Maddie’s Mark 5k Race Recap 9/10/16

This is the fourth year that I’ve run this race — unfortunately they keep moving it earlier in the year, so it’s gotten warmer and warmer, and I have gotten slower and slower. But it’s still a fun race and I always look forward to it.

Packet Pickup
There are a few races I trust to do packet pickup day of the race, and this is one of them.

In and out, easy breezy. Not much terribly exciting in the way of coupons or swag.

My Race Plan
I was hoping to stay below an 11 mm for the race — that was pretty much it. I felt lucky just to get to the starting line, frankly (you can read my Weekly Wrap and my 5 Things Lately posts to catch up a little on what’s been going on).

Here’s what actually happened:

  1. Mile 1: 10:37. About where I wanted to be for a 5k that’s warm.
  2. Mile 2: 11:37. Half of this is on a trail through the woods; I suppose that accounts for the slowdown. Maybe.
  3. Mile 3: 11:07. I guess the heat, the lack of sleep and stress — it all caught up with me. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
  4. Last .11: 9:41. At least I sprinted across the finish line.

34:19 –Official Time
11:03 Average Pace

2015: 33:33
2014: 33:18
2013: 31:24

I can give you all the reasons I didn’t meet my goal, but in the end, it is what it is.

My sparkleskirt went well with the purple theme


The weather & dressing
So one of those reasons? The weather, for sure. The race didn’t start until 10 am. It was warm and humid, but thankfully there was lots of cloud cover.

I wore a top from Title 9 and one of my Sparkleskirts. Sometimes being sparkly makes me happy. Don’t worry, I was back in my Skirtsports later in the day for more miles. My outfit was just right for a change.

Was the race well run?
Yes, it always is. The volunteers are so incredibly enthusiastic (I guess it doesn’t hurt that I know the race directors). My one little quibble is that it would be nice to have the start line marked better.

Love you, Lisa D!

But my friend Lisa D (one of the race directors), above, is truly just the best cheerleader. We don’t see each other often, but she always makes me smile.

What I learned
It’s always better with friends. I knew that, of course, but going with a friend, “running” into friends, catching up with runner friends you haven’t seen in a while . . . it’s the best.

The heat gets me every time. I knew that one already, too, but I keep hoping I’ll find the key to racing in the heat . . . it continues to elude me.

Final Thoughts
I actually believe the course was altered slightly this year in a way that ought to have made it easier. There used to be a fairly steep climb that I think they took out. Unfortunately it didn’t help me.

Maddie’s Mark, by the way, is basically a local make a wish foundation. It’s a worthy cause. It always feels good to race for a good cause.

Skirtsports sister!

Darlene seems to run into Skirtsports sisters at races all the time, but this was my first time (no doubt because I don’t race every weekend!). I asked if it was okay if I put her photo on the blog, and she told me how much she loves her Skirtsports skirts — she’s preaching to choir!
I’m linking up with with MCM Mama Runs, Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and My No Guilt Life for the Tuesdays on the Run linkup.

Tuesdays on the Run

23 thoughts on “Maddie’s Mark 5k Race Recap 9/10/16

  1. What is this SkirtSports you speak of? I kid. I need to do more 5K’s – we have a ton of them here locally and they seem so fun! I guess after doing so many half marathons I’m always a little like “really? Is it worth it for just 3.1 miles?” but the fun and the atmosphere (and especially when it’s for a good cause!) would say definitely YES!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I only do a handful of 5ks a year. Most of them are in the summer, and really, I just hate racing in the heat.

      Yet I am also chasing a 31 minute 5k — I know that doesn’t sound like much, but obviously I have a ways to go (31:30 being my 5k PR so far).

      5ks are hard! Pacing for just 3.1 miles is hard!


  2. Just keep running in heat. Heat adaptation does happen, but it’s slow. Before hot races, I drink an iced beverage or rub an ice cube on my body. You want to be as cool as possible. My husband wears a baseball cap and fills it with ice so it melts on his head as he runs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I pretty much have to stop drinking a few hours before my race; I’m sure you can guess why!

      I did try one of those cooling towels before this race, but let’s just say that was an epic fail. It’s cooling down now, I have no races on the calendar until my half unless something catches my eye, so I guess I’ll just have to experiment next summer!


  3. Congrats on the race! Racing in the heat…it can really suck. I’m surprised they held the race so late in the morning! And Maddie’s Mark sounds like an awesome cause.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love local races because of running into friends. It’s so much fun to catch up with people before and after the race.

    And if it makes you feel better, my son and husband just ran a 5K on Saturday — also started at 10:00 am. Also insanely hot and humid. Ick!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Glad you had a good time, running into friends always makes it better. That is a really late start for a race when the weather is warm! The only think I’ve found that helps in the heat is drinking a sip of water at the water stop, then dumping the rest of it down my neck, it at least cools me down for a bit.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I drank water at both water stops, but it really didn’t seem warm enough to dump water on myself (which I’ve done).

      The course has a fair amount of shade, and while it was warm, it didn’t seem too too bad. I’m sure some of it was all the stress & lack of sleep lately.


  6. Sometimes we get faster and sometimes we don’t. That is the mystery. Your time wasn’t bad. Maybe your expectations are too high. (I know I should talk!) But you enjoyed yourself so that’s the important part and maybe if you PRed, you’d have a ache and pain that would ruin your upcoming half.

    I’d love to do that race but there’s always another race that I’d rather do. Malta 5k has much better perks.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m seriously slower now than I was in the spring — this has been a brutal summer! But you finished and had a good time, that’s what matters. I agree — Lisa D. is the BEST cheerleader ever. I got to know her through a training group we were in together and I think we’d be hardpressed to find someone more encouraging or inspiring! Don’t let this race worry you, you have a lot going on in your life right now!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Most of my runs, with a few definite exceptions, were faster this summer than last summer, and as you know, last summer was much cooler.

      Not really sure what that will translate into as my halfs come up. Weather is just key for me; I wish it wasn’t.

      Lisa D is the best. When I first started running, we used to run together sometimes. That was before she got way too speedy for me!

      I’m not at all worried by Maddie’s Mark, and yes, there was an extreme lack of sleep going into it too.

      But even though I’m slow, I’m competitive, even if just with myself!


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