Dill that ate the Basil: Tea/coffee Date January 2024


I’m joining  Coco and Deborah and grateful that my sister was on hand for the return of my mom’s regular aide. I haven’t actually spoken with my sister, but I assume things went okay. Although the aide needed to renew her certificate and that made her come later in the day — just another reason I was glad that duty didn’t fall to me. The aide has already sent me a shopping list . . .

If we were enjoying tea/coffee . . .
I’d tell you that I wrote about our Turducken experience when last we met over hot beverages (click here). It’s the gift that keeps on giving — so far I think we’ve had three meals from it, and we’re not done with it yet!

If we were enjoying tea/coffee . . .
I’d tell you I finally got around to trying Mr. Judy’s birthday gift from a couple of years ago: herb seeds and the stuff to plant them with. It didn’t really go so well, but I guess that’s what you get for waiting a couple of years and trying to plant stuff too early.

Does my basil have a chance?

If we were enjoying tea/coffee . . .
I’d tell you what has done very well (sort of) was the early Hannukah gift Mr. Judy gave me when he saw me planting the seeds. An Aerogarden! I’ve wanted one for years! He proceeded to set it all up for me.

Scrambled eggs with veggies & dill. It’s what’s for breakfast . . . Or lunch . . . Or dinner . . .

If we were enjoying tea/coffee . . .
I’d tell you the Aerogarden is very simple (although it really does guzzle water, growing plants in water and all). Coco already knows this. 🙂 It came with three herbs: dill, basil, and parsley. The dill is trying to take over the world, and I’ve been having a lot of dill mixed in with scrambled eggs. The parsley has a leaf or two (maybe because the dill is hogging the grow light).

If we were enjoying tea/coffee . . .
I’d tell you basil was the one herb I really wanted because I’ve been making a lot of pesto lately. It was a non-starter. I badgered Mr. Judy into contacting them after we’d waited about a month — he was reluctant, and they didn’t really make it easy, but we did get replacement pods for the basil and the parsley. The new basil sprouted very quickly — it’s coming along and I hope it’s as prolific as the dill some day.

If you’ve thought about an Aerogarden and been on the fence about it, I highly recommend it! I can’t wait to try other edibles at some point.

What did you have for Christmas? Three guesses what we had. 🙂

What would you use the dill for?

Also linking up with:


19 thoughts on “Dill that ate the Basil: Tea/coffee Date January 2024

  1. I bought one of those Aerogarden herb sets a few years ago and it did not go well. You would think I could not mess that up since it tells you when to water and feed. But all of mine died and a few never bloomed. So, not sure its you (or me!)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hmm! I don’t know what I would use all that dill for (potato salad?) I would also really want basil- sometimes we buy a basil plant from the grocery store, and then we use fresh basil all the time… until it eventually dies. I’ll have to look into an aerogarden… I wonder if you can choose different herbs? Like basil, cilantro and mint? I’m not sure I would use parsley and dill THAT much.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. oooh, now I would like to do the Aerogarden thing for cherry tomatoes! Or oregano (seriously, oregano is like my salt/pepper).

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh, that dill is definitely doing well, haha. I heard it (and mint) are basically like weeds though so that does make sense (but also if true, I don’t know how I managed to kill my mint plant :[ ). I hope your basil lives though!

    I did a smoked salmon ricotta scramble in the past and maybe subbing that with dill instead of cilantro? There’s a Lithuanian cold soup I’ve made in the past that uses it too, but it definitely does not feel like the time for a cold soup right now, haha.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely not time for a cold soup here!

      Never try growing mint uncontained outside. It will take over everything.

      I’ve grown dill outside before & it usually does grow well but it bolts army the first sign of heat. No worries about that in the house.


  5. Yay for turducken! We had a repeat Thanksgiving dinner with turkey, stuffing, cranberries, and duchesse potatoes. It was fine but I would have liked something else. Oh, well.

    I hope this basil pulls through. We have a lot of homemade pesto and it’s really good.

    Do you like pickles? I made an awesome pickle de gallo with dill and it was great. I think I have super taste buds because i can only do dill in small quantities before it gets overwhelming.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Haha! I had to google turducken! And then go to your post! Indeed that is the meal that keeps on giving! We don’t have anything like that here!

    That’s great that you’ve got an aero garden now!! I do love dill but basil is my favourite! Ron isn’t super keen on dill so we don’t have it a lot.

    We ate out for Christmas dinner but Ron made a lasagne the night before for us and the Stepson and his Girlfriend. That was really nice.

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