A week of good eats: 5/15-21 Weekly Wrap

If you’re hungry, if you’re trying to drop a few pounds (like I am, actually), you might want to skip over the favorites this week. You’ve been warned: it’s drool worthy!

I’m joining up with the Weekly Wrap from Holly @ Hohoruns and Tricia @ Misssipppiddlin; our hosts may be battling hot, humid weather in the south but they’re still moving!

Hey, any of the bloggers going to Utah Valley Marathon think a private Facebook group might be helpful? Just throwing it out there. Might be easier to coordinate meetups.


Workouts update

  • Monday: Dogwalk, 7 x 400 downhill repeats — 6 miles total
  • Tuesday: 4 miles easy, Dogwalk, Pilates Perfect Body Arms, DM Chest, Back & Legs
  • Wednesday: Dogwalk, Core, Swim
  • Thursday:  Dogwalk, Treadmill Tempo
  • Friday: Dogwalk, Pilates Rapid Results Arms & Legs
  • Saturday: 12 mile LSD
  • Sunday:  Dogwalk

Mileage: 28 (+7)

JY = Jasyoga
TM = Treadmill
YFR = Yoga for Runners*
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike
YFPR = Yoga for Pain Relief
YTU = Yoga Tune Up Lower Body*

*Disclaimer: Amazon affiliate links; I will make a small amount of money if you buy through these links

Running updates 

I think I’ve found my spot


Mother’s Day was a long, exhausting day, but somehow I felt up to tackling my downhill repeats again. Only this time they were both downhill and uphill — this time instead of running downhill and walking up, I did my normal run/walk intervals.

Sort of. There might have been a bit more walking uphill, as it’s a very steep incline in parts.

The reward was that my hamstring was okay, although I felt just a very slight tightness in my other hamstring. But nothing to write home about. I could feel it in my quads, too, but again, nothing that worried me.

I walked an additional half mile when I discovered a trail that led to a picnic bench on my cooldown (had to go back to the car to grab my lunch, and put on a sweatsirt and jacket since it was very windy). So I ate my lunch looking at the water. Not sure how much longer I’ll be able to do that, as it gets really buggy there in the summer. But I thoroughly enjoyed it. Even if it meant running later than I normally would.

It was perfect running weather (soon to go away)


I headed out with Bandit and the hands free leash, with him wearing a regular harness (as opposed to his normal no-pull harness) — that worked, I didn’t have to stop to get the leash out from under his leg once. Stopping to pee, well, that’s a different story.

Dropped him off after about a mile & a quarter and finished up. No hamstring problems. No problems at all. And just the most picture perfect spring day. I needed that — the weather has been so miserable, for the most part, for weeks!

I ran in this skirt (on the treadmill, later)


I could have run this the previous day, outside, when it wasn’t too bad. But I felt I needed that extra day of rest. And at 90+ degrees, I felt no need to torture myself: a treadmill tempo it was.

I haven’t done any speedwork since before NOLA (which would be almost 2 months ago). I upped my pace just a smidge. And it was hard. I got to mile 4.75 — just a quarter mile from being able to drop my pace for the cool down — and I hit the wall. I just had to get off and walk around a bit.

Not quite sure what that was about, but after a little walking around, I got back on the treadmill and finished up the run.


Hard to tell, but there’s a boat in there


Saturday was beautiful. Well, actually, it was quite chilly and windy early in the morning. I stopped in for the first meetup of the USAFit Albany group (and won the gym bag below), then headed on over to a path by the river to run 12 miles.

Pretty, but windy & cold early in the morning!

I was so chilled at the start of my run; I kept on my heavier jacket, a decision that was fine about the first 4 miles and then I regretted the rest of the run. But long runs are practicing, and I know now (I hope) that if it’s a similar temp in UT, I should go with the wind breaker — or just short sleeves.

There was nothing remarkable about the run. It wasn’t bad, it wasn’t good, my pace was all over the place and I had one rogue very slow mile for no reason. Which is why in a race I mind my watch more — if I just run by feel, my body wants to run slowly — and I’m capable of more.

I knew I’d run 12 miles, to be sure, but nothing really felt off. I ended up skipping my foam rolling simply because I’d left it until before bed, and by that point it was a case of get a decent night’s sleep (not so much, Bandit decided he needed to go out at 3 am) or foam roll; I chose the rest.

I am happy to say that today everything feels pretty good. A slightly achy hip but for me that’s not unusual.


Quinoa burger pre LSD (eaten outside)

Favorites of the week
Lunch al fresco with a friend. I haven’t been able to get together with friends much at all this past year. After a couple of days of summer-like heat, and intense thunderstorm the night before, it was just the perfect day to enjoy a nice meal outside. It didn’t hurt that I’d run a hard 6 miles the day before and had 12 miles on the schedule the next day.

Shared dessert

One of the ways I try to keep my weight in check is to leave a little bit over. My friend and I each had one of the ice cream sandwiches above — I didn’t finish mine.

Post LSD dessert

Then we went out to dinner to a new-to-us restaurant after my long run on Saturday. Another meal enjoyed outside, although actually it was chilly, especially as my hair was still wet. A salmon burger to help recovery and then this peanut butter mudslide pie was shared (which we were surprised to find out was an ice cream pie) just cause (as in cause it was delicious).

I’m red faced cause of that sauna!

I swam for the first time in many months, and was very happy to see the steam room and sauna had been fixed (which you might have seen if you follow me on Instagram).

There were quite a few good home baked eats this week, too, although I didn’t get a lot of photos yet. Sweet potato black bean burgers that were delicious from Runner’s World Meals on the Run (Amazon Affiliate link) and I made the Berry Crumble from Run Fast Eat Slow (Amazon Affiliate link) today.

I also got almost caught up with Grey’s Anatomy (still have the season finale to view); still have a few Scandal episodes to get to as well. No spoiler alerts, please!

And that’s a wrap 


This week I am also linking up with the Sunday Fitness & Food Linkup brought to you by Ilka @ Ilka’s Blog and Angela @ Marathons & Motivation.

Let’s get the conversation started:

Best eats you’ve made/had lately? 

Has your weather been schizoid like ours? 

Anything to brag about this week?

35 thoughts on “A week of good eats: 5/15-21 Weekly Wrap

    1. I don’t often order dessert when we go out; but if a restaurant is really good, and IF something interests me, then I’ll do it . . . and almost always share it anyways.

      Unfortunately I can’t really afford to eat really rich desserts that often. I have to work really hard to maintain my weight!


    1. Yuck to 46 for 5at5. I switched runs around today — it’s cool and was supposed to rain all day (which it didn’t) so I opted to do the shorter easy run today. Probably a mistake, but it is what it is since it’s already done.


  1. Well I am just jealous it is chilly somewhere in the world lol always…
    It seems like your running is going really well! Utah should be amazing! I’d be in a tank if its 45 degrees so I have nothing to offer on attire 🙂
    I am indulging on cake pops every so often, they are actually great portion control lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would freeze in a tank at 45 (but not Darlene). Love a dessert that’s got built in portion control. 🙂

      Our weather keeps going back & forth from really chilly to really hot. Not much of a spring, really. 😦


  2. That pie looked amazing…Now I have to eat something resembling that or I will never be satisfied! I hear you on the weird weather- it keeps beng cold or hot – we had perfect weather for only a bit this year so far!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I can never leave food on my plate unless it doesn’t taste good. It hasn’t been a big dessert week – key lime ice cream cone, Kahlua cheesecake is all I can remember.

    My speed work is over since my FRW challenge is ending but I plan to continue those short races.

    Have the same crazy weather as you – 95 one day and 55 another. Raced in both of those temps and happy to have the cooler day for my half.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I made a huge batch of spaghetti sauce this weekend, which I freeze in portions so I can have it during the summer. It’s easy to make, and it simmers for 3 hours, which makes the house smell wonderful.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I haven’t done any speed work lately either. I did run a 5k so I consider that speed work. I have been enjoying black bean burgers at Mugshots near me a few times withing the last couple of months. I bet these with sweet potato would be something I’d love too!
    While at our beach trip this weekend we sure enjoyed eating outside quite a bit. Something else was getting up and having coffee on the beach. That was just amazing! My brag would be my average pace in my 5k was paces I haven’t seen in quite some time! So I was shocked to see I still had it in me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 5ks are definitely speed work! I’ve done a lot of hill work, which is speed work, but it doesn’t really feel like it . . .

      Love your brag. 🙂 It’s always nice to be surprised that way. It’s been so looooong since I’ve done a shorter race.


  6. Great week! I love eating outside, especially on those perfect weather days. I’ll admit, since I was on vacation this week, I splurged a bit… I think I ate more ice cream this week than I eat in a year !

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Yes, our weather has been schizoid like yours. It went from a high of mid-90’s one day to a high of mid-60’s the follow day.

    Anything to brag about? It was pretty cool to be interviewed by a reporter for Prevention Magazine for an article about taking up running after the age of forty!

    I am going to be so envious when I read everyones Utah recaps. :-/ Have fun!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. i wanted to eat outside after my race on Sunday, but they were powerwashing the sidewalks outside the restaurant. I didn’t eat too many desserts last week, but I ate plenty of other stuff!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. sounds like a great week. enjoy that weather while you can!

    I rarely order dessert – I’m still not back at my WW goal weight (not for a long time, always fighting with 10-12 pounds) and I can’t just eat “half” so I don’t order it. It is what it is, right?

    it’s been a bit nuts here too – nice spring weather to too hot and humid to rain and cold and then spring again. fingers crossed it just stays nice this week; the hubs and I want to do a long bike ride on Thursday before we head off to Liverpool Friday! (it’s a holiday here, so we have the day off).

    nothing really to brag about physically. but definitely mentally, since I found out last week I passed my exams!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Dang, those “favorites of the week” do look delicious!! You know, I’m not at all prepared for this Utah race. I am a little worried as to how it will affect my cranky ankle and knee. Oh well…I’m just going for the scenery and to meet you all! See you soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m definitely trained for UT . . . but not sure if I’m prepared. How do you prepare for going from almost sea level to almost 6000 ft? And even though I’ve done the hill repeats, it’s not quite the same as a downhill race (which I’ve never done).

      I have a race in the fall with very similar conditions, minus the elevation, so it’s kind of practice for me!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Remind me not to sit next to you. 🙂

        Seriously, though, maybe you’ll be able to sleep on the ride up? Damn, it’s going to be dark, cold, and early! I’m definitely looking forward to ALMOST everything. 🙂

        Glad you’re coming & really hope we get to meet up!

        Liked by 1 person

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