Putting on your oxygen mask: TOLT

I sit down here at my computer, with no freakin’ clue what I’m going to be Thinking Out Loud about today. A smart blogger would probably just move on to polishing her Friday post, which is about 75% written. I never claimed to be a smart blogger.

My blog is stuck
I would love to grow the blog more, although I won’t be getting up to any shenanigans to do so. I guess I’m just not a shenanigans type of girl.

If someone offers me something to give away — something I like or believe in — I’m all too happy to pass that on to you. But not too many companies will look at a blog my size and offer me stuff. Obviously a few have, and I’ve also reached out on my own.

I won’t be buying you gift cards on my own dime to give away, either. I want to attract people who either get something out of my blog or feel a connection to me. I know I love building connections with other bloggers!

I’m not quite sure why my blog remains where it is. New people stop by. People still follow it. Yet it seems stuck. Maybe it’s because I am usually fairly busy during the day — the time most bloggers are stuck at work (and therefore blogging), or the fact that I’m not a night person, another prime blogging time, or the fact that I’m busy with my furkids and parents (or the fact I write about the furkids and the parents), or even the fact that I’m still self hosted.

Anyone with constructive insights, I’m all ears.

A little spoiler alert
I’ll be writing about this in my weekly wrap, too, but different folks read different posts. Last week the running was so good. Hard, but good. It’s my peak week this week, with my half just two long runs away.

I wouldn’t say I’m struggling, but it definitely started off feeling a lot harder this week. The wind? March is definitely blowing in. I’m so over wind, but wind ain’t done with me. The cumulative time and miles of training hard? Juggling all that training and the demands of everyone else around me?

Don’tcha hate when that happens?
I took out my credit card and put it in a coat pocket after my tempo run on Tuesday. When I got to the store, it wasn’t there. Or anywhere else that I could see (luckily I had more credit cards with me).

I ransacked my bag, my coat, and my car when I got home. Twice. I couldn’t find it. I informed Mr. Judy when he got home, and he had the typical male reaction, to which I naturally reacted with such grownup attitude (not — we all have  our breaking points).

Then he went to look in my car and found it immediately. He thought I’d blow up at him again — I was just super grateful that he found it — I think that is a male vs female thing (in general).

Putting on my oxygen tank
You know what they say about oxygen tanks on planes. I’ve been trying to practice a little more self care lately. It can be hard to squeeze in, but it really is so important.

Here’s what I’ve been doing:

  • Try to use my footspa at least once per week (really shooting for twice)
  • Moisturizing my hands more often
  • Trying to use my massage chair a few times a week
  • Meditate daily
  • Do my nails (because pretty nails do make me smile)

Some things take only a couple of minutes; some things about 10-20 minutes. Don’t tell me you’re too busy to take a couple of minutes a day for you. You don’t have to do what I do — do what’s soothing to you.

You can still run Utah with me
And maybe meet a few of your favorite bloggers. I don’t have any more entries up for grabs, but code crj15 will get you 15% off your race entry (register here).

Come for the mostly downhill Boston Qualifier course, finish for the 10th anniversary jacket. Don’t forget to let me know if you do register — I’d love to meet you! It’s gonna be a party.

He’s a little camera shy

He loves me, he really loves me
One day Bandit was trying to jump into my lap, and I tried to help him up — the same exact maneuver that got Mr. Judy nipped the day we met Bandit. He didn’t nip me, but he sure let out a yelp and ran away. Later I made sure to pick him up a different way — he’s not super fond of being picked up, but he’s okay once you get him up.

Look very closely for the Bandit photobomb.He loves hanging out there, looking out the Bay window.

Then during our “adult conversation” on Tuesday, I accidentally stepped on Bandit’s foot. Another yelp. And then he proceeded to climb into my lap when I sat down to check him out and try to lick me. Don’t you just love that about dogs?

Do something to hurt a cat and they’ll run away and hide. Hurt a dog, and they’re likely to try to cuddle up with you (if you have a good, established relationship). Don’t get me wrong, I love both cats and dogs pretty equally — dogs need a purr, for instance.

Talk to me. Tell me in the comments:

Cats, dogs, or both?

Is there anywhere in your life you feel stuck right now?

How do you show yourself a little love?

I’m linking up with Amanda at Running with Spoons for her:

Thursdays are for thinking out loud

17 thoughts on “Putting on your oxygen mask: TOLT

  1. Definitely cats.

    Actually don’t care about growing my blog. I don’t have the time or interest to compete. I blog for myself. If someone wants to read it and it helps them, so much the better.

    Of course, I get stuck and I often consider taking a break. Hopefully, I don’t just blog to blog and write non-running-related nonsense. (Ok, maybe I do sometimes LOL).

    Sunshine makes me smile but I can’t control that. Finger nails done, hair colored and cut, polish on my toes and ice cream make me smile – all controllable.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I guess my blogging goal is different that yours. I don’t even pay attention to those numbers or who and how many comment.

        Now races are about running and that’s more important. I’d rather be out running than sitting at my computer writing a post to attract more readers.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. I love cats and dogs equally, I really do. But the allergy thing keeps me away from them….but not they away from me. Haha! Honestly I think the entire blog space is overcrowded.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m sorry Judy, but I need to respond to your comment that a lot of folks who are “stuck at work” blog at work. I’d bet a lot of bloggers aren’t blogging at work. I can tell you that I don’t do anything at my job but see patients and chart. I don’t even take a lunch. There’s no time for blogging, much less reading blogs. With my family, I’m pretty busy at home too. I’m not a night owl either. Sometimes it’s hard to get my posts done, sometimes I feel like I’m phoning them in. It is what it is. I’m not sure why your blog is “stuck” as you say. Personally, I blog for the interaction with other runners. I really enjoy that part of blogging. The ambassadorships, etc is just the cherry on the sundae.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I didn’t say all bloggers are blogging at work — in fact, I don’t think people are writing blogs at work. But I’m pretty sure that many people are on social media at work & I’d be really surprised if people weren’t reading & commenting on blogs at work. Not all people; everyone has different types of jobs — I also know I have plenty of friends, not bloggers, who are definitely on the internet at work.

      I’m not blogging to get ambassadorships. I only apply at companies I believe in & ones where I’ve used the product. Often for a long time before I started a blog. I was buying Skirtsports long before I became an ambassador & have been using HoneyStinger since my very first half — I wasn’t even on FB back then! I’m also not afraid to say the things I don’t like about a brand — no company is perfect.

      No, I was just looking at my stats one day & realizing they have really just stayed the same. Who doesn’t want to grow?

      And I don’t think you phone it in, either.


    2. I did want to say one other thing . . . it’s sad that you don’t have time for lunch. Don’t you work 12 hour shifts?

      Way back when I worked at a printing plant, I didn’t have much time for lunch, ate it at my workstation — but I still ate it!


  4. I feel like its hard to be so disconnected from social media all day. There is no way I would have time to blog or read blogs at work, and I can barely scroll through instagram. I feel like I miss out on alot and it can be hard to catch up.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s funny, here I am, retired, and yet I’m not very connected to social media most days! It varies, of course, but I’m usually busy running, grocery shopping, cleaning, walking the dogs, cooking/baking . . . and my phone is rarely on me.


  5. We don’t have dogs or cats. Because we do work I just don’t think it’s fair for one to be left alone for those long days. I have been feeling stuck In my running. I run but wish I could run faster & farther. My progress has been slow. Allowing myself “down time” to do nothing. It could be reading, watching a movieor catching up on blogs & allowing myself not to feel guilty.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, cats totally work when you work (and I did for many years). They really do sleep most of the day (except when they’re kittens).

      Dogs . . . my dogs would never make it through 8 hours at home alone, but they’re small dogs.

      Speed isn’t quick — how’s that for irony?


  6. Well, I think you and I have the same predicament. I have a new business that feels “stuck” because of our non-existent advertising budget. So why don’t I send you some giveaways and solve both our problems!! I think you will really like my product (just one). It’s a shoelace fastener that works great for runners. As you mentioned, I thinks it’s important for you to believe in whatever you’re sharing with your bloggers and feel that it’s useful. So, I would like to send you a trial pair of “Titans”, and some giveaways should we pass your test! Go to our website http://www.thetitanfit.com/contact and mention this post and provide you contact info.

    Liked by 1 person

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