Forget Cool Runnings . . .: 1/1 – 7 WRD

. . . chilly running was the name of the game this week! It wasn’t too bad though. I got in my runs, but struggled with getting in some strength training (again).

At least all three runs this week were outside! Especially as it’s supposed to snow all day today.


I’m joining Kim @ Kimrunsonthefly and Deborah @ Confessionsofamotherrunner and coasting into 2024.

Workouts update

  • Monday: Yoga (30 min), Dogwalk
  • Tuesday: Yoga (30 min), 3 miles easy, Dogwalk, Yoga
  • Wednesday: Yoga (30 min), Dogwalk, Pilates with Weights (10 min)
  • Thursday: Yoga (30 min), 3 miles easy, Dogwalk
  • Friday: Yoga (30 min), Dogwalk, met with new pet sitter
  • Saturday: Yoga (30 min), 2 miles easy, Yoga PM (20 min)
  • Sunday: Yoga (30 min), a little shoveling here & there

Running Mileage: 5 (-1
TM = Treadmill
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike

Running Update

This half Castle house has always puzzled me

Tuesday intention: test out foot
After quite a few days of no running, the foot felt much better. It was okay during this chilly run. It made it clear it wasn’t happy with running the next morning.

Did this tree party a bit too hard?

Thursday intention: time on my feet
By Thursday the foot felt pretty good again. I wore trail shoes because snow showers were in the forecast. No snow during the run, but some icy pellets later in the day. The run was fine (and again cold). The foot also didn’t feel bad the next morning.

That bite in the air from an impending Winter storm

Saturday intention: time on my feet
Keeping it light to let the foot recover. For some reason something irritated it yesterday, but it was okay during this run (mostly) and after (mostly), as well as this morning. I wanted to get out for a water run because there might be a big snow storm (semi big, for us, anyway — so far less than expected) tomorrow. It’s supposed to warm up after that, so maybe we’ll get lucky — but once it gets cold and it snows, often the locations to run really narrow down.

Pristine. I caught it in between snow squalls.

Favorites of the week
First real storm of the year, and while it may look like a lot (and there is more to come), it’s less than predicted. I’m pretty sure I take deck photos of the snow every year.

It wasn’t a stellar week of sleep, but better than the previous week. The permanent aide is back (and immediately sent me a shopping list).

We met with a new pet sitter that a friend recommended. She had the two cutest little dogs; they were so cute & cuddly (man, I miss that). Bandit was a bit unsure about it all, but other than marking one couch, he behaved himself.

She’s quite a bit more than our usual pet sitter, but that’s the one who we were originally referred to when we first got him. She takes great care of him, but she’s a trainer — and it’s just not really the best situation for him now that he’s older and needs someone to keep a closer eye on him.

The last couple of days I’ve really been struggling with my newsletter program. They have been revamping everything, and I spent a lot of time chatting with them trying to straighten things out yesterday. I can’t complain — I’m using the free version. But the new platform is really glitchy. I was scheduling my newsletter yesterday and at first it just wouldn’t do it. I went back in a second time and it worked. I’ve spent way more time on this the last couple of days than I wanted to (and hence no new paintings 😦

ICYMI: Show your low back some love with this Yin Yoga practice — click here for the video (live at 8 am).

Coming up next Week: WRD.

26 thoughts on “Forget Cool Runnings . . .: 1/1 – 7 WRD

  1. Hope your foot continues to feel better. The snow completely evaded us again with our temps hovering in the low 30’s it was all rain again. It is so pretty so I hope we have at least one snow day this season. Have a great week ahead

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Our forecast is showing snow in the next couple days, then crashing temps. UGH. I know I shouldn’t be complaining, because we’ve had a pretty dry and uneventful winter so far, but still. I am NOT a fan of the cold! That being said, I’m not in training for anything at the moment, so I don’t have to worry about any particular mileage, though I do have that #OptOutside streak to maintain…(first world probs, LOL).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sorry to hear about the foot pain; hope it feels better quickly.

    Our part of Virginia was forecast to get between 2 and 4 inches of snow yesterday and only got a dusting.

    Ugh, I hate when things get revamped “for the better,” but end up making things more difficult. Way to hang in there and get your newsletter published.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Glad your foot is feeling better! That’s a good way to assess it- how does it feel the morning AFTER your running day? Sounds like everything is good. Enjoy your snow (it does look pretty!) and good luck with the newsletter.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well it’s kind of back & forth but not too bad. Trying to figure out which shoes/boots bother it & figure out what the heck I’ll wear on my trip (which includes a funeral & a party — not on the same day.


  5. Fingers crossed for pain free days soon!

    That snow is gorgeous. I know, I know, I don’t have to deal with it, but I still love it.
    Newsletters can be finicky. I hope it straightens out.

    And I hope the new sitter works out. It’s hard finding the right fit!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wanted to take the pet sitters dogs home . . . I really miss a dog who cuddles (and doesn’t leave you with bruises on your legs when they stand on you). Of course I love Bandit but as you know elderly dogs are different.


  6. I’m sorry to hear about your foot! But at least it seems to be getting better.
    I love that house in the first picture, I was about to ask if it was yours, before seeing the caption!
    Here we have frost but at least no snow. I hope that storm doesn’t get too bad for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ahhh….winter running. We’re supposed to get a big storm this week and already I’m fretting about where I’m going to be able to run–I have a half marathon to train for dammit!

    Sorry to hear about the foot. I hope it calms down!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. The snow is pretty! They were hyping snow here, but with temps in the mid to upper 30s, I knew it was hype.

    I’d like to find a less pricey pet sitter for Scooby, but we’ve used her so many times, the peace of mind keeps me going back!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m a bit behind (obviously). Pet sitters don’t often last long; it’s a difficult job! So we’ve been through a few. This one comes with a recommendation from a close friend, & I’ll admit I’m not sure about her, but we’re going to give her a try. I do trust my friend.


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