Add another state?: 2/10-16 WRD

The date for my Dad’s burial has been set, and it was arranged so I could run the April half if I want to — or so I thought. I can still run the April half, but the new potential date means two trips at the end of April. So it’s gone from a nice long weekend away to add another state, to potentially all sorts of driving and my Dad’s burial — not so much relaxing. What to do?

We most likely won’t make our decision until the end of the month, since the price goes up in March (and it’s already not cheap) — in the meantime I’m still in limbo, trying to begin to up my training just in case.

If I do run the April half, most likely I will target it mostly for fun and training for my June half (although the April half is flat & fast, and the June half is downhill, and therefore has the potential to be fast). I’d probably continue to run just three times a week — unless that early spring arrives — maybe even if it does — and simply begin to increase those long runs.


Joining Kim @ Kimrunsonthefly and Deborah @ Confessionsofamotherrunner and trying to motivate myself through the gray days of Winter.


And linking up with Jenn @ Runswithpugs, Brandi @ Funnerrunner, Anna Louise @ Graciouswarriorprincess, Briana @ Matsmilesmedals, Meghan @ Meghanonthemove, and Elizabeth @ Trainwithbainfor RIOTS(running is our therapy)

Workouts update

  • Monday:  Yoga (60 min), Shoveling ice, Dogwalk
  • Tuesday: 3 miles with 5 hill repeats
  • Wednesday: Yoga (15 min), Dogwalk, Taught Yoga (60 min)
  • Thursday: Cardio (10 min), Yoga (30 min), Shoveling Ice, PB Walk with Weights (25 min)
  • Friday: Yoga (15 min), 3 TM Progressive Miles
  • Saturday: Yoga (40 min), Soul Stroll
  • Sunday: Yoga (30 min), 8 mile LSD, PB ST (10 min)

Mileage: 14 (NC)

JY = Jasyoga
PB = Killer B
TM = Treadmill
YFR = Yoga for Runners*
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike
YFPR = Yoga for Pain Relief
YTU = Yoga Tune Up Lower Body*

*Disclaimer: Amazon affiliate links; I will make a small amount of money if you buy through these links

Running Update

Finally got the driveway clear of ice (before the next ice storm hit)

It was an ugly day: cold drizzle and gray, but the temps hovered just above freezing allowing me to get out there without having to worry about black ice. I took it nice & easy, even backing off on the number of hill repeats I did. Oddly enough, this turned out to be a strong run for me — the first that felt that way in quite some time. I guess my Garmin agreed, because I gained back the point on my VO2 Max that I’d lost.

Going to my mom’s for her first Valentine’s Day alone, so 3 progressive mill miles it was (due to the cold, the wind, and time crunch).

I was able to gingerly walk over this bridge

I was hoping the bike path was clear; I made a quick trip there, and our overnight dusting of snow was still there. Who know what was underneath that snow? I didn’t want to find out.

I was tired of running in the same neighborhood, but there wasn’t much choice. The path to the bridge was clear, though, so I slowly and carefully walked over into the park. Most of today’s run was in the park, but there were still spots were the path was completely covered in ice. Wearing my trail shoes today helped a lot.

I also spent quite a bit of time running around parking lots — a runner’s gotta do what a runner’s gotta do — and discovered some new sidewalks to extend my run into 8 miles without looping.

A far warmer, and less windy, day than yesterday, but it still wasn’t an easy run. I couldn’t convince myself for much of the run that Winter running is, indeed, a good thing (like I wrote about this week here), but I rallied enough to realize that I am lucky I can run, and that I got to do it outside.

I think my Mom deserves the roses on Valentine’s — but I got flowers from Mr. Judy, too (not pictured — the flowers or Mr. Judy). My necklace? That was a gift from my parents on my Bat Mitzvah. It’s almost antique now, LOL!

Favorites of the week
I usually like to get a massage on my birthday, whether or not I’ve run. Since it’s almost a month since my Dad passed, and Valentine’s Day happens to be my birthday, and my brother was coming in for a visit (he had scheduled that a long time ago), I thought it would help my mom if I went down to her instead. No time for a massage.

Instead of pampering myself I spent my birthday running on the treadmill; picking up roses, chocolate covered strawberries, and new towels for my mom; and of course the 90+ minute commute down there. I attended Shabbat Services with her, but she did have a cake for me at dinner, which was just ok, but wait, there’s more . . .

Grandma soaking up the love

My brother came in the next day with his daughter. I’d overheard my mom talking to my sister, and knew she was bringing another cake that day. Along with pizza for lunch for everyone. Oy! The cake was supposed to be a surprise, but I can still hear fairly well.

It tasted as good as it looked! My poor sister brought sparkler candles for the cake. They don’t allow candles at all at my mom’s senior living facility.

As you can see, though, it was a beautiful cake (and much better tasting than the previous night’s cake.

So . . . not the best birthday, although I rarely spend it with family, and while we’ve been brought together a lot this year for sad things, it was nice to spend a happier occasion together. Not my worst birthday, either: that belongs to my fourteenth, when my Uncle died unexpectedly of a heart attack.

Do you have cake on your birthday?  Because it’s just me & Mr. Judy, I haven’t had a cake on my birthday since my nephew’s Bar Mitzvah, 5 years ago (it happened to fall on my birthday). I do always have dessert on my birthday, though. 🙂 Just no need for an entire cake!

If you travel to your halfs, are they just a quickie, or do you take the time to explore? Mine are called racecations for a reason — I like to take my time in the area that I’m visiting!

Do you pamper your mom on Valentine’s Day?  Yourself?

ICYMI: February is about love — self love, that is. Because you can’t love others if you don’t love yourself! Try my short (just 5 minutes!) guided Self Love meditation here. Be the first to know when I release new videos: sign up for my newsletter here to find out when I add new videos, and you’ll receive a free Self Love Affirmation PDF and a bonus audio-only version of this self love meditation.

47 thoughts on “Add another state?: 2/10-16 WRD

  1. There are so many things I love in your post this week, Judy!
    I love that cake that your sister got you.
    I love that picture with you and your mum. So sweet.
    I love that picture where your niece is hugging your mum.
    I love that you could spend time with your family.
    And I didn’t know your birthday coincides with Valentine’s Day! I really hope you catch up on your missed birthday massage!
    Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Glad your birthday was nice, and you were able to share it with you mom. I’m sure she appreciated having you there. That cake! WOW! It almost looks too pretty to eat (almost LOL).

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, when I was in the Air Force I was stationed there for three years. It was one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever lived…magical in fact, although I met my husband there so I may be biased. The darkness affected my depression, so it is definitely not a place I could live forever, and MAN does it get cold there, LOL!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Ooooh! That cake! It looks so yummy. What a Valentine’s birthday treat! Your hubby did good getting you roses. He’s a keeper.

    Loved the photo of you and your mom. It was nice that you went to be with her for her first Valentine’s Day alone.

    Here’s hoping that your April half goes well.Might as well start training now to get in shape for June.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There’s still been major back & forth on the date for my Dad’s burial. Every time we think it’s set something seems to pop up.

      For now I’m training as if I’ll run it, but not putting on much pressure to train, if that makes sense.


  4. Perhaps not the birthday celebration you would have chosen, I love that you spent Valentine’s Day with your mom. You both look so happy! I suspect you will find a way to make that half happen. Might as well start training anyway! Thanks for linking up and happy birthday again 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You haven’t slept in the beds at my mom’s place. which I’ve done far too often this year.

      Time with family is always good, though, and I always think about how many more celebrations does my mother have. I knew we would lose my Dad this year — heck, I really thought it might happen last year.

      My mom could live to 100, who knows!


  5. Happy birthday.

    As I get older I don’t really care about my birthday. And it’s usually celebrated along with Mother’s Day.

    I can’t remember when I got a cake. Maybe from my mah jongg or tennis friends.

    Being with family sounds like a perfect day.

    Obviously I prefer short race weekends with friends. Not my hubby.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Happy Birthday! Oh, I love that picture with your mom and your grandma! I’m not big into cake, but usually my mom gets me a cupcke or two for my birthday. That bridge looks treacherous! I had to dodge icy patches on my run yesterday. I have to watch carefully and take a detour or stop before Scooby drags me through. ;-).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think cupcakes are perfect: portion control. 🙂

      I was able to hold onto the side of the bridge, and just went really, really slowly (trail shoes helped, too). It was much better on the way back.

      That’s the great thing about my little dogs — they don’t drag me anywhere. 🙂 Glad Scooby didn’t ultimately, either!


    1. The cake was good. The problem is I don’t want the leftovers, and even with 8 of us, there was half the cake left over. And usually it’s just the 2 of us!

      Funny, so many mentioned ice cream sundaes, which I love — but not so much in Winter! One of the restaurants near my mom has the most awesome one, but I can’t commit to a trip down in winter until a few days before, when I know what the weather will actually do.


  7. ❤ Happy birthday to you! That photo of you and your mom is beautiful. I'm sure she was glad to have you there.

    I don't really like cake. I prefer ice cream sundaes, and that's what I would rather have on my birthday 🙂

    When I travel to races, I do like to take a few days to explore, especially if it's a new-to-me city.

    Sending love.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I definitely didn’t ask for cake (much less 2!). Kind of hard to bring an ice cream sundae. 🙂 I don’t know what I would have asked for . . . but I do enjoy cake, and it was good.

      My mom didn’t like the photo, LOL — she said it made her look old. Well, yeah, mom, you are. Can’t get around being 92 years old.


  8. I just want to hug you so hard right now Judy!

    Happy belated birthday – I guess this year in particular is kind of hard with your dad passing. I can only imagine. x

    cake on my birthday – not generally. A treat, yes.
    travel for halfs – It depends how far away it is. I like my racecations too.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I started making my own birthday cake a few years ago. I found a recipe that I love and like to bake, so it may sound strange to some people to bake their own cake but I’d actually rather have that than one from a bakery. I’m like you when I travel to a half. I like to enjoy the area for at least a few days.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. WOW, what a cake!! I do love cake on my birthday, and even if it took a week to finish, I’d insist on a birthday cake for me 🙂 I’m glad you have your running – such a therapeutic activity. We didn’t really celebrate Valentine’s day other than box of chocolates. (still, no complaints there!) There was a fund raiser spaghetti dinner at the high school so we had dinner there!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Happy birthday, Judy! Your cake is beautiful! Today is Bill’s birthday and I made him a chocolate cake with chocolate icing – his favorite.

    I have sent my mom roses every Valentine’s Day since my dad died. When my father-in-law was alive, he sent me flowers every VD. Bill has kept the tradition alive by sending Julie (our daughter-in-law) flowers every VD since she and Joseph got married.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is so sweet that you send your mom roses. My Dad was a really romantic guy, but he actually never bought her flowers. I’ve been bringing her flowers since I was a kid — we’d walk down a local ice cream place that was near a florist, and we’d bring flowers back for our moms. She really enjoys them!

      Sometimes Mr. Judy brings “me” flowers and then we bring them on down to my mom.

      Liked by 1 person

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