Cookie recovery: 8/1-7 Weekly Wrap

Another week, more frustrations, but overall, not a bad week and I’m not even going to rehash the frustrating stuff — I whined enough yesterday over tea — except for Tuesday’s run — that was majorly frustrating and most of you are runners and that’s why you’re here.

It’s kind of a long one, so grab a cookie or two and your beverage of choice, and settle in because I’m wrapping it up  with the Weekly Wrap from Holly @ Hohoruns and Tricia @ Misssipppiddlin. It’s all about supporting anyone who lives an healthy lifestyle.


Workouts update

  • Monday: 3 miles easy , Dogwalk
  • Tuesday:  3.5 miles 8 x 400/400m intervals, Dogwalk
  • Wednesday: Dogwalk,  Swimming 30 minutes, Iron Strength Abbreviated
  • Thursday:  Dogwalk, just a bit of swimming, 2.5 tempo on TM
  • Friday:  Dogwalk, Pahla B full body beginner strength workout
  • Saturday: Dogwalk, 7 mile LSD, Pahla B Balance workout and Foam Rolling “workout”
  • Sunday: Dogwalk & the sport of Olympic watching

Mileage: 16 (-1)

TIU = Tone it Up
TM = Treadmill
YFR = Yoga for Runners*
WU = warmup
YFPR = Yoga for Pain Relief
YTU = Yoga Tune Up Lower Body*

*Disclaimer: Amazon affiliate links; I will make a small amount of money if you buy through these links

Running update


Monday was humid and I felt slow, but it was an easy run and I don’t really worry about my pace on easy runs. I was surprised, and pleased, to see that I had  run negative splits.

That’s what I wrote in my journal (*affiliate link), anyway — I can’t say as I really remember much about this run.

Tuesday recovery: Code CRJ20 for 20% off


As I mentioned previously, I went to the track near my home only to find out it was closed, and thus began a super frustrating run. While warming up in the parking lot at the track, before I realized I couldn’t run on it, I changed the settings on my Garmin to the intervals I needed for this workout. Or so I thought.

So when I got to the bike path, my next choice, I thought all I needed to do is run. Except I’m running . . . I’m running . . . and realizing that the watch hadn’t vibrated to alert me to the fact I’d run a quarter mile. Apparently my settings didn’t change. So I reset them, thinking it could still tell when I’d run a quarter mile — which it could, only from the time I reset the watch, which was totally useless and I ended up having to just watch the watch to know when to speed up and slow down.

After a half mile warm up and a mile of 400m fast/400m recovery (or the quarter mile alerts I set up) I realized the intervals were supposed to 200m. I think this is the second year in a row I managed to do that. The track would have been so helpful in that regard. I blame it on lack of sleep. I mentally shrugged and just finished up with the 400s.

For the first mile, my watch also kept wanting to go back to the clock . . . like I said, the whole damn run was just super frustrating.


I couldn’t run until fairly late in the day. It was kind of a toss up whether to run outside or on the treadmill. It wasn’t super hot, but I just knew I’d get pretty darn hot at that time of day and it actually takes less time to run on the treadmill, plus my neighborhood doesn’t have a lot of flat and it was a tempo run.

Yes, the treadmill won.

Thankfully since Tuesday’s speedwork was on the longer side, this tempo run could be on the shorter side, which totally worked for a busy day. I did about a mile and a half at around 11:15 mm (with my normal walk breaks in there) — although I didn’t take walk breaks in my warm up and cool downs. Don’t ask me why; I don’t know.

I used to think I just couldn’t do tempos on a treadmill. I guess I can do short ones, anyway.

Happy because the humid run is almost over


There was a threat of thunderstorms for the morning. It started to rain almost as soon as I hit the road. But it stopped about the time I got to the parking lot — unfortunately — because it was mid 70s and 80% humidity. I wished for more rain the entire run.

It turned out this is the rail trail that Darlene & I sometimes run at during the fall/winter, only we met at the parking lot where Darlene & I usually turn around. Which means that while it was a long slow uphill climb, it was a long slow decline on the way back. Since I run most long runs by feel (with the watch going, but not “watching” it), it was just naturally positive splits.

My running buddy, unfortunately, is out for the rest of the season. She has a partially torn meniscus and apparently is missing some cartilage from her knee. Not worn down — actually just missing. How she has run on it for as long as she has, I have no idea. I am so glad she was able to do her Venice half, but now she most likely faces surgery.

She came and rode her bike with me for part of the run, although I was concerned about her having to slow down so much and whether or not that would be good for her. And that’s most likely her plan — to ride with us for part of our runs, and also do some biking at a normal pace to keep up her fitness. And she’s investigating somewhere to swim. Maybe she’ll become a triathlete?

Favorites of the week
I went with a friend to her friend’s house on Thursday (which is why my run had to be later in the day) so we could enjoy her pool. This woman is in our Weight Watchers meeting, although she doesn’t always stay, and we went to Freihofers together. So it was very sweet of her to include me in the invitation.

Since it’s been super frustrating the last few weeks, and most of my away time from home is either running or grocery shopping, I so needed this! And her pool — and home — are just stunning. I would kill to have a pool like that that I could swim in every single day if I wanted to!

The three of us had a lovely time but although I meant to take some photos, I never did get around to it. And maybe she doesn’t want her pool appearing in my blog anyway . . .

Doesn’t look like much; trust me, it is worth it

I think I need to weed out my cookies board on Pinterest or just reorganize it. Yes, cookies are my jam. And the first cookie recipe you’ll find on that board is for peanut butter chocolate chip cookies from Chocolatecoveredkatie.

Oh my. You must make these because:

  1. It makes a small batch of cookies, so you won’t get into too much trouble.
  2. Mr. Judy actually asked for another in the evening (I’d given him one after lunch — sorry, honey, the last two are my recovery cookies from some run next week).
  3. They’re like little chocolate chip cookie pies.

This foam roller video from Phala B. I’d downloaded her free Crosstraining Guide for Runners a long time ago (I think maybe it was a blog hop?). I finally decided it was time to actually use it!

It got me to do a lot more foam rolling post long run than I usually do: the video is actually about 20 minutes long. I really enjoyed it, though. And recommend it.

Rocking that recovery look

These recovery socks from CEP (affiliate link). I use a lot of different recovery sleeves and socks, but I have to admit, CEP has quickly become my favorite (even if they look pretty darn odd during the summer).  They just seem to take the ache away magically. The compression is fairly high, so getting into and out of them is a struggle, but trust me, it’s worth it.

My ankle was achy after my long run Saturday. I spent some time in my CEPs, I applied some heat as we watched the opening ceremonies from the day before, and I woke up today with a happy ankle.

Before/after haircut

And I got that haircut. I didn’t do a good job capturing the before & after. Almost looks the same, doesn’t it? My bangs were already funky a minute after leaving the salon! But you should have seen what they looked like before. What I didn’t capture was that I’d pulled it up into a very high ponytail and used a barrette to pull it over so the curls were covering up the bangs. It’s quite the look, lemme tell you (it’s how I swim sometimes outside when it’s just for fun).

I did try to capture it, but there’s only so much contorting I can do inside a car.

And that’s a wrap!

I love to hear from you! Answer me one of the questions below in the comments, or just comment! Let me know what you think or what’s on your mind.

What is your favorite brand of compression socks if you use the?

Got a must try “healthy” cookie recipe for me?

I’d ask you for your favorite Olympic moment so far, but I tape it and watch it later so I don’t want spoilers! But okay, if you really want to share, lemme know.

40 thoughts on “Cookie recovery: 8/1-7 Weekly Wrap

  1. Those cookies look yum. PB and chocolate? Remember those PB protein cookies I made last summer? My youngest still talks about those. I did make a chocolate cream pie today–and believe it or not, it’s a “healthy” recipe from Cooking Light. Let me know if you want it and I’ll send you the link. Because chocolate is my jam.

    Glad to see you’re trying Pahla B’s workouts. She’s awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pie gets me into trouble.Well, not really, but I can only have like one slice a week, and I tend to make my slices larger than they should be.

      I like portion control. 🙂 Obviously chocolate is my jam.

      I’m really enjoying Pahla B’s workouts (although I could use a little less “awesome”).


    1. Evil cookies are easy. 🙂 I like the challenge of good, healthy cookies! Not always so easy! I’m going to polish off the last 2 “recovery” cookies with lunch.

      It’s not easy getting into the CEPs, but they really work wonders for me. I have some Pro Compression too — they might actually be my least favorite (and they’re not that easy to get into/out of), but they are what I started with.


  2. I like CEP a lot too. I’ve used to use Pro compression and didn’t like something about the way they don’t breathe when I began trying other brands. The 2xu recovery socks are really really nice. Anything sweet is my jam. Still chipping away at my dark chocolate square one at a time. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve had frustrating runs with my watch! It drives me nuts when I accidentally hit my lap button. Since it already auto laps every mile, I screw up everything when I do that. I haven’t tried CEP. I know I don’t like my compression too tight though. I love warm cookies. And cake. With cold milk. I tried hard to keep away. I really like that outfit you have on in the park/trail picture. Thanks for linking, Judy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The vivoactive lets you autolap or manually do it. I don’t really know if you can do both — I’m guessing you probably could, but I’m not sure why you’d want to.

      Today, thankfully, it behaved itself, I knew to go to the bike path, remembered it was 200 not 400m, and it was a much better run.

      I love warm cookies, too, with the chocolate all nice and melty. Mr. Judy prefers them room temperature. I swear we do EVERYTHING differently!


    1. Oh, it’s beyond frustrating for her, for sure, she’s signed up for 2 fall halfs! One at least she can either sell the bib (legally!) or defer to next year.

      Yup, I’m pretty much the same way with compression socks. I bring out the CEP when my ankle is bothering me.


  4. I’m going to have to check out that foam rolling video. I am so very bad about rolling.

    I wear CEP myself. I didn’t realize people had such different opinions about compressions! But then again, I do have a couple of different brands, and the CEP give me the snuggest fit which is what I like.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. She does have a much shorter one on Youtube somewhere — its a dynamic stretch for before/after a run. The dynamic stretch is for before the run, and the foam rolling comes after that (and is for after the run).

      I definitely recommend downloading that PDF — it has links to all the videos and it’s free. I did the quickie foam rolling after my run today, but I’ll do the longer one after my long runs (except Saturday, if I do that race, which I probably will, because I have several friends doing it).

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I lost my yoga for runners dvd, I may have to get another one,
    I have a lot of ProCompression socks and just recently got some SLS3 socks that I seem to like pretty well also. I dont know that I am super picky about them I just don’t like when they cut into me below my knees.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ah, Garmin woes! I had a Garmin mishap last week too where the Garmin Express app crashed on my computer, causing my entire history to be deleted. Ugh! Good job making the best of the workout after all that, and good week overall!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I hate when electronics don’t work like they should it is very frustrating! I’m still dealing with phone issues and lack of storage space! I have more pro compression socks than any other brand. I do love them and I tend to wear them more in the winter. But we all can use recovery any time right?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I use tape when I start getting up to around 9ish miles (not there yet) or for a race like this weekend, that I know is hilly.

      Otherwise, I really just overheat with them in the summer. And we’re not even all that hot here (except this summer).

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I can easily imagine your frustrations with technology (says the gal who seldom ever bothers bringing her watch along). Honestly, I”m better off not knowing the stats sometimes, because they destroy my focus. I do better assessing the info AFTER the fact LOL. I love watching the balance beam when the Olympics are rolling….and the sync diving is pretty amazing, too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I always wear my watch, but I don’t look at it much at all (if at all) during easy & long runs.

      But for speedwork & tempos? I need that accountability because otherwise I’ll think I’m running really fast when I’m not.


  9. I hate when a run goes completely frustrating like that- electronic fails are the worst! That is weird your watch was doing that. I am knocking…so far my Garmin has been good to me.
    Love your blue and wine colored look – looks great!
    I have not tried CEP brand – I have Pro Compression and they are good, but lately i have been wearing my cheap miracle copper socks you can get at CVS and wal- Mart and they feel great! I like them because the foot area isn’t as tight and feels good on my toes. Darn finicky toes…
    A pool would be so nice!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Actually, the foot & toes is exactly why I prefer sleeves for racing & the socks afterwards (that, and the lack of padding in compression socks).

      A pool would be fantastic. If I hadn’t been sick, I would definitely have been on the treadmill today, it’s TX hot out there today — literally!


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