Beta testing what I’ll need: 4/17- 23 Weekly Wrap

That’s what training is: beta testing. Do these clothes feel good (and don’t chafe)? Does that fuel sit well in my stomach? How should I carry my water?

NOLA was easy to pack for, but this race is much trickier, and while I’m trying not to check a bag because we’ll be there less than a week, I’m pretty sure I want to have some options.

I’m joining up with the Weekly Wrap from Holly @ Hohoruns and Tricia @ Misssipppiddlin so we can all inspire each other to stay active.


Workouts update

  • Monday: Dogwalk, Pilates Rapid Results Arms, Total Body & Stretch, Iron Strength Glute Blaster, JY Hips & Calf Reset
  • Tuesday: Dogwalk, 5 mostly flat trail miles
  • Wednesday: 5 miles with some hill downhills, Dogwalk
  • Thursday:  Dogwalk, Iron Strength Abbreviated
  • Friday: 5 miles easy, Dogwalk
  • Saturday: Pilates Tighten & Tone Arms, Lower Body Body, Stretch, Strala Arms, Back & Shoulders, Dogwalk
  • Sunday: 9 mile, hilly LSD, JY Aligh Your Stride

Mileage: 24 (-1)

JY = Jasyoga
TM = Treadmill
YFR = Yoga for Runners*
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike
YFPR = Yoga for Pain Relief
YTU = Yoga Tune Up Lower Body*

*Disclaimer: Amazon affiliate links; I will make a small amount of money if you buy through these links

Running updates 


Finally a somewhat flat trail



I set out determined to find a flatter route on the trails. I knew I’d run some way flatter from what I’d run this past weekend — but there are a lot of trails in this preserve, and there’s the whole trying to remember where the heck I turned thing.

I was successful though! And with the weather a good 20 degrees cooler, I had a much better run. They weren’t completely flat, and they’re still somewhat technical, but I didn’t have the life sucked out of me like I did on my last couple of runs.

I even managed to stay upright, although I caught a toe on a root during a walking break. Geez!


Forsythia is fleshing out



The temperatures dropped even more. It was insanely windy — I thought we left the wind in March, but apparently not. I got out with Bandit to warm up, then tackled some more downward hill repeats. I could squeeze 4 into 2 miles — I know this doesn’t seem like much, but it’s a long way back around to the top of the hill. I think that plus my hilly trail runs are preparing me for my trail half and UT just fine.

At least I hope so.


It’s been about 6 weeks since I’ve run with anyone. It’s also been quite some time since I ran somewhere flat. And it’s been almost 4 months since I’d seen the friend I ran with (she’s a snowbird and goes to FL for the winter).

We ran together for about 3 miles, but then I ran on ahead for the last 2, and the run was lovely negative splits without trying. Running has really seemed hard the last couple of weeks, so this was a gift. We also ran on a flat path, the weather was just about perfect, and so was the company. So much so that I totally forget to take any photos.

Just one of many very steep hills on this trail


What a difference 25 degrees makes! A truly lovely day to run, and probably mimics race conditions fairly well (minus potential showers & mud).

Parts of these trails are still insanely hilly — trust me, the photo doesn’t do it justice. This was a more confidence building run and didn’t suck the life from me like last week. I still find it more tiring to run trails — I think. We’ll see what race day adrenaline does for me.

I think I may have a seen a turkey. I never got close enough to it to tell, but it was a damn big bird.

I also got to try out a Camelbak Hydration vest Mr. Judy bought a while ago but has never used — because I was already getting my cheap one to dry out to pack. And now I’m not quite sure which to take! Pros and cons to both.

Favorites of the week

Everything tastes better eaten outside

Running with a friend — finally! We also checked out Halotherapy on Sunday — if nothing else, it’s very relaxing. More on that at a future date.

My car passing inspection. Hopefully Old Faithful and I have more time together. The check engine light came on again just a couple of days later.

Being able to spend a whole weekend at home.  Even if it means I’m still packing my own stuff!

Being able to eat out al fresco on Sunday. Nothing like fresh air (and 9 miles + 1 mile walking because you misjudge your turnaround point) to whet your appetite!

And that’s a wrap 


This week I am also linking up with the Sunday Fitness & Food Linkup brought to you by Ilka @ Ilka’s Blog and Angela @ Marathons & Motivation.

Let’s get the conversation started:

If you raced this week, how’d it go? 

If you haven’t raced, are you gearing up for a race? 

Ever used a race as a training run?

44 thoughts on “Beta testing what I’ll need: 4/17- 23 Weekly Wrap

  1. I definitely like to run in cooler weather. I struggle a lot with running in hot weather/sun!

    I definitely agree with you – everything tastes better when you eat outside! When the weather is nice, I try to eat my lunch outside during work. The fresh air makes a world of difference!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, I know I prefer it cooler! But of course weather is something we can’t control.

      I used to love eating on our patio when we lived in TX; our deck here is too often inhabited by hornets.:(


  2. We ate outside downtown Friday night and it was so lovely to watch the carriage rides and people milling about. My hubs won’t eat outside at home. He says he doesn’t want to share his meal with the bugs. (Eye Roll) I’m afraid my eyesight is not good enough for trail running. Maybe if I ran the same trail all the time and knew where the hazards are. Good luck with your race! Thanks for linking, Judy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can understand your husband, frankly, I had the same problem in TX. Here it’s the hornets that love to build nests on our deck.

      We didn’t have much of a view — carriages sound really lovely.

      I don’t know, I’m pretty near sighted even with contacts. You just have to SLOW DOWN. 🙂


  3. So much trail running! I haven’t done that in a while. Our weather was crazy this week – 80s mid-week, 50s today. I took a big suitcase to Copenhagen so I could (1) run every day and (2) change clothes in the evening. I took a small carry on to Seoul and planned to (1) just hit the gym and (2) not change before dinner meetings. Both worked out!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I find it so much harder packing since I started running! It’s the damn running shoes.

      I’ve only done occasional trail running before this. I truly never expected to run a trail race! Only for chocolate!


  4. Today’s weather was just perfect. I wish I was running my half today. Who knows what weather next weekend will bring. hope yours is at least dry (and not muddy.)

    Glad you got to run with Jan. I’ve gotten quite used to running with others. I hardly ever run alone anymore.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, I would love to have that weather for my half too!

      The weather keeps flip flopping & will be what it will be. I just know I have to pack some options just in case. It will be an interesting weekend.


    1. Yeah, the flat trails are definitely not flat. But seriously, the hills on one loop are just INSANE. But whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?

      I hope to keep one trail run a week in my training. I’m sure there will be weeks that it doesn’t happen, but I really do think it’s good for your body.

      Maybe I can actually find a groomed trail somewhere . . .


      1. the trail from Slingerlands to Altamont is pretty groomed and flat (4 mi one way). So is the 5 mi one is Saratoga Park (just not the offshoot by the spring that I took.)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Someday I definitely want to get up to Saratoga to run, but it’s not in the cards right now. Not enough time.

        I’m sorry about your MIL, btw. Hope she will be ok. Sounds like you had a tough week. 😦


  5. We got the Easter cold snap a week late. It arrived today actually and had I really don’t my homework I may have considered running my long run this morning. It was so much more ideal than Saturday. I struggled a lot like in NOLA actually but I did manage to get it done.
    Cross your fingers for me in KY, the weather isn’t looking like it wants to play along! Boo!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Looks like you had some beautiful trails to run on! I’ve only done a trail one once, but I loved it – heading to Boulder in a few weeks so I’ll try to hit some up there! Great week! I definitely vote for cooler weather too! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m jealous of your time on the trails – I’m glad you had some good runs that gave you life! I would do the same and trip on something while walking, geez! LOL.

    I ran the Parkway Classic 10 Miler in Alexandria, VA on Sunday and had a great time though it was a really hard-fought race!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. That looks like such a beautiful running trail! We have some good stuff here in SLC, but everything is so hilly that it kills me every time I go out on the trails. I didn’t race this week, but I have one on Wednesday after work. It’s an 8-10 mile trail race and I’m pretty excited, although I bet it’s gonna be pretty crazy hard!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good luck tomorrow! A race in the middle of the week? That’s tough!

      The trails here, at least the ones close to home, are just ok. I haven’t found my happy trail place yet. There’s one I like, but it’s just an unpaved path, not really a trail.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Your photos make trail running look so appealing. I have never run on trails. I am kind of nervous. I lose my footing without the help of uneven terrain. I am looking forward to hearing more on this halo therapy.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I’ve been wanting to try halotherapy for ages. There’s a place about an hour from here. I too find trails much more difficult. That’s why I pay no attention to pace when I run them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This place is only about 5 minutes from my house. I wasn’t really blown away by it — I have such trouble turning my mind off, which is what I turn to running & meditation for.

      My friend enjoyed it. And I found out there’s a place in the town my MIL lives in so I’m really hoping to go there before the race, but getting someone to take me is probably going to be tricky. 😦


  11. Awesome job Judy! You are running those trails like a pro! Can’t wait to hear how your race goes. I have a couple of friends that run both road running and trail running …like 50 milers and such. They’ve said many times that it’s a totally different animal than road running. They don’t worry about pace and if they need to walk, they walk. It’s just a different mentality.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, I’m as ready as I’m likely to be. I feel pretty good actually, it’s all the unknowns.

      How are you feeling? Have a great time at your half! So sorry we’re missing each other! But I’ll check it out for you guys, maybe if I like it I’ll do the shorter race next year. 🙂

      Oh, and 80% chance of rain is not what I’d call perfect, but I knew it was possible. And could change 20 times before Sunday.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well hopefully if it rains, it’ll wait until the afternoon like it usually does, and it’ll be light showers. And yes, they can’t predict what’s to come, so hard to tell, but at least it won’t be hot.
        I dropped down to a 10K for Reno, and James dropped down to the half. We weren’t excited about the course or elevation, so we dropped down and signed up for Port Angeles Discovery marathon beginning of June. That course should be favorable and James wants a PR. But we’ll be running with his dad this weekend, so it will be fun regardless. Anyway, good luck this weekend just in case I don’t get to tell you later. 😁

        Liked by 1 person

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