted again, and twitter showed me some of my friends, so I started following some of you.

Excuse me while I go play catch-up, the story of my life (and cue the One Direction).

Do your dogs like/hate the rain?

More favorite stuff at Sephora?

I’m linking up with Amanda at Running with Spoons for her:

Thursdays are for thinking out loud

15 thoughts on “Serendiptiy & Synchronicity is all around us: TOLT

  1. Wow serendipity all over the place huh?

    Look at your cutie cat!! My cat has shifted from the water heater to the couch…I never thought about the birds as the reason.

    I do think about my blog at night. Last night I was prepping a post and I woke up wondering if I left it in draft like I wanted to or I published it.

    I was tweeting so many giveaways yesterday- it was king of weird.

    Heading over to follow you now 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve definitely had to get out of bed on more than a few occasions because I remembered something that I forgot to do with my blog. And sometimes my blog will get me out of bed super early in the morning when I wake up and realize that something wasn’t done… especially if it’s a linkup problem. Eeep. Also, I’ve totally done that typing thing with my desktop and laptop… I’ll be typing on my regular keyboard looking at my laptop screen and wondering why no words are showing up 😆

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, that was totally me with the ipad and my desktop this week! And sometimes I try to move things around my husband’s laptop with my finger . . .

      I didn’t correct that til the next morning. 🙂 At least I got back to sleep! Then again, my blog isn’t seen by anywhere near as many viewers as yours!


  3. I would totally put my tracker on as soon as I noticed it wasn’t….unless I was at work. No blog, so no reason to worry about one 😉 Sometimes I am working on a laptop and my desktop computer…it does cause issues. I wonder if you will run into the sales clerk on a run now that you both know that you run the same routes.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love all those happy little coincidences that have been happening for you! The world really does work mysteriously. I had a conversation with a friend recently about it and he didn’t believe that things like that really meant anything, but then it happened to him a couple times in the same week. Now I think he buys into it. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I have not worn my fitbit twice week. Do my steps count??

    No I don’t wake up thinking about my blog – work, yes.

    After over 2000 posts, it’s not a priority I guess. It’s still new for you and you have more time than I do.

    I went out to dinner last night with a new professor and it turns out she used to be a runner and she lives near me. Small world.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I didn’t used to but with the link-ups, it’s easy because I don’t have to think up a topic. With 2000 posts, I’ve said it all over and over.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Gizmo is very pretty.
    I have a twitter but rarely use it..I just don;t have time to really scroll the timeline, so every so often I will favorite something or retweet it, but the blog is still my main social media…
    You know my cats come running from all over the house if we touch a can opener, literally touch it lol They think it may be opening Tuna. I always wonder how they can hear it!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Most of the tuna I use doesn’t need a can opener, so Gizmo never got the memo. He seems to have lost his taste for tuna the last few yrs, which is odd, but he sure still has an appetite!


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