2 for the Price of One!


I find picking a word for the year to be a helpful tool. I may not be good at setting goals, but boy, I’ve got that word of the year thing down — I’m not sure how long I’ve been doing it, but it’s been a few years, at least.

I do keep my word in mind as the year goes on, too. I may not think of it every day, but I do find myself thinking about it. Last year’s word, too — anything beyond that tends to just fade away. Memory is not my strongest suit — unless we’re talking about food!

I usually spend some time in the fall thinking about what my upcoming word should be. My subconscious goes to work on it, and some day, sometime, the right word just pops into my mind: 2017 is patience (just don’t ask Mr. Judy to grade me!).

Or is it?

Brace yourself for the “big” reveal
Suddenly last week another word popped into my mind. I’m not ditching patience, it’s definitely something I need to work on, but this other word . . . it calls to me too. So 2017 is the year of two words.


One of my goals for this blog has always been to inspire other people. For the most part I feel as though I am often preaching to the choir with my blogger friends, because as someone trying to live a healthy lifestyle, I naturally gravitate towards others with similar goals.

While “runs” might be a part of my blog name, this has always been more than just a running blog. I’m a pretty open person, and I like to share all my passions (for good or bad), whether that’s healthy eating, weight management, animals, fashion, yoga, or, yes, running.

As a relatively new blog, I am still finding my way. Although of course I’m not sure that any blog ever really just settles into a style — we grow and change as people, and our blogs grow and change along with us.

Sometimes blogging seems like an incredible indulgence. What did we do before the internet, anyway? Maybe we actually got out of our houses more often and interacted with each other more often.

While yes, it’s true, blogging does take up time that could be spend on “better” pursuits, it does connect us. I have met so many wonderful friends through this blog, some in person and others just online — although if you ever meet an online friend in real life, you’ll find that you really have been friends all along.

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more,  you are a leader.
–John Quincy Adams

Me — a leader?
I’m not so sure that I’m a leader, but I hope that I can fulfill that position as defined by John Quincy Adams. Or perhaps I am just leading myself, because I do believe that I dream more, learn more and become more.

I became a runner, after all, without any athletic ability and not a whole lot of guidance in the beginning. My goal to run a half in every state is definitely a big dream. And running helps me to always be learning — for such a simple sport, there’s a lot to learn!

If you follow me on Instagram (@chocolaterunsjudy), maybe you’ve noticed that my posts recently have changed a bit. I realized, one day, that Instagram is such a perfect platform to inspire people. It’s both quick (instagram, after all) and visual. Never doubt the power of a picture.

I’ve been taking a bit more time with my photos and trying to include an inspiring message. I hope I can inspire you to try things that may sound weird to you, to be open minded, to be open to change.


I want you to join me in my healthy lifestyle and journey. I want you to see that movement, in any form, isn’t punishment; not only is it good for you, it can make you feel good, too.

I want you to realize that eating healthy doesn’t have to mean deprivation or starving yourself, although it might be more work than you’re used to — but soon you’ll find that that extra work has big payoffs — more energy, less cravings, and maybe better fitting clothes.

I want you to try new things and keep an open mind, whether that’s exercise or food or hobbies.

I truly want to inspire you. And I love it if you share how you’re changing your life for the better — because you just might inspire me, too. And other people you may never hear from.

Maybe it’s not so indulgent after all
Yes, blogging is a first world pleasure, but maybe it really isn’t so indulgent after all. Like most powerful things, and never doubt that your blog is more powerful than you think, even if you never get a comment, it can be used for good or bad.

Blogging can connect you with people all over the world, and that’s really cool — something that would never have happened for me if I hadn’t started my blog.

Blogging can definitely inspire people. I know I read inspiring blogs all the time. And I hope that I can inspire you, even if I never hear from you. It’s a big reason that I started this blog — I am always saying that if I can run a half marathon, anyone can. I believe that. You can do anything you want to do, if you want it badly enough and work hard for it.

Tell me in the comments:

Do you think blogs can be inspiring?

Is blogging worth the time it consumes?

What have you been inspired to try recently?

I’m linking up with with MCM Mama Runs, Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and My No Guilt Life for the Tuesdays on the Run linkup. Hopefully they won’t mind that I’ve gone a bit off topic this week.

Tuesdays on the Run

33 thoughts on “2 for the Price of One!

  1. I am borderline obsessed with a few blogs, where I read content over and over about any given situation going on on my life, but mostly to find inspiration. I’m with you there!

    I’m inspired lately to go out and do MORE. I’m SUCH a homebody, and immediately want to come home after work. Going to the gym (as opposed to prior to, or doubling up in one day), to the store, staying after school for random purposes without feeling anxious, etc., I feel like I need to be out and about more. It’s going to be easier for me when the sun doesn’t go down at 4:45pm.:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m a real homebody too. I might even have a runfession about that at the end of the month! It’s even worse for me because I don’t work, so prying myself out of the house (other than for errands) sometimes is really hard!

      Especially in the winter! It does get easier as the days get longer & warmer.


  2. I hope that I inspire others by my blog. I have been told that I do.

    But that’s not its intent. I write for myself. It keeps me motivated. I keep track of when and where I run and I recap every race.

    Is it worth the time? That depends on how much time you put into it. It is very sedentary and you can find yourself spending hours reading blogs and blogging. Fortunately for me, I don’t have that kind of time. (And I am not a homebody.)

    Blogging isn’t for everyone. You can be just an inspiring (maybe more) by starting a running group or volunteering at a race.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Absolutely blog posts are inspiring. I try not to get involved with too many of them, but those I do frequent offer a world of inspiration, encouragement, and long-distance friendship.

    My word for 2017 is a phrase, “Live in the Moment.” Left over from last year. I’m still struggling with it but getting better.

    Patience. I used to be impatient in the extreme. In my early thirties I discovered art that requires great patience, counted cross stitching. It is not difficult, but it is not an art that can be rushed. Some pieces take five or six years to complete. The patience I learned for cross stitching was carried over into my real life. I still lose it sometimes, but seldom.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I think your blog is very inspiring, and one that I make time to visit even though time isn’t a luxury I have right now. I have gravitated towards inspirational blogs, because that is the hope I have with my blog as well. I am not here to sell anything unless you can sell “real life and good vibes” with my blog.
    I have stepped away some though, because I found I was spending so much time worrying about reading and commenting on other people’s blogs as well as maintaining my own that it was taking away time I could be spending with my kids, going outside, or just living good ole life. It’s all about balance, right?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, sometimes I am here to sell, too. A little money would be nice. 🙂 But that’s never going to be all the blog is about (and if it is, feel free to virtually slap me).

      Balance is so elusive — it’s definitely much harder when you’re a single, working parent. But not for much longer!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I did not start my blog to inspire. In fact it never occurred to me anyone would ever read it. It was simply a way for me to maintain the discipline of writing when I was home raising babies, and training for Boston. Now it’s a friend hookup. : )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It seriously is one of the reasons I started to blog. I have a passion to share a healthy lifestyle with other people, to show that it doesn’t have to be all deprivation and can actually be good.

      I have thought at times of being a healthy coach, a nutritionist, a yoga teacher . . . except I actually enjoy not working!

      And that slow runners can be serious, too!


  6. Those are both great words. I feel like one is for you and the other is for everyone else. If you know what I mean. If you master “patience” please let me know, because there are many words to describe me but patient is far from one of them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am willing to bet that most of my blogging friends DO inspire people. People they’ll probably never hear from.

      Being a healthy coach has crossed my mind (obviously I’d have to do some schooling), but having owned my own business before, I know I suck at marketing.

      And yes, trying to inspire others — to eat better, that it’s okay to be a slow runner, you’re still a runner — it is part of why I started to blog. Not the only reason, but it’s part of it!


  7. Patience has been my word for a couple years now. My ITBS was really bad, and the one word I kept hearing on my comeback was patience. I’ve never been good at that, but I also don’t want to relapse. I’ve adjusted my expectations, run fewer miles and shorter races, but am still having fun.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I find your blog (and you!) truly inspiring! I wish I had the patience (get it, haha!) to put together well thought out blog posts, but mine is more of snippets of things when I think about them. I really am trying harder to be less sporadic with it this year.

    Even this comment is a jumbled mess, so you can see where I have problems with my blog, right?! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I like to write too. And I have absolutely no doubt you inspire people, Wendy.

      I’m surprised that many bloggers didn’t have that as a goal when they started. Or maybe they did, but just subconsciously?


  9. I’ve struggled with the time commitment of blogging for years, but especially since coming back after at 16-month hiatus. I’ve really enjoyed my comeback and getting to know blogs that I didn’t follow before, but the time thing still gets me. If it were just blogging, it would be one thing, but then throw in instagram, twitter, pinterest, facebook, and boy, it’s amazing I have any time to run! LOL.

    Sounds like you’ve got two great words to focus on this year! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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