Running 9 miles allows me to eat anything?: 3/14-20 Weekly Wrap


It was a fairly quiet week. I wasn’t feeling well, but I got in all my runs. Just easy runs, recovery after last week’s race. No hill repeats, no speedwork, unless you call a few miles at race pace during my long run speedwork.

Don’t forget to let us know how your week went at the Weekly Wrap from Holly @ Hohoruns and Tricia @ Misssipppiddlin.



Workouts update

  • Monday: Dogwalk, Final Felt Meltdown
  • Tuesday: Dogwalk x 2, Yoga Tune Up Feet & Ankles, 10 min Yoga Flexibiliy & Relaxation
  • Wednesday: Easy 5 miles, YFR Hips
  • Thursday: Dogwalk x 2, Yoga Tuneup Hips, Yamuna Foot Fitness
  • Friday: 4 miles easy, dogwalk, YFR Foundation
  • Saturday: Yoga Tuneup Hips, feet & Ankles, Dogwalk
  • Sunday: 9 mile LSD (5 by myself, 4 with Darlene)

Mileage: 18 (+2)

TIU = Tone it Up
TM = Treadmill
YFR = Yoga for Runners
WU = warmup
YFPR = Yoga for Pain Relief


Running update
I was really dragging this week and I don’t think it had anything to do with the time change. Either allergies or fighting something off all week long so I took it easy.

Wednesday wasn’t as nice as last week, but it still was pretty darn nice so I ran to the grocery store again. I specifically got in 5 miles because Friday rain/snow was forecast, and I figured I could do 4 miles on the treadmill if need be.

Scenes from Halfmoon Town Park; if only it was larger!

The weather did cool down Friday, but it was actually quite nice, if a bit windy. Friday I explored a new park, which I really enjoyed, especially as it had crushed gravel paths. Unfortunately it’s only about 1-2 miles of paths at most, so after going around once, I ran into the adjoining neighborhoods, then ran back and looped around again. I’ll be back.

There wasn’t much working out this week other than running and short yoga practices. The mind was willing, but I just didn’t feel good so the flesh wasn’t. Thankfully I started to feel better towards the weekend — maybe the allergy medicine I started to take. I don’t normally suffer with allergies, and I’m not sure that was what it was, all I know is I feel better and I am thankful.

I know; he really should be too cute to eat

Weekend Favorites
Mr. Judy had a groupon to get some meat at a local farm, so we loaded up Lola and took a short drive into the country and met that cute fellow above. Sorry, my veggie friends, while I do eat vegetarian a lot, I still eat meat occasionally. Although it is hard to square away eating lamb (which they didn’t have so I didn’t get) and that cute little face. I do try to source it from meat that is raised humanely.

I bought some steak, and we grilled it for dinner, then I made us some buttered popcorn and we watched “Cinderella Man”,  another of my favorite motivational movies. Or should I say I slept through quite a bit of it? Oh well.

I was offline most of the night, and forgot to shut down my electronics, so I never saw the message Darlene sent me. I’d decided to head up to the Zim Adventure Trail again. She was racing Sunday, and had mentioned finishing up her miles near her race, but asked if I wanted to meet up at Zim.

Yes, it was chilly enough for tights & I’m in LOVE with the heartbreaker skirt from Skirtsports — wore it twice this week, but hoping it’ll warm up too much to wear it again this spring & a cute birdhouse seen on the run

Luckily her race didn’t start until 11 so we were able to hash out the details. I headed up and did my 5 miles at an easy pace, met up with her, then tried to do about 3 miles at race pace (or projected race pace). I didn’t quite make it, but I came close and the last 4 miles were faster so it’s all good.

Leah Bakery’s turtlebar: O.M.G.

Then we went into the bakery we’d parked at. Big mistake. HUGE. (can you name the movie?). Well, it wasn’t really, I can just see this being a problem if I keep stopping there in the future! I had a turtle bar and it was totally awesome. I meant to save some for Mr. Judy but it just didn’t happen. The guy helping us tried to convince us that we could eat any thing we wanted after running 9 miles. How I wish that was true!

And that’s a wrap!

Do you have a favorite place you stop for a treat after a long run?

28 thoughts on “Running 9 miles allows me to eat anything?: 3/14-20 Weekly Wrap

  1. Okay, if you’re gonna put a face on my meat, I’m not gonna eat it, 😉
    Now your little treat there… well, you can put all kinds of cute on it and nothing would stop me from that! I think I need to visit a bakery soon, hehe!
    What a pretty park you went to! You’re right… it’s a shame it’s so small! But I’m sure it was nice to get some different scenery!
    Glad you’re feeling better now! Tis the season!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I stopped eating veal many years ago, but I do occasionally eat lamb. In fact, it’s been my Passover meal for decades.

      Although when Mr. Judy is not here, I don’t eat meat. Well, except for bacon. I stopped eating bacon for many years, and just a year or so ago I started eating it again. I gotta admit I love bacon. Yes, it’s kind of hypocritical of me and I know that. Not perfect!


  2. For being slightly under the weather you had a week of accomplishment. Good work! My husband loves lamb, but I don’t, so he must order it when we out; the reverse for salmon, I love it, he doesn’t. I don’t eat veal, either. I am not vegetarian, but one of our sons was for years. I still enjoy and cook vegetarian frequently.

    Love your outfit.
    And the bakery.
    “Pretty Woman.”

    Have a great day. We are both home today (we both work in schools). March 21…snow day! Crazy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And we have no snow. 🙂 Which makes me so happy! Just the cold.

      And yes, Connie, you got the quote right.

      Seriously, I took it real easy this week. We both do like lamb, but rarely eat it as it’s so expensive. We’re the same way about salmon — I love it, he doesn’t, although thankfully he does like fish. So I make him some other type of fish when I make myself salmon.


  3. Such a cute outfit!!! I don’t like lamb so I don’t have to worry about it and now I can’t really eat beef or pork (they don’t sit well and they are also cute). Where we eat after a long run depends on where we run but we did stop at one of our favorite taquerias yesterday and I got some huevos con papas….yum!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. There is no food stops in my neighborhood after runs lol just my house. That turtle bar looks amazing! I guess after a long run is the best time if you are going to do it 🙂
    The lamb is quite precious…
    Love the big cloud puffy skies, even the gray ones!
    Love the outfit.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Actually, there is a bakery just across the street from the grocery store nearest our house. I never go there. Well, I went there once with my family but have never been back.

      It was a nice day at the park, even with the wind.


  5. Lamb is one of my favorites. I don’t make it much but do order in restaurants. I was feeling lousy on Friday & took the day off..It was a 24 hour thing thank God.

    Thanks for the Zim trail recommendation. I’m going back soon…to run and to eat at that bakery.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. For me it was all week — muscle aches, slight temp, fatigue — but thankfully by saturday I finally started to feel better.

      I can only eat at that bakery after a loooong long run. 🙂 Actually, I just didn’t have the healthy snacks I planned & I think it’ll work out ok — I did eat my banana after you left, though.

      And then I wasn’t hungry for hours!


  6. Great job getting your miles in even when feeling less than 100%. I always struggle to run when I don’t feel well. I kind of am in love with that lamb… he’s just the cutest thing!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. sounds like a pretty good week even when you were feeling under the weather! glad your on the upswing to feeling better!!!
    and love it that LSD is still being used to describe the length of a training run. I haven’t seen that term in a while
    : )

    Liked by 1 person

  8. That park trail looks lovely too bad it is only a 1-2 miles. I have a park like that near me. I like it cus it’s safe but I usually have to find ways to deviate off the path to get more miles in.

    I like to stop at Starbucks after a long run because it’s conveniently located at the end of my favorite trail!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. When it warms up I’m sure someday I’ll check out the ice cream place next to the park. Or go with my husband and Lola & we’ll all check it out — it’ll be a perfect place to walk Lola.

      Although the downside of our warm winter is now I’m finding ticks on Lola and I’ve never found a tick on her before!


  9. 9 miles is a lot and I usually will have a special treat with that distance. I NEVER feel guilty about having a really good meal with dessert and wine after a long run. NEVER. Its one of the reasons I run.

    Love your zebra top. You look great !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Really, what was more important about that outfit was that if was so darn comfy. But looking cute is a plus.

      9 miles for me is kind of on the edge of being able to afford a little more food. I really do have a lousy metabolism (or just a giant appetite!).

      And also, it’s hard to let go of years of struggling with my weight and eating, too. A work in progress.


  10. Pretty Woman! We watched Self/less and I managed to stay awake. A rarity. But it was just OK. The theme for everyone this week seems to be “struggle”. Whatever it was, I hope you are feeling better. I thought for a minute that was your coffee cup collection. I guess it’s the bakery’s but it’s very cute nonetheless. Thanks for linking with us Judy. Oh, after my 9 miler I ate a turkey burger.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, that was the bakery’s coffee cups. But I do have quite the collection (only they’re tea mugs, obviously) — I try to get one from everywhere I travel to.

      And yes, thank you, I fell okay again.

      A turkey burger? Really? That just doesn’t sound special. At least not to me.


  11. Ah allergies hit me hard at the end of last week too–all of the dogwood is blooming around here! That turtle bar looks amazing. When I’m racing in Richmond there’s this place called Proper Pie that I love to stop at afterward-they sell savory hand pies and it’s home of the best pumpkin pie I’ve ever tasted 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nothing is blooming here – yet – in fact we had a really hard freeze last night.

      But at least the trees are budding and the bulbs are pushing up (if not yet blooming).

      I’m not sure if it was allergies or just a mild virus, whatever, I’m just glad it’s over!


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