Spring Blizzard Stella: 3/13-19 Weekly Wrap

You’ll notice, probably, that there wasn’t as much activity as normal. Not a lot of dog walking. Not much cross training. Not as much strength work.

Yes, a lot of that was due to the blizzard, because when I wasn’t running on the treadmill, I was shoveling. Maybe Stella came along at a good time for me and prevented me from overdoing things? Although if you’ve ever shoveled two feet of snow, you know it’s a workout. Good thing Mr. Judy uses the snow blower on most of it.

I’m joining up with the Weekly Wrap from Holly @ Hohoruns and Tricia @ Misssipppiddlin and am into my taper — I always love me a taper.


Workouts update

  • Monday: Iron Strength Glutes Blaster, Dogwalk Pilates Rapid Results Arms, Buns & Thighs
  • Tuesday: 6 miles (4 @ tempo)
  • Wednesday: 4 miles easy
  • Thursday:  6 miles speedwork
  • Friday: Iron Strength Abbreviated, Dogwalk
  • Saturday: Dogwalk
  • Sunday: 8 Mile LSD & a massage

Mileage: 24 (-6)

JY = Jasyoga
TM = Treadmill
YFR = Yoga for Runners*
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike
YFPR = Yoga for Pain Relief
YTU = Yoga Tune Up Lower Body*

*Disclaimer: Amazon affiliate links; I will make a small amount of money if you buy through these links

Running updates 

When a blizzard hits, I hit the treadmill for 6

Did you hear the one about Blizzard Stella? Yeah, unfortunately they got that forecast right. So in between shoveling paths for the dogs so they didn’t disappear forever and freeze to death, I ran my tempo run on the treadmill.

I’d already whine the previous evening to Rachel @ Runningonhappy to not make me do 6, and she said 5 was okay. But once I got on there — no, it wasn’t easy, but what’s one more mile? Maybe it felt a little easier? Maybe?

Pre indoor run in fleece lined tights


I seriously did not want to be back on the treadmill but . . . still cold and super windy. Hardly worth going out twice (errands earlier in the day), which makes Bandit super anxious and can lead to bathroom issues . . . hoping this is my last treadmill run for a while.



Another tough speed workout! 8 x 400m with 200m recovery (plus warmup & cooldown, of course). And while I could have run outside, it was bitterly cold, super windy — yes, still — and I spent my third day in a row on the treadmill. A first, I think.

Somewhere in the fourth mile I couldn’t remember if I was in the middle or the beginning of the little 400m track on my treadmill . . . pretty sure I screwed up and no doubt ended up not running as hard for as long as I should’ve.

Still, the 400m were at 6.2 mph, which for me is super fast (and yes, it wasn’t easy either — especially not for 3 miles!).

I wore a skirt for this run!

Really does not show the amount of snow there!


I finally met up with Darlene for a run for the first time in many months. Our schedules just haven’t meshed much lately, due to her job and my working on my parents’ house.

And in the first time in what seems like forever, the weather was great. We met up at the park  and there was a lot of looping, as not all the paths are cleared, but the ones that were were fine.

As always when running with Darlene, I sometimes ran a little faster than I probably would have on my own. I keep an eye on my pace, though, and dial it back down when I realize we’re running at a pace that’s too fast for me to maintain for 8 miles.

Nothing beats a little face to face time and it was really nice to catch up.


Favorites of the week
No scrumptious desserts this week — I’ll have a few next week, no doubt! And while Blizzard Stella could hardly be called a favorite, it did give me a few photo opps:

Just liked the shapes the snow made

Our front door with roughly 2 feet of snow blocking it

A winter wonderland — just in time for spring!

It’s a team effort with Mr. Judy snow blowing & me shoveling pitstops for the dogs

If Bandit wanted to escape, he missed his chance

Here’s why we need to make paths in the backyard
What those photos doesn’t show is the cold. And wind. And the cold all that snow pumps out. And the fact that there are very few places to get a long run in without snow shoes — the good news being it was my last long run before my race, meaning it wasn’t as long.

Of course the run with Darlene was a favorite. Running into my running buddy and catching up with her, too, although unfortunately she has some sad news. And a massage.

And that’s a wrap 


This week I am also linking up with the Sunday Fitness & Food Linkup brought to you by Ilka @ Ilka’s Blog and Angela @ Marathons & Motivation.

Let’s get the conversation started:

What temperature would you like it to be now? 

Any exciting Spring vacations coming up?

Do you lose track of speedwork repeats?

34 thoughts on “Spring Blizzard Stella: 3/13-19 Weekly Wrap

  1. It was fun finally catching up. I hope this is the last of the snow and we get some spring-like temps soon. Enjoy your vacay in NOLA and the race.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Stella was a bust for us – well, we got enough ice to work from home on Tuesday, but it was mostly melted by the afternoon. We’ve shoveled those dog paths in years past!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow! That’s a crazy amount of snow!! Your front door picture is crazy! Looks like even though it was tough you got in some great mill work! I really enjoy speedwork on the treadmill!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Usually I enjoy speedwork on the treadmill, too, but that was a tough workout! I was glad when it was done!

      Believe it or not, overall, we DID have a mild winter. Except for this last month!

      I got pretty lucky in general, since I was training through the winter for an early spring half.


  4. I had to laugh at your speed work intervals on the ‘mill….I don’t do them very often indoors (as you know), but when I do, it’s tough to keep track because they all feel the s.a.m.e. (and I cuss just as loudly at the first one as I do the final one). Today it was in the mid-60’s by afternoon…and THAT is my ideal running scenario ;_)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I actually enjoy running when it’s below 60. But right now I’d kill for that!

      It was in the high 30s to low 40s yesterday, but probably mid 30 while we were running. Which felt damn warm after the week we had!


  5. I’m so impressed that you got some nice running done during this blizzard Judy. Treadmill running can be tough, but it’s so super helpful during conditions like this. I’m sure meeting up with Darlene for a run was great. Time flies when running with good company! I’m sure all the shoveling gave you a great cross training workout as well!
    Have a great (running) week Judy!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You did get some serious snow out of that blizzard! and shoveling all that snow is great cross training. My favorite temps are in the 40s for running and 50s and 60s in general. I would be okay if it never got hotter than 75. I really detest being hot.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. You definitely got more snow than we did! I wish I could’ve been snowed in…due to the nature of my job we don’t get snow days. Great job hitting the treadmill, and you did a great job with your 400’s!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My husband is lucky that he has the ability to work from home AND his boss hates snow even more than he does.

      Doesn’t really matter that much to me, since I don’t work, in fact, the shoveling is more work but it is what it is.


  8. I don’t miss shoveling snow in the northeast. It’s so wet and heavy, it is a workout. The snow in Denver is light and fluffy since it’s so dry. Even with a lot on my car at times, it is easier to broom off the top.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Wow! You guys did get a lot of snow! I am surprised you do not have an scrumptious desserts t share after being stuck inside with all that snow. You didn’t bake at all? My parents have to shovel their back sidewalk as well so the dog can walk down it.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Man, I am SO ready for spring! And I have to admit that, while I’m sorry you guys got slammed and had to deal with all that snow, I am so glad that we didn’t get any of it down here. I could not even imagine having to deal with all that while I’m still in non-weight bearing status. UGH! Back in 2010, we were living in Maryland and we had 2 back to back blizzards. 4 feet of snow. Thought for sure I was going to lose a dog in it! I’m glad you had the treadmill to help keep you sane and at least getting some miles. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Snow has different weights, actually. Some is light & fluffy; some is weight & heavy.

      The weather has been wonderful. Except for tomorrow’s potential thunderstorms. And I have to walk a mile to pick up my packet, but hopefully I’ll find a dry moment (or at least not a thunderstorm!).

      I’ve got in a couple of runs. I’m hopeful. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Great job for sticking to the plan on Tuesday! I’m pretty sure I’d screw up the intervals on a treadmill too since I’m not used to running on one. In fact I need to get back to running intervals period.
    Judy you are in luck! The temps in Nola will be warm, and humid so I hope you remember what TX feels like! Looking forward to seeing you, let me know when your due in!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Love all the snow pictures. It always reminds me of growing up in Maine. I am glad though that today I only see it in pictures ! Great job for all your treadmill runs. I am stuck on the treadmill while travelling and it is definitely not my thing !

    Liked by 1 person

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