October 2018: Did I pass?


October was a lot less busy than September, and after a couple of months of travel — mostly fun stuff — I was ready for a slower pace. If you follow me on Instagram here, you know that I did run a half marathon on Cape Cod this weekend. In a Nor’easter.


I was with one of my running buddies — not to mention 50+ of my new best running buddies from Another Mother Runner.

Getting in scheduled runs
I did it, but while I was looking for faster paces as Fall finally arrived, it seemed I was slowing down instead. And tired, oh so very tired. And yet there was the 10k PR. 🙂 My half was not a PR, not a huge surprise in those conditions, but it was quite a bit faster than the last time I ran a windy (albeit dry) half, so I’m quite happy with it. I’m giving myself an A+ for sticking it out in those nasty conditions.

Grade Earned:  A+

Recording my runs
Oy! It always seems like Fall gets me. I’m tired because I’m at the end of months of hard training, daylight is vanishing, and all I want to do is go to bed. At least most of the time I get it on the blog.

Grade Earned: C

A couple of rainy races messed with my dynamic warmups

Dynamic Warmup
There wasn’t much of a warmup before that 10k, but there was a little bit — although I skipped the warmup mile; obviously the race didn’t suffer. Mostly I’ve been pretty good about it. I did warm up before my half, because it was a short walk from our hotel to the start.

Grade Earned: A-

Foam Rolling
I’d say we’re about 90% here. Every once in a great while I do skip it, and then I always regret it. Stay tuned on the foam rolling front, I have stuff to share there eventually!

Grade Earned: B+

It was all yummy, but I think it’s still sitting around my tummy!

After months of travel and racing I’m at a weight that isn’t quite comfortable for me. You probably wouldn’t notice anything but I do. I don’t go crazy, but between being short, on the other side of menopause, a stressful year . . . it’s oh so easy to let the pounds inch their way up. I’m fighting it.

One of the ways I’m fighting it is by switching up my snacks. I love sweet snacks. Who am I kidding, I like sweet everything!  And sometimes I still do sweet snacks. But I’ve also been snacking half a sandwich on sourdough with canned salmon mixed with hummus. Don’t knock it til you try it!

Grade Earned: B+


  • Massage? No.
  • Chiropractor Appointment? Yes.
  • Do I need a hair appointment? Soon. Very soon.
  • I did an epsom salt foot soak!

Grade Earned: A-

Cross Training
I’ve continued to be pretty strong on the strength training front, but most other cross training is lacking. It seems every time I would normally swim I have a vet appointment or something else in the way of getting to the pool

I have used the stationary bike, but not as much as I should. When it’s a choice between that and actually getting in some strength training, the ST always wins.

Grade Earned: B-

October 2018  gets  . . . 
. . . an B+. It was definitely a good month, but some things are just not getting done. And I know I’ll regret it later.

October Goals:

    • Continue to Prehab. Y. As always, something is always better than nothing. Some days I even did it before running and then later n in the evening, too.
    • Strength train 2-3 x week. Y.
    • Some extra Core TLC. Y & N.I do work my core, but I think I need to make it more of a priority again. I started out the month pretty strong with it but began to skip it more towards the end of the month. I still work my core, but hadn’t been working it a bit extra.
    • Foam roll — really foam roll. Y. At least, I thought I was doing good until the Trigger Point class at the retreat!
    • Chiropractor visit. Y.
    • Swim! N.
    • Greens daily. Y & N.Almost daily, but slipping a bit here, too. Hello, soup season!
    • Berries daily. Y. It may be time to modify this a bit. Of course berries are super healthy, but they’re also no longer in season. Frozen is great, of course.
    • Meal plan on the weekends! Y. Even with a few crazy weekends, I’ve started to meal plan again. I don’t need to prep quite as much, since I don’t work, but planning on the weekend still makes a big difference for me. 

Which leads me to November Goals:

    • Continue to Prehab. As always, something is always better than nothing.
    • Strength train 2-3 x week.
    • Some extra Core TLC. I do work my core, but I think I need to make it more of a priority again.
    • Foam roll almost daily. I’d really like to say daily, but I just know that won’t happen. Can I work those knots out?
    • Swim! Before it gets too cold & I am totally unmotivated.
    • Play around with savory snacks (and report back on them!).
    • Meal plan on the weekends! Much easier to shop and eat well when I have a plan. 

I’m linking up with with MCM Mama Runs, Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and My No Guilt Life for the Tuesdays on the Run linkup.


This week I am also joining up with Running on Happy, Suzlyfe, Crazy Running Girl, and Coach Debbie Runs each week for the Coaches’ Corner linkup


28 thoughts on “October 2018: Did I pass?

  1. Um. 10K hilly PR and a half in a Nor’easter. That’s an A+ in my book.

    Just all the miles you get in each week put me to shame. Not to mention ST, warm-ups and cool downs.

    But we all do what we can to keep moving.

    Hope to see you on some Sat long runs now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t work. And I’m not driving to work in various locations most weeks. You can’t compare yourself to me.

      Sat looks nasty & I got my fill of that last week. I’ll probably run on Sunday. Haven’t completely decided about Stockadeathon yet, but no doubt I’ll bow to FOMO this time.


      1. My low mileage has nothing to do with work. I like to just run 3 and 4 on weekdays and longer on the weekend. Have to see if the weather improves or else I will run 11 on Sunday.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I don’t think so. I don’t see any reason to run longer. It would tire me out. I would play more tennis and do more stuff with my retired friends.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m so impressed you ran Cape Cod- it sounded rough with those conditions! And a 10k pr is huge! After highs like that, I always find my body is ready to pull back from training a bit and rest up. I love the plan to go for less sweet snacks- the salmon/hummus/sourdough combo sounds awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am so overdue for a hair apt. I was actually going to get one today. Those treats look so tasty. It is so hard to eat healthy while I travel a lot for work. Too much good food accessible along the road. I have foam rolled in months. I probably should dust the dirt off of that and start using it.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I am like you – if I gain even a few pounds, I notice it. I have a certain weight that is my red line. If I go above that, I cut back for a few weeks until the unwanted extra weight goes away. I am hoping all the Halloween candy gets taken by Trick or Treaters this year!

    I’m not on Instagram. I hope you will be posting a race report for your Cape Cod half?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You had a great month overall!

    Ahhh, foam rolling. I think my physical therapist reminds me to do it every appointment. I’ve managed 3 times so far….it hurts!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. A good month and good plans for next month. I’ve started to manage to stretch every day and next it’s the foam roller (urgh). My main November plan is to do my circuits regularly again after only doing them twice, 28 days apart, in October … Again, we say: urgh. But it’s worth if for the more comfortable running, right?

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I also wrote about my lack of tracking my workouts and my need to get back to that this month. Great minds think alike!

    I’m also hoping to get back on track with WW after my disastrous October! I just need to buckle down and do what I know needs to get done, which includes going back to meal prep this weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

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