Laughter is good for the soul: Runfessions January 2017


2015 was a tough year and I wasn’t sad to see it go. 2016 might have been even tougher, and I wasn’t sad to see it go. 2017 has just started, but I’m pretty sure it will be another tough year — it’s just my time of life, with aging parents and aging furkids.

But you know what helps? Getting a few runfessions off your chester (<-I just reread my post and came across that typo & I’m gonna keep it in because it actually made me LOL!) and sometimes laughing at yourself — join me, Marcia at Marcia’s Healthy Slice and other bloggers to get your to start 2017 by cleansing a little with your runfessions.

I runfess . . .
That you can call me the anitsocial winter runner. Darlene keeps trying to get me out there at night to run. Often it’s not a running day for me, because I may have already run a couple of days in a row.

But still, if you can run during the middle of the day or in the afternoon in winter, would you meet a friend in the cold and dark? Especially knowing that she’s already meeting up with another runner friend?

Running inside to keep the hair tamed

I runfess . . .
That sometimes it’s all about the hair. When it was warm, but rainy, on the day before going to my parents, part of why I chose the treadmill was to prevent crazy runner hair.

Normally I don’t really care that much, but we were going out for my sister’s birthday, and my parents tend to be judgmental. My Dad also doesn’t have much of a filter anymore and tends to speak loudly because he’s very hard of hearing. He did have us cracking up over a few of the things he said, very loudly, in the restaurant.

Just don’t leave me behind!

I runfess . . .
That sometimes it’s a relief to run without Bandit. He’s calmer on a walk if he gets in regular walks and gets to run with me once or twice a week, but it’s easier to run without him.

Because of our weather lately he hasn’t had enough exercise. Which was abundantly clear on one walk with the dogs after a few days without walks due to weather: Bandit was just pulling all over the place.

He doesn’t even seem to mind running in really cold weather. Or even through mud, apparently (well, he wasn’t super happy about it, but we still managed 3 miles).

I runfess . . .
I am very good at keeping secrets, and I’ve been keeping kind of a big one from y’all. I wanted to see how it played out. Because all the cool kids are doing it, I am working with a running coach. Well, actually, that’s not the reason.

Most of the time I’m a planner and a researcher and put a lot of thought into how I spend my money (just don’t ask Mr. Judy about that). But sometimes I can be impulsive, too. When Rachel @ Runingonhappy offered a free month of coaching I pretty much jumped right on board.

Without researching or asking a whole lot of questions, either. I’ve “known” Rachel via her blog for a while, but I can’t say we were bosom blog buddies. I can say I had been considering dipping my toes into the coaching pool, but this was impulsive. Yes, I was lured in by that free month, I admit it. We’ve just been working on building my base and haven’t yet gotten to the “good” stuff. You know, speedwork, tempos, all that “fun” stuff.

While I think it’s good to be your own coach, and I think I’m not too bad at it, I will admit it’s also nice to have someone else hand you your workouts. Someone with actual training (unlike myself!).

I runfess . . .
I have been slowly working on decluttering. I still had sweaters from last winter that needed washing, and some summer pants . . .  what happens is I have a ton of laundry, figure I won’t need that stuff til the next year, stuff it in a laundry bag and proceed to ignoreforget all about it

And speaking of forgetting, I runfess as I’ve worked through some of those clothes I found sweaters I didn’t even remember I owned!

Wouldn’t you like to get some runfessions off your mind? Come join us


I am also linking up with the  Friday Five 2.0  from Fairytales & Fitness and Rachel @ Running on Happy today.


44 thoughts on “Laughter is good for the soul: Runfessions January 2017

  1. Very cool to me working with Rachel! I’m sure she will help you get faster (I think you’ve wanted to do that). LOL on parents with no filter. I always think I’m not THAT mom but sometimes I realized way later that what I said could have been taken the wrong way.

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    1. Well, my Dad is almost 91. Neither of my parents have ever really been long on tact, but there’s some cognitive & health issues going on there, too. So I’m sure you’re a lot better.

      I’d love to get faster, of course — I mean, what runner ever said they want to get slower? — but it’s really more about having someone else take a look at what I do & think about what I *can* do.


  2. Love the typo and am glad you kept it. A little tug at the heart but worth it, no?
    Love your hair, too. Is it okay to envy it a little. Mine is so….plain.

    I would so love to work with a coach. I do have a friend who a couple of years ago wrote out a plan to help me reach my sub-9-minute-mile goal. Alas, it is the only goal I set that I did not reach.

    When I first embarked on a fitness journey back in 2012 I did work with a personal coach once a week for a half hour. It was part of the program. I was not able to continue ($$$) but I loved working one-on-one and I loved my coach. As the Rolling Stones sing, You can’t always get what you want.

    I am a de-clutterer. I wish my better half was as well. I would purge our home to the nth degree. I am totally obsessive and have a hard time dealing with stuff all over the place. Luckily, it’s mostly confined to the cellar and the family room, a.k.a. his man cave. So I pretty much leave him alone.

    Bandit photogenic? Oh, yeah, he sure is.

    Have a great weekend. And lots of fun with you coach. Great secret to reveal.

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    1. I truly think your hair is beautiful, Connie. Don’t get me wrong, I love my curls, but they’re a frizzy mess most of the time & it’s running’s fault.

      Life is too short to have angst over clutter! There are far more important things for angst, but I suppose we can’t really change our nature. I’ve been able to keep up the house since brunch — not as much, of course, but not bad for me. But it’s only 2 weeks. 🙂

      Have a great weekend Connie! At least there are no ice storms headed our way.


  3. I knew you would get a coach.
    Me? I could use one but I think I would prefer one that I would meet wish in the flesh. And then there are the doubts on whether or not I would even get faster.

    Most of the time, I run alone – just sayin… I can’t depend on Alyssa. She’s has a lot of family stuff.

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    1. There are plenty of local coaches available, but my guess is you won’t get one.

      Although I said my goal was a PR, we both know that there are so many factors that go into that. So I’m not holding my breath on it — plus I know that just a few months rarely makes a difference.

      I’ve got a lot of family stuff too, unfortunately. Evening workouts are just hard for me during the winter.


      1. Probably not. Don’t want to spend the money and I don’t know if I would have the time (or patience) to do the workouts they suggest so it would be a waste of money. I think I want running to be more fun and less stress. Trying to get faster seems stressful.

        Hope it works out for you. You had a huge PR coaching yourself so you can always go back to that.

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      2. I don’t expect a huge PR. Not even necessarily a PR. We both know a lot of things have to align for that.

        It would definitely be a waste of $$ if you didn’t do the workouts. I’m not saying you should, just that you could.


      3. The word workout is stressful. It means you have to do something specific. I like to just go run. I only wear a watch in a race. And so far it works. Then again who knows if I would be faster if I did them. Food for thought.

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  4. When I use to run with Baylee, that mile or so run was all she needed to tire her out and then she became a much better walker for the duration of our time out on the path!

    Bandits coat is so cute!

    Good luck with Rachel. I always think that I need to get my own “act together” before I get someone else involved..haha. I don’t even know what I want to work on myself. I guess I would need to know that first huh?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, you’d definitely need to know what you want out of a coach! Since I have 3 halfs all lined up now . . .

      Bandit is interesting. He’s a terrier mix, so he has stamina. He’s good at being a couch potato at home, but until Friday, he seemed to really enjoy running. Maybe it was that muddy run last week that turned him off — all I know is it actually made my life easier.


  5. Oh wow! That is big and exciting news! I don’t know if I can handle a running coach. I mean, I know that I could definitely use one …but geez, I do hate being told what to do! 🙂 🙂 I can’t wait to hear all about it and see how you like it. Good luck, you’re going to do great!

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  6. How awesome to be working with Rachel!! AS much as I like to be in control with all things running, and having run many half marathons in the past recent years, I think I have a pretty good grasp on what works (and what does NOT) for me…..working with a coach (last fall) was liberating. I didn’t have to think so much about what to do, I just did as what was “told” to me.

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  7. I’m decluttering big-time lately. Today I’m wearing a sweater I haven’t worn since last year. It’s a test… When the day is over, will I decide that I love it enough to keep it or will it go in the donation box? We’ll see!

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  8. It’s so funny that we both runfessed about our hair! 🙂 I have time to run in the afternoons alone, but prefer to meet my friends at 5:30 AM in the dark and cold just to get my runs behind me and to enjoy the company of my friends. If the choice were between running mid-day alone and running in the evening with friends, I would choose mid-day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I probably couldn’t do it in the mornings either. My husband would have to take care of the furkids — he does do that for me in the summers, when I run with a group and when it gets too early for me to do everything, but since he’s the one going to work usually, it is a lot to ask.

      Mostly it’s winter. When it’s warmer & light, I don’t have as much problems. Although sometimes it makes me wired, too, and I have trouble getting to sleep.

      I even have trouble going out to eat on the weekend when it’s cold & dark; it’s not just meeting up for runs!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Yay I’m so excited to be working with you! It’s gonna be awesome. Don’t worry, the fun stuff is coming soon… 🙂

    And I agree, it’s fun to run without Trixie sometimes too… but don’t tell her. Lol!

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  10. I have to admit that I’ve been a bit antisocial with my running too. There are running groups that meet, but because of the effort it takes to get there (driving and figuring out parking or taking a train), I’d rather just run by myself in my neighborhood!

    And yay to working with Rachel! She looks like she’s an awesome running coach, I look forward to hearing it goes with you two!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hear you on the effort. And I run in my neighborhood a lot because yes, it takes less time (although today I’m venturing out — but today it’s cold! Brrr!).

      It would be easier to meet up with people if I ever actually found people who run my past. I know I’m not the only one, but I don’t seem to hook up with them. . . .


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