10 Goals for a Great 2018


Expecting my 2018 Goals? Gotcha! I’m still working on my own. Are you still working on your goals for 2018? I know some people feel that goals are too stressful, but would you take a road trip without your phone? Of course, back in that day, it would be would you take a road trip without a map?

Most people wouldn’t. Some people, of course, do just like to wander, but most of us want some guidance. Goals are just that: guidance — they’re not written in stone, they’re something to help motivate you and challenge you.

Maybe you’re like me, taking a little off season or running sabbatical. Or maybe you’re already gearing up for that Spring marathon/half marathon.

1. Hire a running coach
You may have heard me mention Rachel @ Runningonhappy a time or two. I hired her during her free month offer last January and as you may know, I also had the best running year of my life.

Coincidence? I think not.

Guess what? She’s offering the same deal in 2018. You still have time to hire Rachel and have your best running year — which doesn’t necessarily mean lots of PRs; there are different ways to define a great running year (no injury, better endurance, having fun running, and tackling a new distance are just a few).

Foam rolling does a body good

2. Foam roll
While I’m quite good about foam rolling — most of the time — I know that some runners really struggle with it. I also know that it’s a habit/goal that benefits every runner.

I get it thought: it’s just one more thing to do on your very long to-do list. And oh-so-tempting to skip.

“They” say that the best way to create a habit/goal — and stick to it — is to tie it to something you’re already doing. So try foam rolling before your run. You’re going to run, right? Telling yourself you’ll do it after your run makes it too easy to skip.

3. Get into those compression socks
This is one of my personal goals. Not for right now — my favorite compression socks are my Mud Gear socks. They’re knee high and they keep me warm in the winter so I run in them and then stay in them afterwards..

This is a goal that I’m penciling in for the summer, when I tend to skip compression altogether because it’s simply too hot. I know that compression benefits me and makes recovery quicker, thought, so it’s a goal for me to keep at it year-round.

4. Strength Train
If you’re in your off season like I am, now is the perfect time to start a strength training program. Don’t go nuts, because then you’re going to burn out, but if you start now, it’s more likely to become a habit and something you’ll continue to do as your training gets heavier.

5. Work on your mental training
We’re all mental: agreed? Or maybe that’s it’s all mental. Not all, but often we’re held back by our beliefs. An off season or the beginning of training is the perfect time to work on your mental toughness. Here are a few posts on that:

2017 was the year I started hiking again

6. Take up a new sport
Swimming. Biking. Yoga. Barre. Kickboxing. Boxing. Cross country skiing. Snow shoeing. Pilates.

Triathletes tend to get injured less frequently than runners. One of the reasons is that they’re always cross training. Doing the same thing over and over again is the definition of insanity, right?

7. Epsom soaks
Epsom soaks can speed recovery and you can do it at home and it’s not expensive. I really enjoy them. So don’t ask me why I don’t do them nearly as often as I should. Oh wait, because filling and lugging around my foot spa is a royal pain! You don’t need a foot spa, of course, but they are very nice.

But would you believe I’ve actually done it twice in the last few weeks, after months and months of not doing it at all? So how did I get it done? I filled up that bad boy early in the day, so it was all ready to go whenever. It’s not like I’m going to let that go to waste once I took the trouble to fill it up already!

Will I keep up that behavior? Probably not. But maybe it will get me to do them more often than I did in 2017.

8. Join a running group
If you’re a slower runner I get it — it’s scary to try a running group. And if you run a 10 or 11 mm, I’m sorry, no, you’re not slow; you will almost certainly find someone to run with.

I’ve made some great friends from running groups, yet I still struggle to find people to run with. Most of my running friends are faster. Most don’t run/walk.

If you’re lacking motivation, though, check out your local running groups. Guess what? If you hate it, you don’t have to go back. But what if you love it?

9. Tweak your nutrition
If you’re not heavily into your training, it’s a great time to focus on healthier eating. And if you are training? Maybe it’s an even better time. I’m doing that right now with Laura @ Mommyrunfast’s Runner’s Fit & Fueled Course (sorry, it’s closed right now). I’m enjoying what I’m learning so far.

In addition, I signed up for Tiffany’s Feel Great in 8 Challenge. I’ve followed her a long time, and I decided now was the perfect time, while I’m not running a lot, to explore her program — the challenge is also closed now, but you know I’ll be giving you a review and she runs these challenges a few times a year.

My review of Danette May’s 30 Day New You Challenge (yeah, also closed, but also run a few times a year) is one of my most viewed posts from 2017. And yes, I’m still using many of the recipes, still listening to the meditations, and when I feel better — still using the workouts.

10. Organize your running gear
In my weekly wrap post I alluded to the fact that with less training I’ve been tackling some stuff in the house that has been sorely neglected. We have a three bedroom house. We share a bedroom, and then we each have a bedroom for our stuffcrap. Mine tends to be a second closet. A very messy second closet.

Or maybe that’s a third closet, since the bedroom has a closet (although to be fair, Mr. Judy and I share the master bedroom closet — which isn’t exactly large.

It’s the proverbial I know where everything is in the mess — which is sort of true. But I’ve been spending 10 minutes or so in there most days of the week, going through all the stuffcrap, bagging up stuff to donate, getting rid of stuff, and generally trying to see the floor in the room, too.

Eventually I’ll be putting the clothes wrack I took home from my parents, and hanging up a lot of my Skirtsports gear on it. And I’m going to try to organize it better, so I can actually find things like throwaway shirts, gloves, extra water bottles, etc. — without wasting an entire day.

Wish me luck. It’s a big job. And once I’ve whipped that into shape, there’s plenty of other areas of our home that need some going through/organizing.


Let’s make 2018 Great!
There are as many goals as there are people (probably more). These are just a few suggestions. I’d love to hear some of your goals, too. Leave me a comment and let me know what goals you’re working towards in 2018.



This week I am also joining up with Running on Happy, Suzlyfe, Crazy Running Girl, and Coach Debbie Runs each week for the Coaches’ Corner linkup


Is there a nutrition challenge you’ve tried and recommend?

Any organizing tips for running stuffcrap?

If I wasn’t running, I’d be __________?

36 thoughts on “10 Goals for a Great 2018

  1. These are wonderful goals! I have made headway with the first one as I have a running coach to help me get to my first Half Marathon. I started foam rolling yesterday and I started strength training last week! Next on my list will be that one of organising running gear — I am decluttering/ organising the house as one of my big goals for 2018 and starting with the running gear will be a good move!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy New Year Judy and good luck with your goals. I haven’t set any for myself but I suppose it might be a good time to start thinking about something 🙂 I am still on vacation though…the last two days left but I’m enjoying them while they last 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. All good goals. The only one on your list I would consider is de-cluttering. I have done that and am trying not to buy running items that I already have. I mean do I need another hat???

    I have Epsom salts that I haven’t used since I broke my ankle but all I need to do it fill up the tub. It’s probably good for legs, knees & hips as well.

    My goals don’t really involve running. I want to make sure I don’t substitute running for my social life. I am making an attempt at least once a week to get together with a friend. So far so good. A former co-worker last Sunday and this Thursday another former co-worker. It’s so easy to ignore everything and just schedule in those runs.

    GL with your goals.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What a great list! And do-able. Your post makes me miss running more than ever. Yes, on sabbatical. I plan/hope to go back to it to some degree after retirement, just 170 more days. No pace/distance goals, just a bit of running again. I’ll tell you, there’s a huge difference between 59 when I started to run and 64 when I packed it in last June. We’ll see how I am at 65 but without time constraints.

    “Goals are just that: guidance — they’re not written in stone, they’re something to help motivate you and challenge you.” Love that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hear ya. I struggle with fitting in running and work. I am 64 and don’t see retirement any time soon but when I do, I plan to run a lot more!!

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  5. My organization tip is purge. There comes a time when it all becomes simply too much, no matter how much space we have. I was moving my “less used” make that not used, running stuff to the basement. It should have gone out at that point because who am I kidding? I don’t use it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Purging is a great tip & I do that on a regular basis — obviously not regularly enough. Now that I have a little time without serious training, I’m digging deep (literally) and filling up those donation bags & boxes!


  6. I love my compression socks. I’ll put them on after a hot shower to help my calves, but will take them off if the day is getting warm. I like going barefoot around the house, especially in the summer.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. You might find compression socks aren’t that hot. I was skeptical when I first wore them for a half marathon (on a warm day). For me, the “compression” actually has a cooling effect. (well, and they look badass, too)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nope. I’ve tried wearing them in the summer & just not a fan — although when I remember, I’ll do it for recovery — I have a pair that has no toes (I really need to buy more than one pair, though).

      But the taping for me does the same function.


  8. Is there a nutrition challenge you’ve tried and recommend? Gluten free. It is helpful if you experience any type of digestive issues.

    Any organizing tips for running stuff crap? I don’t have much at all. I hate throwing out old running shoes since they’re not totally shot.

    If I wasn’t running, I’d be __________?Biking. I haven’t done much of that since I began running in 2015.

    I want to try compression running socks as I do have one leg that does swell more than the other. Any recommendations? When you mention Epsom salt soaks is it just your feet or a whole bath tub deal?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m lucky that so far, knock on wood, I don’t have digestion issues. I do eat gluten free a lot, for other reasons, but I eat pretty much everything.

      I donate my old running shoes.

      Compression socks are a really individual thing. I guess I ought to write a post on the ones I like, but my favorites are actually Mud Gear, because the feet have some cushioning, and although I’ve never tried them, a lot of bloggers seem to like Legend.


  9. Last year I bought one of those six cube organizers from Target that have the cloth bins that fit in each cube. Let me tell you… I love this for my running stuff. I have skirts, tanks, s/s shirts, shorts and sunglasses/running belts, chargers/all that extra stuff each have their own bin. I was able to divide one of the cubbies in half and it holds bras on one side and socks/runningluvs on the other.

    If I wasn’t running, I’d be napping!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t think you realize the extent of my problem. 🙂 We bought a cabinet? I don’t even know what to call it. From Homegoods, for the living room a few years back. It has drawers & baskets. It has some of my running stuff (among other stuff) — things I need right before a run, like hats, visors, running belts.

      But you’ve definitely given me some ideas. 🙂


  10. Thanks for the shout out! I’m so glad 2017 was a spectacular year for you and I can’t wait to see what 2018 has in store. 🙂

    I have to be better at foam rolling. I didn’t realize I had tight hamstrings until my injury, and even then I didn’t really know it until my doc was like, “WHOA, you have really tight hamstrings!” So now I really need to get to foam rolling and preventative care. No excuses, right?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, I didn’t realize I had tight ankles until they started hurting (this is a couple of years ago, thankfully they don’t bother me as much now).

      Of course foam rolling doesn’t completely prevent things, unfortunately. 😦


  11. I feel like I’m constantly searching for better ways to organize my running stuff! Especially all the recovery tools! HA!

    I need to step up my foam rolling routine for sure and be a lot more consistent with it! Oh and compression socks too! I have so many but forget to wear them most of the time! They sure are helpful though!

    Liked by 1 person

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