Last Half Training for 2018: 10/15- 21 Weekly Wrap

Thankfully no snow here yet but the temps are cold enough for it overnight! Too soon, Mother Nature, far too soon.

I’m joining up with the Weekly Wrap from Holly @ Hohoruns and Wendy @ Taking the Long Way Home to share my last week of hard training for the Cape Cod half as I move into tapertown. Be sure to stop by the other bloggers to see what they’re up to.


Workouts update

  • Monday: Dogwalk, PB KB Cardio/Toning
  • Tuesday: Dogwalk, 6 x 400s for 5 miles total, PB Cardio, Agility & Core (30 minutes)
  • Wednesday: Dogwalk, PB Low Abs HIIT (30 minutes)
  • Thursday:  5 miles easy, PB Beginner Leg & Butt (10 min)
  • Friday:  8 mile LSD, Iron Strength Glute Blaster (15 minutes)
  • Saturday: Dogwalk, Flat Belly Yoga (10 minutes)
  • Sunday: 4 very cold progressive miles, SB WU (5 minutes), PB Stability Ball Abs (25 minutes)

Mileage: 17 (-9)

JY = Jasyoga
PB = Killer B
TM = Treadmill
YFR = Yoga for Runners*
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike
YFPR = Yoga for Pain Relief
YTU = Yoga Tune Up Lower Body*

*Disclaimer: Amazon affiliate links; I will make a small amount of money if you buy through these links

Running Updates

Running along the Mowhawk Hudson path again — you gotta watch your step (although most likely you won’t see as many leaves on the path since it’s earlier)

Monday was cool and rainy and I was glad not to have to run. Today was much nicer, but rather raw and windy when I ran (although later in the day the wind died down and it was a beautiful fall day).

The 400s should feel easier on a cool day, right? My legs didn’t get the message. The overall run was faster than last week simply because the warmup miles weren’t so slow. Hit the right paces for most of the 400s.

As you’re almost nearing the finish, right before the gazebo and where the green path starts off to the right, you’ll see this little lake

Running Buddy J and I met up for a last long run before the half. She had to go out of town afterwards, and quite frankly the weather looked a little better on Friday — but Saturday wasn’t so bad, as it turned out. Although a bit chilly and windy with our first hard freeze.

We ran together about 3/4 of the run and then split off to maintain our own paces. Always nice to run with a friend, which despite my group I rarely get to do.

It’s definitely too early for these temps!

Last week I asked where Fall went since it was summer-like for much of the week. Be very careful what you ask for because this morning was Winter like! It was super windy while I ran, but looking at the weather, the temps were supposed to drop and the wind pick up so I managed to get myself out the door in the morning.

I’d love to say  I nailed it, but the first mile was way too fast, the next 3 miles were too slow, but hey, the last mile was the fastest and it almost matched what would be race pace for me for 4 miles.

I’d still love to PR a 5k — it’s been years — but all indications just point away from that and of course time is slipping away. Just two more easy runs and then meeting up with a whole lotta AMR ladies I don’t know and running the Cape Cod Half Marathon. At least it’s not supposed to stay this cold.

Arancini. And was super yummy!

Favorites of the week
It was our anniversary on Friday (33 years) and we did what we normally do — we went out to dinner. We usually travel for our anniversary; we’d talked about Mr. Judy coming out to the Cape after the weekend, but in the end he decided not to. Obviously we’ve been traveling for a while now.

Wish I could say it was as yummy as it looked.

The cake was a disappointment to me. Mr. Judy was surprised when I put my fork down before him (we almost always share desserts). It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t great, and I just don’t need to waste time (and calories) on something that isn’t great — probably ate too much of it anyway.

Slightly fuzzy photo, but Gizmo keeps cozying up to Mr. Judy

Getting friendlier or secretly trying to smother Mr. Judy? You decide!

Let’s get the conversation started:

Do you find yourself struggling with your training at the end of a training cycle?

Do you prefer to run in the heat or the cold?

Do you have to clean your plate (clearly I don’t)?

36 thoughts on “Last Half Training for 2018: 10/15- 21 Weekly Wrap

  1. Happy 33rd Anniversary to you and Mr. Judy. Our is this week, too, 42 years.
    Cold in Rhode Island as well, and very windy. I still walk six days a week (only two miles for now; I don’t want to push it before arthroscopic surgery in January) and wore my winter coat (L.L. Bean quilted, light and very warm, a godsend), scarf, and mittens. I felt silly but withstood the cold and high winds without discomfort.

    Smart lady not wasting calories on sub-standard fare. Wait for the good stuff!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And happy anniversary to you, too, Connie! 42 years. Wow — that’s so awesome!

      Good for you for getting out and walking in the cold — that isn’t easy. So much easier to run, really, when at least you warm up. If it weren’t for the dogs, I’d probably hibernate through the winter inside, but getting outside is so important to our moods!


  2. Happy anniversary and hooray for tapers. I find the last run OK but a few weeks before that I always dip. Love your autumn leaves photo – we had some quite deep ones on our long run today; I’m always a little nervous about what’s underneath them but some we just had to sort of spring through!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So true what you said about the weather. I think we kind of skipped over Fall and went straight to winter. I was in Toronto on Monday/Tuesday and it was freezing there!!

    Happy Anniversary! That cake looked delicious so I’m sorry to hear that it wasn’t that good 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Wendy! Gizmo will probably have lots of snuggling opportunities while I’m gone. 🙂

      Oddly the holistic vet had said that the acupuncture can actually make them friendlier. Considering for almost 17 years Gizmo has mostly shunned Mr. Judy, unless he’s got food . . .


  4. Happy anniversary.

    I hate being cold. But Saturday’s was absolutely perfect. Not cold or hot and no wind. We all agreed that it was perfect race weather and no one was racing. Darn.

    I feel guilty leaving food on my plate. All those starving children. Lol

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Happy Anniversary! I’ve gotten better over the years about not feeling I have to clean my plate (which I was raised to do). If it’s good, I have no shame in asking for a to-go box. If it’s bad, I’ll leave it. I am so jealous of your Mohawk Hudson path. It’s beautiful! My run today was nippy if I was running north due to wind, but as soon as I turned south I’d get all hot again. Enjoy your taper before Cape Cod! Thanks for linking.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Holly! Luckily my mom did not at all enforce the clean plate rule. Although I can still kind of struggle when it comes to sweets. 🙂

      I run on Mowhawk Hudson course all the time, so I’ve never done the race and never plan to, quite frankly. The race is before the leaves are at peak (usually) and this year it was a very warm & humid day.

      Keep in mind it’s not a closed path, and it’s narrow, and not much spectator support throughout much of the race because it’s not easy to get to too many places along it.


  6. Well, you know I’m a warm weather runner (but I suck it up and run in pretty much whatever Momma N dishes me). It’s normal to feel like you’re struggling some at the end of a training cycle….your body has worked hard to get there! That’s why there’s a taper 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, but taper for a half is barely a taper. 🙂

      For me, it’s not so much that it’s the end of a training cycle, I think, its more that it’s the end of 4 training cycles and the shorter days.

      I’d rather have bad training runs and a good race, though!


  7. Happy anniversary!

    I hate when a dessert looks better than it tastes!

    It was super windy here today too. I think our cool temps would not have felt so bad if it hadn’t been such a drastic change. It was like 85 one day and 55 the next! A little gradual change would have been nice. I’ll cross my fingers that you dont see snow until December!
    Good luck with your race. -M

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’m definitely about cooler weather. It makes it easier for me to run since I heat up plenty on my own while running. We hit winter last weekend, and then back to fall this week. I’m enjoying it while I can. Happy anniversary!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Happy anniversary!

    The past week has been warmer than usual here (highs in the 60s), but still below freezing overnight. I’m ready to run in the cold, but first I have to be allowed to run at all.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Happy Anniversary! Sorry the cake was disappointing, but luckily your marriage hasn’t been. 😉
    I hope it’s not too cold at the Cape — it will be a fun time regardless!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Happy 33rd anniversary! That is incredible.

    I love the cooler temps for running, but am just so nervous about a freeze and slipping after last February’s incident….hoping for several more weeks before that happens, but you never know in Minneapolis.

    Nice job this week, you appear to have nailed all your runs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s totally understandable that you would be nervous. Have you ever tried screw shoes? Of course nothing really helps on black ice, but I did find them to be a real game changer for me last winter. I don’t know why I waited so long to try them!

      I definitely didn’t nail my runs this week, but hey, better to struggle with the training.


  12. Great training week! I didn’t realize you lived so close to the Hudson Mohawk trail. That is one marathon that is still on my list. It looks beautiful with the leaves, but they can be treacherous, I know. Good luck with your last half of the year. I will look forward to reading your recap!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I live relatively close to the start of the half (but not the full). We train on parts of the course all the time — which is why I don’t have any desire to do it.

      And parts of it, I’m told, are not at all scenic — part of it through a slightly sketchy area. And definitely don’t expect much spectator support throughout much of the race!

      Liked by 1 person

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