Running is silly!

Seriously I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought that since I started to run. Running is time consuming, especially if you train to race longer distances. It requires support from your loved ones, whether that’s just time to run or helping out with chores or being your literal support crew! Running can be hard on the body, too. It seems silly to spend hours out there on the weekend running, doesn’t it?


I’m linking up with My First 5K and MoreRunning With Attitude, Runs with PugsZenaida and Run Laugh Eat Pie for Fit Five Friday


So why do I run?
That’s also something I’ve pondered many times. Just this past January, when I took one of my longest breaks from running because I wasn’t feeling well — it freed up so much time!

My answer might surprise you. I could say that I miss the endorphins, and if there’s ever been a time we need those endorphins, it’s been the past year (and present). I could say that I miss being able to indulge just a little more in my food choices. I could say that I miss the challenge of running — of training for a race and then laying it all out on the road.

All the above is true. Yet they’re not the real reasons why I run.


I run to keep my heart happy
Did you know that heart disease is the Number One killer of women? According to this post on WebMD here, deaths from heart disease for women “exceeds the next seven causes of death combined”. That is a staggering statistic!

Luckily heart disease does not (sort of) run in my family, although I did have one aunt who had a major heart attack in her mid eighties, no doubt in part brought on by decades of smoking. I also had an uncle who died on my birthday from a heart attack — also a smoker, and obese as well. High blood pressure runs on my mom’s side of the family, too.

When I was sick last month for a few hours I was very nauseous and dizzy. At the time it never entered my mind that I could be having a heart attack — but later I realized that those are some of the classic signs of heart attacks in women. Those symptoms quickly passed, and I slowly got better. It wasn’t until a week later that thoughts of heart attacks & the symptoms women feel entered my mind.

The heart is one of the strongest muscles in the body
Yes, the heart is a muscle. Like all muscles, it needs to be trained — that’s exactly what cardiovascular exercise is. After years of data from my Garmin, I know that the quickest (maybe not the easiest) way to increase my respiration and heart rate (cardio) is running.

I wan to keep my heart happy, and that is one of the things that makes me think maybe running isn’t so silly after all.

What are the reasons you run? 

Did you know heart disease is the #1 killer of women? 

Do you ever think running is silly? 

gwy MR intro

ICYMI: I’ll bet that you’ve heard of morning routines and thought they just weren’t for you or they take too much time. How about just 5 minutes? We all have 5 minutes! Check out the five different, 5 minute videos (start with the introduction here). You can choose between:

  • Stretching
  • Journaling
  • Pranayama
  • Mediation
  • Foam Rolling

The only longer practice is the video on foam rolling — if you’re interested, you’ll find that here. This is close to the routine I do before I run. I actually use a different foam roller, and I do one leg at a time when I’m getting ready to run. I also do some work on my IT band and upper body that I left out in this video — it’s still a good full body foam rolling routine before a run!

You can choose just one of these practices, or stack one or two — or more — together. I released these this weekend since it’s Valentine’s Day. All love starts with self love, and giving yourself a little self care in the morning is a form of self love, whether your solo or in a relationship. I challenge you to give one of these practices a try — maybe even join the Facebook group here — I’m going to be challenging you in there, too!

29 thoughts on “Running is silly!

  1. I guessed that it’s February and heart was the muscle.

    I run more for social reasons and to stay active outdoors as I age.

    Never thought it was silly. But it is always hard.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I think we runners do lots of things that may seem silly to others! Running is stay heart healthy is for sure one of my reasons to run and exercise in general. Agree, so many symptoms of heart problems go unchecked in women.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. While I first started running to tone-up, I stuck with it because I love the cardio. I know I get a lot of eye rolls when I stay home of Friday evenings (when I’m actually in training LOL). Only my fellow runner friends understand the allure of an early-morning run or a jaunt in the rain (on a warm day) or paying lots of money to run a race. Running may seem silly to some, but that’s their loss LOL

    Liked by 1 person

  4. That is the reason I started running. My grandfather died of a heart attack when I was very young and it always stuck with me. I remember him smoking cigars and not being very active at all. I’m not sure how old he was but seemed very old at the time…of course everyone seems old when you’re young.
    I think running is the best thing for your heart. ♥️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My grandfather also smoked cigars! I think it was that generation. My dad also smoked a pipe—until another uncle died from lung cancer.

      I forgot about that actually, his wife (who died before I was born) did have s heart condition that killed her very young. But all my other grandparents lived fairly long lived.


  5. Heart health is exactly why I started running. My paternal grandmother and all 4 of my aunts on my dad’s side died of heart disease in their 50s. While some of the things runners do, like getting up in the middle of the night to make it to a race before the crack of dawn, a race they paid good money for, seems silly, I’d say the rewards are well worth it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Actually Denise’s comment did remind me I had a grandma who died from heart disease. Before I was born so I just don’t really think about that. My dad was in heart failure but obviously that was age related.


  6. My reason for running has changed over the years. I love the activity and alone time but it is no longer my number one priority. I do need to do it more often for health reasons you mentioned but I think when the weather is nicer, I’ll get more outdoor runs. For now, I am enjoying my indoor bike and my walking challenges!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I started running as a way to hopefully get off of antidepressants after my husband passed away 14 years ago. It worked! Then I got injured, didn’t run for a while, and gained a lot of weight. I know from past experience that the best way for me to lose is to run. So, I started running again and have lost 50 pounds. I also found out 3 years ago that I had an aortic root aneurysm. The doctors said continuing to run and keeping my blood pressure down was the best thing I could do for it. So, that was a great motivation to be consistent. Unfortunately, it did not keep the aneurysm from growing and I had to have open heart surgery last month to remove it and repair my aorta. But, I have to tell you that running and being in good shape before I went is was the best thing I could have done. I was up and about the first day, didn’t really “feel” like I had had major surgery, and was allowed to come home after only 3 days! All of the nurses knew I was a runner and credited that to how well I did post surgery. I’m still recuperating – walking every day, but feel really good. I hope to get back to running soon. So, I really don’t think running is silly at all. It could have saved my life. At the least, it made it a lot easier. What my family sees as a little bit silly is paying someone to go run a race when you can run for free. LOL

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I guess to others running does seem silly. They will never understand why we do it. I run because I enjoy it and it gets for ready for the day. I like the alone time I get from it too. I have never mentioned this but thanks to running, I am healthy. I plan to keep running for as long as i can!

    Liked by 1 person

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