Hot Spots: 7/1-7 WRD

Hot Spots refers to the awful hot, awfully humid weather this week — until today — and also, unfortunately, what developed with Bandit this week.


Joining Kim @ Kimrunsonthefly and Deborah @ Confessionsofamotherrunner and just sharing running, “training”, and staying active.


And linking up with Jenn @ Runswithpugs, Brandi @ Funnerrunner, Anna Louise @ Graciouswarriorprincess, Briana @ Matsmilesmedals, Meghan @ Meghanonthemove, and Elizabeth @ Trainwithbainfor RIOTS(running is our therapy)

Workouts update

  • Monday:  3 Miles Easy, PB Toning (35 min)
  • Tuesday:  Dogwalk, 3 Miles Easy with 4 x 20ish sec strides, Pilates for Runners (25 min)
  • Wednesday: Dogwalk, Vinyasa Yoga (60 min)
  • Thursday: Firecracker 4, PB Toning (10 min)
  • Friday: Dogwalk, Yoga Booty Ballet (35 min)
  • Saturday: Dogwalk, Yoga for Knees (30 min), Pilates (20 min)
  • Sunday: 6 mile LSD, Yoga? Strength Training?

Mileage: 16 (+1)

JY = Jasyoga
PB = Killer B
TM = Treadmill
YFR = Yoga for Runners*
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike
YFPR = Yoga for Pain Relief
YTU = Yoga Tune Up Lower Body*

*Disclaimer: Amazon affiliate links; I will make a small amount of money if you buy through these links

Running Updates

Trained around the time my race would take place on Thursday

I was juggling lots of stuff and oh-so-tempted to hop on the treadmill later in the day as it got warmer, but in the end I got out in the morning to the Park for an easy 3 miles.

I definitely didn’t want to tackle big hills a couple of days before my race, but I chose a route in my neighborhood with some small, rolling hills — cause, you know, hilly race coming up. Lots of cloud cover so it actually felt fairly comfortable and was another nice, consistent run.

Did 4 strides at the end to remind my legs they could go fast and called it a day.

Patriotic Fourth of July Race

Seriously, why is July 4th always so damn hot? Firecracker 4 is always a tough race, and this year was no different. Good friends always make it better though. I’ll recap it on Tuesday.

Perfect Summer running weather with Running Buddy D

While most of our group ran Saturday, which was just godawfully humid and hot, Running Buddy D and I agreed Sunday looked much better. It was — 10 degrees cooler and far less humid. We enjoyed perfect Summer running weather!

Favorites of the week
I discovered PUR Precious Metals Shimmering Dry Elixer at Ulta. It’s a combination of oils with some glitter in it, basically. It is in liquid form but dries very quickly on the skin. I’ve been using oil instead of a moisturizer on  my skin for a while, but had finished what I had. I like the fact that it’s dry pretty much instantly.

Speaking of shimmer, there’s also BARE Republic Sparkling Rose sunscreen. Years ago I’d used a natural sunscreen with shimmer that I really loved, but eventually it was discontinued. So I was happy to finally find another one that’s similar.

I can’t get up the stairs with this thing on my head!

Not loving? Bandit developed a hot spot, which is basically where they gnaw at something that’s bothering them until they’ve removed all the fur and create a sore.

Why? Why did you do this to me?

It started small one day, actually seemed better the next, and then on the fourth was much worse (of course, on a holiday).

It did make him super snuggly

We took him to the vet the next day, and they were able to treat it without muzzling him or getting bitten (he’s not an easy dog at the vet even when he feels good), and now he is wearing the cone of shame (and not too happy about it poor guy). We had to get the softer version because the plastic one from the vet really made him miserable, but he can still get at the hot spot, so we also need to keep a close eye on him and stop him whenever he tries to gnaw at himself (the softer collar helps, but doesn’t completely prevent him from reaching it). Fun times.

Lion King. Mr. Judy’s attempt to keep him from getting at the sore

I’ve written about how Bandit is not a snuggly dog, except when he wants something — food or to go out, usually. Well, he’s definitely been more snuggly now, but of course you don’t want it that way. Poor guy is so uncomfortable. We are also not getting a huge amount of sleep, keeping an ear out for if he’s gnawing on himself under the covers (or him asking to go out at 2 am).

Mr. Judy’s adjustment to his collar seems to be working, or the meds are; whichever, he doesn’t seem quite as sad today (and therefore less snuggly) or trying to get at it as much. Bandit is about 11. We’ve had him 3 years (the 3rd was actually his adoptiversary). This is the first time he’s ever had a hot spot.

Bandit goes through periods where he doesn’t eat well, and he had actually just gone through one shortly before all this happened. Normally he eats great, but he can still be picky. Thankfully he’s taking the meds in with his food just fine (vet said that was ok). I was really worried he wouldn’t.

If you had a heat wave, has it broken?

If you ran a 4th themed race, how did it go?

If you have a dog, have they ever had hot spots?  Chester got them when we lived in TX, but nowhere near as bad as this. Totally bizarre.

33 thoughts on “Hot Spots: 7/1-7 WRD

  1. Out heat wave has broken a bit but the humidity is still oppressive! Poor Bandit! So far Scooby hasn’t had any hot spots — or had to wear a cone! No 4th of July race for me. The one I used to do relocated to a farther away site.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We’ll eventually get humid again, but not for a few days. Thank goodness.

      Chester did get hot spots too, but never this bad. Poor guy, we feel so badly for him (although it does seem to be improving) — and for our lack of sleep, as well, due to him trying to gnaw at the damn thing.


    1. I was going to do some strength training today, but I realized I really didn’t have much rest this week (with working out and also lack of sleep) so probably best to relax a bit.


  2. Hot Spots is the perfect way to describe the weather this past week, lol. Yesterday’s run was brutal for me and I lost count of the amount of liquids I drank post-run.

    Aww poor Bandit! 😦 I hope that the sore heals up soon so he doesn’t have to wear the “cone of shame” as I used to call it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yikes, I had not heard of hot spots (I guess that’s a good thing). Our heat wave broke briefly (temps-wise), but it’s still somewhat humid. It is July, after all. I think it just feels so much hotter than usual because we had no acclimation due to June being so much cooler than it should have been. Momma N has been all messed up this year LOL I hope bandit is feeling better soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Chester got hot spots when we lived in TX, but never to as bad as this. It’s very weird. But yes, it’s rather common for dogs & often linked to allergies.

      I actually do think we had enough time to acclimate to the heat for my most recent race — which is why it went relatively well. Right now I’m enjoying the cool before the next heat wave.


  4. It is 80 here today but the dew point is a glorious 59 so it feels SO much better finally! Oh poor Bandit. Hope you’re able to relieve him of his cone soon. Ozzy hasn’t had any hot spots. Neither did Remy and Carlo, but my mom’s dogs used to get them

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lola hasn’t gotten hot spots, but Chester was prone to them in TX — never got as bad as this, he never had to wear the cone of shame for them.

      Today was just gorgeous, too — I’m actually planning to run 3 days in a row, which I don’t normally do, simply because the weather is so nice & there’s another heatwave headed our way soon.


  5. Same as you. I just deal with it after work when it is even hotter. Lol

    Saturday’s Run was actually fun because there were 7 of us. Keeps your mind off the heat. Yes today the weather was perfect but I didn’t run Thursday or Friday so I wanted to run on Saturday.

    Hope Bandit is feeling better.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Poor Bandit! I hope he gets better soon. It finally cooled down today after a hot and humid week. I ran a 4th of of July race on Thursday and it was humid and I struggled. Oh well, another race in the books for me.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love Mr. Judy’s collar adjustments. So regal. I hope Bandit is on the mend soon
    Our heatwave did not break. I hear it’s supposed to tomorrow and if it does I’m going out at 5:30 in the morning to enjoy it because it isn’t going to last.
    I did a Yoga for Runners twice this week. Still not a yoga person, but you and Liz rubbing off on me

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Unfortunately the collar adjustments only help a little. It’s a choice between some comfort and absolutely no way to get at it & neither option is quite right. 😦

      Yoga is good for everyone. There are also many different styles of yoga. And many free videos on Youtube, as well.

      Our heatwave definitely broke yesterday, but yes, it’s coming back midweek so taking advantage of the cool mornings here, too!


  8. My last dog, Cleo, hated the cone so much! She refused to eat or drink so we had to buy her a vest that kept her from licking the surgical scar. Funny how you have to improvise with them!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The soft cone is easier to take off — so we take it off for him to eat & to walk, although it is also not as effective. He can drink water just fine with it though. I know the hard plastic one would be a lot more effective, but thankfully he’s not too bad about it.

      It happens to be right by his tail, so short of diapers, there’s really nothing we could do about it clothes-wise.

      We adopted Lola at 10 months, and she was already neutered (thank God, because she was so high energy as a younger dog I can’t even imagine trying to keep her quiet and not jumping).


  9. Your poor Bandit looks so sad with his lampshade on! This is the weather for hot spots. Bill and I traveled 400 miles north to Cape Cod for the 4th. It was humid there, but not really hot, os the running was pretty good. It seems like everyone ran a 4th of July race except me! I will look forward to reading your race report.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I’ve not heard it called this, but our old cat and current one do the same, overgroom a place until it’s bare and/or raw. Argh! We have steroid cream for them usually. Hope poor Bandit is feeling better soon.

    We’re having hot weather but with cooler intervals so just about OK. For example, when I was officiating on Saturday it was cool and rained, but hot for running yesterday.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My cats never got them — well, Gizmo did get something sort of like that in the last months of his life. He overgroomed his belly, so had no fur on it. But that was due to illness.


  11. It’s been awfully hot and humid here lately and it has not broke yet. Good for you for getting those runs and walks in. I did not even attempt our annual 4th of July race here. I run it ever year ( and its miserable). You know I had a lot going on this summer and mentally and physically I was not prepared for heat, humidity, and hills! That is pretty much what that race is.

    Sorry to hear about Bandit. I hope you and Mr Judy got to take advantage of the snuggles why you could. I dont remember Baylee ever having hot spots but I knew some dogs who have. Eppie ( my parents new golden,) will be wearing the cone of shame this week. She will be getting neutered.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Aww… poor Bandit. I hope he’s better soon! It’s been hot and humid here too, and when it’s not sunny it’s been raining buckets. Hopefully that weather stops soon but we’ll see. We had more torrential rain this morning so it just seems like the new normal for now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We’re getting a break from both the rain and the heat for a few days. The heat’ll come back, though.

      At least where you live you can expect it . . . we’re supposed to have nice summers to make up for the winters!


  13. Poor Bandit! It’s so hard to keep a dog in the cone of shame (Kara actually learned how to get it off herself last time we had to use one). I hope he’s feeling better soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Funny, I was just commenting on your blog.

      I got home today and Bandit was sitting inside the fence just waiting for me, apparently. Somehow Bandit had gotten out through the dog door with the soft collar on — and apparently came back in with it on, but had managed to get his leg stuck through it.

      It actually didn’t seem to bother him much; I didn’t even realize it until I told him to go upstairs and he couldn’t (although he tried!).


    1. Normally we’re not too hot or too humid, but the last 2 summers (early days on this summer, but so far, unseasonably warm) have been.

      We lost our last cat in January. 😦 I’ve had cats my whole life — until now.


  14. Poor Bandit! I hope he’s getting better every day. It’s hard to believe you’ve had him three years already. I remember how challenging your early days were with him. He’s lucky to have you and Mr. Judy to take such good care of him.

    Liked by 1 person

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