Searching for cute shoes: Spilling over tea/coffee June 2017


Cute and comfortable — is that really too much to ask for?

Confessions of a Mother Runner

Today I am joining up with Coco and Deborah for their ultimate coffee tea date.

If we were enjoying high tea . . .
I’d tell you that there I was in TJMaxx last week, browsing through shoes (like I really need more shoes), when one woman came up to me and asked me about the shoes she was trying on. Did I like them?

I told her they were nice, but nothing special, and she agreed and put them back.

Then another women came up to me and asked me which pattern on a shoe I liked. We agreed on the snakeskin pattern.

There was a time I really wanted to be a stylist. I still think it would be fun. I enjoy fashion and I enjoy shopping. What could be better than making money doing it?

Although I once pursued my dream job, got it, and burned out on it.

If we were enjoying high tea . . .
I’d tell you I know it was nice that the women agreed with me. My MIL has an annoying habit of asking me questions and then just doing the opposite of whatever I answer. Which is why most of the time I don’t give her my opinion. My MIL does have many good qualities, but this is one of her quirks that really drives me nuts.

Case in point: when we were visiting, she was making some fried rice. She couldn’t remember whether to fry the eggs before or at the end. I told her it’s the last thing you put in — so the eggs don’t get rubbery.

Of course she immediately said no, and proceeded to scramble the eggs first. I felt somewhat vindicated when I came home, made my own fried rice, and indeed the instructions said to add the eggs after everything else had been cooked.

If we were enjoying high tea . . .
I’d tell you that at the beginning of the month I was feeling the effects of a couple of trips and a couple of halfs and all the carb loading that goes along with that. It was only a few pounds, but it just made me uncomfortable in my skin.

Deprivation isn’t the way to go, and clearly I was not depriving myself if you follow me on Instagram when it came to food. But it was also clear that something needed to change.

I ate savory breakfasts more often (the egg frittatas from Run Fast Eat Slow (Amazon Affiliate link) are really yummy, by the way. I stopped putting chocolate chips into almost everything. I made blueberry muffins (no chocolate chips!). I didn’t forgo chocolate altogether, but I did reign it in.

One thing I did get totally obsessed with was my yogurt bowls — you can read more about that in next Friday’s post. The gist is top it with the toppings you use at a fro-yo place.

I could eat that every day!

If we were enjoying high tea . . .
I’d tell you I’m wondering if this is just part of aging — except I know plenty of people older than me who seem to have plenty of energy.

All I know is that when we moved here, I used to swim super early in the mornings, I used to sometimes run in the warmer months before the sunrise . . . and now just thinking about doing that makes me tired.

I just seem to be more tired all the time. Maybe it’s the eight years of often gray, often cold, often wet weather. You WA peeps don’t have as much of a corner on wet & gray as you think! Or maybe it’s just been that last few years have been emotionally and physically tiring.

I’m hoping that I find my energy someday!

Cute . .. but comfy?

If we were enjoying high tea . . .
I’d also tell you that when we moved here I got into shoes. In a big way. Platforms, stillettos, kitten heels, flats . . . I bought and wore them all.

I don’t seem to have slowed down (much) when it comes to buying shoes, but I find most of the time I’m not wearing the platforms and the high heels — only very occasionally.

I blame the running.

Now my shoe shopping is a desperate attempt to find cute shoes that are also comfortable and make your feet feel good. You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find cute, comfortable shoes!

If we were enjoying high tea . . .
I’d tell you that I talked about how all the recent travel has also contributed to my lack of energy. I don’t know how all you frequent flyers due to business do it! That used to include Mr. Judy, but the last couple of years he hasn’t traveled as much for work — with works for me, now he gets to travel to my races.

But I’m sure that as soon as I get home from my next racecation I’ll be talking about how I need a vacation! It’s just human nature to never be satisfied, I guess.

Tea? Iced Tea? Coffee? Decaf? Or something else?

What family quirks annoy you?

What’s your dream job?

Did starting to run change your shoe shopping habits?

27 thoughts on “Searching for cute shoes: Spilling over tea/coffee June 2017

  1. I think you can attribute the early mornings to the Texas heat. I was an early bird in Arizona, my entire life, but after I moved here, that slowly went by the wayside. But I’m finding it not so difficult to wake up at 5:30 in the summer here as opposed to the winter. Getting up at 5:30 in the winter may just as well be like getting up at midnight, 😃

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  2. Traveling is tiring for sure. LOL on your MIL not taking your advice. I hate shoes because they’re never as comfortable as they promise – except for my Oofos and running shoes. Can’t I just live in those?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh gosh, running has definitely changed my shoe buying habit! I used to a self proclaimed “shoe whore” lol I had, at one time, a little over 200 pairs of shoes *yes, I counted them)neatly organized and labeled in my closet. Now, I may have 75 and only wear heels on an occasional night out and on Sunday mornings to church. Like you, I’m always searching for something cute and comfortable to keep my poor beat up feet as happy as possible considering what I’ve put them through. I do miss being able to wear all of those heels for hours on end, but it did come at a price …bunions. Boo!! Now I’m pissed about those because they interfere with my running! It’s a vicious cycle lol

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I was SO like you when it came to shoes. I had a ton of high heels ( although I never could do those pointy shoes). Things changed when I started running long distances (to me that was anything more than a 5k, haha). I agree that it is SO hard to find shoes that are cute and stylish and still have some what of a heel. I do like wedge shoes. I’m always on the hunt since I need to revamp my shoe collection! I actually used to be a stylist for a large department store. I got to design displays and dress maniquins!

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  5. I’m currently doing my dream job and I’m actually getting pretty burnt out. It’s difficult to hear people say “Oh wow – what an amazing job! You must be so incredibly happy every day!” That might be, but I’m tired. So I totally get that 😛

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  6. I wore heels everyday for years – like 30 and I have the bunions to show for it. I finally gave almost all of them away because now I want to save my feet for running. Fashion comes second.

    I feel lethargic when I am at home but once I force myself to do something, I get more energy. Like after running, I always feel better than before. Same with going out at night with friends. I get a second wind. (I’ve lived in this climate my whole life but I do like sunshine and warmth)

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    1. I was not at all lethargic at home this week. Exhausted, maybe! It’s always a whirlwind getting ready to go away.

      Thankfully no bunions. I like heels since I’m so short, but I never wore them all the time.


  7. My MIL is very sweet but also very hard of hearing. I have to talk really loudly and then she turns on her hearing aid and I have to repeat myself. LOL. No heels for me, unless stacked. My dream job? Teaching kids to waterski.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My Dad is basically just about deaf; I only talk to my mom on the phone. Now her hearing is going, too. At least she can still talk on the phone because she doesn’t text & almost never emails!

      I think you’d be awesome as a waterskiing instructor. Teaching is hard, though!


  8. Oh yes, I know that type well. The ones who ask your opinion only to do the exact opposite every time. I think it’s a disorder. ha! I really love my figure skating coach gig.

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  9. I still buy a lot of cute, sparkly sandals (with no support), but am very mindful of wearing them when in training. I’ve had two fairly mild cases of PF, and I don’t want to deal with that ever again. When I’m putting in the mega miles, I try to wear my supportive shoes more often than the “prettier” ones.

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  10. I love shoes too and yes the look has changed a little since I started running. My hubby hates flats, says women should not wear them but dang they are comfortable and I blame it on the running. It still doesn’t like it- LOL! Men………. Countdown to Utah- Woo HOO!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My husband doesn’t really notice my shoes much & doesn’t care about flats. But of course I’m so short I used to love my heels! Still wear them occasionally but just for going out.


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