5 Things I’d do if I didn’t run


What would you be doing if you weren’t a runner?

The new Friday Five 2.0  from Fairytales & Fitness and Rachel @ Running on Happy ask what activities you wish you had time for instead of your current activity — while I do enjoy many forms of fitness, running doesn’t leave me as much time as I’d like for other fitness pursuits.


Ice Skating
When I first moved here, I used to skate about once a week during the colder months. It had been many years since I’d skated, since I lived in Austin, TX, but it’s something I’ve done on and off since I was a kid.

I’m not particularly good at it, as I’m not a natural athlete, but I do enjoy it.

I stopped skating when I became more serious about running.

Mostly I did Zumba at home, but I also took a class occasionally. Now I don’t even do it at home; partially because one of my DVDs, the one with the shorter workout, got damaged in the move.

Which is just an excuse, of course I could buy new DVDs, not to mention they’ve come out with newer workouts.

Believe me, I’m not a good dancer, either — which is part of why I really enjoyed doing Zumba in the privacy of my own home.

I’d love to take more classes, to try hot yoga (still haven’t gotten there), to be able to do a longer practice on my own more often.

It’s easier to get in yoga during the warmer months — I don’t mind changing clothes, and I can just hang out in my fitness clothes anyway. Tougher in the colder months when I need to change out of, and than back into, jeans — it’s not so easy to do yoga in jeans, although I’ve been known to try!

Obviously that ship has sailed for the year, but I had every intention of trying kayaking this summer. Like I have for oh, maybe the last 5 summers? If not more? Like how I got another 5 in there?

It could be a lot like SUP — I’m a scaredy cat and things that can tip over take me outside my comfort zone. Despite the fact that I’m a good swimmer!

Maybe next summer.

All the prehab!
All runners know, in theory, that it’s better to prehab than rehab. So of course it’s incredibly ironic that all that running makes it difficult to actually find the time to prehab! I’m good about warming up (most days) and foam rolling and using my ShinTekk.

Prehab is all about exercise that helps prevent injuries. So that you don’t have to rehab. So why is it so darn hard to prehab, until you need to rehab — then, somehow, you find the time.

Maybe because you’re not running or running less.

Of course, if I weren’t running, I wouldn’t need to prehab, right? So you could probably insert swimming in there. In the colder months I’m aiming for a couple of swims a month — maybe. When it’s warmer, I try to swim once a week.

I would love to swim more often. All I need is that indoor lap pool I saw at the NY Marathon Expo. It was on special. A mere $13k.

Talk to me. Leave a comment or answer a question:

What activities does running get in the way of?

What activities would you do more of if you didn’t run?

Would you enjoy an indoor lap pool? How about your own sauna?

36 thoughts on “5 Things I’d do if I didn’t run

  1. I’d probably use the elliptical or bike more often if I didn’t run. If I had my own indoor pool, I’d use it. I don’t want to have to go to the gym to use one.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, there are definitely houses with pools here — outdoor ones, that is. With such a short season you wouldn’t think so, but there are.

        We didn’t look at any. I was actually more focused on the 2 car garage.


  2. Hate swimming and don’t enjoy ice skating – too cold!!

    I have tried kayaking (on the lake) and would love to do it more but I don’t see myself buying a kayaking and being about to transport to to different places. But I do want to do it (and just rent one)..

    Though I didn’t think about summer activities when I wrote my post but I would like to do a lot more hiking and maybe try to enjoy biking more.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t like biking & haven’t bee on one since I was a kid. I was amazed by the bikers in Sedona!

      You just wear a coat to ice skate in.

      I’d love to hike , too, but it’s hard to find the time with the dogs. Although Bandit could probably hike with me.


      1. I find skating as boring as a treadmill. You just go around in circles. Then again I never did anything complicated. I like outdoor scenery which is why I would like biking.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I loved your comments about Zumba! I am not gifted (in the least) with coordination. At a race last year, they had a Zumba instructor leading us in a warm-up…and I tried my best to follow her lead…but always kept going in the opposite direction or lifting the wrong foot or turning the wrong way. Total comic relief for anyone needing a good laugh.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I always say if Im not running I would put more time into rehab/prehab…but when Im injured I am not very motivated to do that stuff! (At least at first…eventually I get around to it). I think I would spend more time strength training and spinning if I didnt run.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. i’d swim and bike more, a lot more, but then i’d want to add the run again so i could do another triathlon one day, like next year, maybe 🙂

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