The Week of the Plaintains: 6/22- 28

  •  Plaintain waffles Monday: man, I felt bada$$ today! I walked the dogs, ran 2 1/2 miles, did some grocery shopping & took Chester to the vet – all before noon! And then I made Plaintain Waffles. So crisp, so light.

  • Tuesday: hill repeats with my USAFit group. This is an optional group run – the only mandatory group run is the weekend long run. Last year I did most of the workouts during the week on my own; this year I decided that running with a group helps me push myself – which can be good or bad. Here’s hoping I’ve learned where to draw the line. It was a hot & humid one but didn’t feel too bad – probably because we walked after running uphill & my overall pace, including that walking, was still pretty fast for me. But I was ready to eat all the food afterwards.

  •  Plaintain protein donuts Wednesday: Cross training swim again. I didn’t have the pool to myself, but it was a nice swim. I refueled with afterward Double chocolate overnight oats & that staved off the hungries that strike after swimming. I also made Plaintain Protein Donuts, which made a nice snack after Thursday’s run.

  • Thursday: Annoying tempo run. Couldn’t get out until the afternoon, it was warm, getting a Garmin signal took forever, & just couldn’t get up to speed. The only good thing about this run was I got out there & did it. And those plaintain donuts.

  • Friday: Rest day, which means chore day. But I tried to get most of the chores done in the morning so I could relax a little in the afternoon – worked out pretty well.

  •  New Newton Ahas Saturday: you would think a day that started with ants wouldn’t end well; you’d be wrong. Group run on a nice running day, new kicks, new sparkle skirt arrived. Pancakes for lunch & sushi for dinner. Good running & food day!

  • Sunday: a cool, rainy day so I got out early to do my food shopping. Which meant I had to quickly plan out what the heck we were going to eat next week! One of the perks of not working is getting to shop when it isn’t busy. Monday I have a busy day & it’s easier for me to get out when my husband is around to keep an eye on the dogs. Also a good day to work on the blog! Unfortunately, still battling ants.

This week’s mileage: 13.5 – an increase of 2 1/4 miles. A few aches, but I think I’m okay so far.

I’m linking up with Tara at for her Weekend Update.

Do you pay attention to how much you increase your mileage week to week? Do you enjoy baking & spending time in the kitchen?

34 thoughts on “The Week of the Plaintains: 6/22- 28

  1. I have a coach that writes my training plans. In general I am cautious about mileage increases once I get up to 20 miles per week. Under that and I seem to have enough of a base to fluctuate a bit (although I do a good deal of cross training). Love the plantain usage – so interesting!


  2. Sounds like a great week. I just love that bada$$ feeling ! I don’t pay attention much to mileage, because I am not increasing it. When I start marathon training in the fall, I will pay much closer attention.


  3. Those waffles look great. I don’t pay attention to my mileage unless I am training for a half marathon then I increase it 1 mile each week.


  4. I’m actually just getting back into running so I haven’t been tracking. In terms of cooking and baking though, that’s pretty much all I do throughout my week! It’s something that relaxes me and makes me use some creativity! Throw waffles look so good, never would have used plantains!


  5. You’re a baking machine! Yum! I made a key lime pie this weekend which was amazing but there’s way too much left over and it’s calling my name. I had the same tempo troubles last week. Got out too late, got too hot and it was torture.


    1. Key lime is my husband’s favorite! I like it but could probably resist – doesn’t have chocolate. 😉 I don’t work, so I spend a lot of time cooking & baking. Anything that calls to me goes into work with my husband. I don’t know what I’ll do when he retires!


      1. I just had some chocolate cake…our research fellow is moving on. That will be lunch today.


  6. Plantain waffles?!? WHAAAAT??? That sounds amazing!! I like to get in the kitchen and mess around when I have the time; when I’m pressed for time, it feels too stressful. It sounds like you had a solid training week, Judy; way to go!! Thanks so much for linking up with the blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Very cute running outfit and I love the new shoes 🙂 Your waffles look amazing to me right now, i am stuck at work at that mid afternoon hunger without a snack..lack of prep this weekend.
    I am having a time with pace these days, it’s hard to have a goal pace when it’s hot!


  8. Those Plaintain Waffles and Plaintain Protein Donuts look amazing! I bake for a living, so when I get home I tend to want nothing more to do with a kitchen. Especially this time of year because it’s crazy hot at work. Luckily for me, my husband usually makes dinner.


    1. The waffles are amazing; the donuts are just good. I have another recipe for chocolate ones I want to try out . . . maybe tomorrow. I love to bake, but I don’t think I’d want to do it every day. Lucky your husband will cook!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I definitely pay attention to my mileage.

    Those waffles and donuts look great! I’d look at the recipes but I know I’m unlikely to actually make them….but if someone made them for me I’d eat them. 🙂


  10. Wow those waffles look great! I would have thought they had chocolate in them by the looks. Maybe I’ll try to recreate a chocolate vegan version 😉

    I try to pay to attention to the 10% rule with mileage increases, but sometimes I get a wild hair and go crazy – like my 15 turned into 24!

    I’m not a great baker (which is a good thing!), but I do like to experiment occasionally. Next up are peanut butter cookies with black beans in them. We’ll see….


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