Sliding into Fall: 8/26- 9/1 WRD

Another quiet week, and the last of my YTT calls. It’s amazing how much information we were exposed to — many students who are already teachers commented on how it was far more in depth than what they went through in an in person training. But just how much of it have I actually absorbed?


Joining Kim @ Kimrunsonthefly and Deborah @ Confessionsofamotherrunner and just sharing sliding into fall activities.


And linking up with Jenn @ Runswithpugs, Brandi @ Funnerrunner, Anna Louise @ Graciouswarriorprincess, Briana @ Matsmilesmedals, Meghan @ Meghanonthemove, and Elizabeth @ Trainwithbainfor RIOTS(running is our therapy)

Workouts update

  • Monday:  3 miles recovery run
  • Tuesday: 3 miles easy, Dogwalk, PB ST (30 min)
  • Wednesday: Dogwalk, Yoga (20 minutes)
  • Thursday: Dogwalk, Trail Run 2.80 miles
  • Friday: Dogwalk, Yoga (20 min), Hips & Arms (25 min), Yin Yoga (30 min)
  • Saturday: LSD 7 miles, Yin Yoga (55 min)
  • Sunday: Dogwalk, ST (30 min)

Mileage: 15.80 (+2.80)

JY = Jasyoga
PB = Killer B
TM = Treadmill
YFR = Yoga for Runners*
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike
YFPR = Yoga for Pain Relief
YTU = Yoga Tune Up Lower Body*

*Disclaimer: Amazon affiliate links; I will make a small amount of money if you buy through these links

Running Updates

Ain’t she a beaut? Nope, that’s not in my yard, that’s in the park

I will admit it: I was just a little achy after the trail 10k the day before. More so than for most recent halfs! Probably because it wasn’t easy, probably because while I’ve done some trail running this summer, not that much.

A slow 3 miles on a very lovely day at the park.

Followed by a surprise chiro appointment (was able to get squeezed in last minute — remember they no longer take my insurance after this month). She said it was a good thing, as my hips were out of alignment. Despite all the yoga & body awareness, I never can feel that.

These neighbors made this cute sign from a tree they cut down!

Apparently I typed over this, I haven’t been entering my runs this week, and I don’t have a lot of memory of what went on here. It was easy and just a little faster than Monday’s run, that’s about all I remember.

A beautiful night to end the trail series on

The last of the trail run series from our local running club. I was grateful they started half an hour earlier — I actually got to sleep at a decent time. Since it was my third run for the week, I hung back with a friend who is working her way back from an injury.

As seen on my long run

Say what you will about the dwindling sunlight, our movement towards Fall brings in some lovely weather — and it was awesome for this morning’s run. Nice and steady, and let myself go a little harder that last mile. Sort of negative splits (even before the last mile). Nice.

I’m not sure I would have gotten through YTT without Quizlet

Favorites of the week
This week has been pretty much consumed by studying for my test for my YTT. It’s released today, but I am not yet ready to take it (I have over a week). Plus figuring out how to actually video my practicum (which I’ll be doing next week) and test uploading it.

If you ever need to study for something, I highly recommend Quizlet, you can download the app (or use it on your lap/desktop here). I used the free version.

I am actually feeling kind of run down — although a bit better this afternoon, but the resting heart rate remains good, so hopefully it’s just from lack of sleep and lots of studying.

Lastly, in case you missed it, the Skirt Sports Labor Day sale is going on here. Obviously I’m partial to the Cool it Tops, which I am wearing above, and yes, they’re on sale.

What is the best thing you’ve done that was totally hard, but totally rewarding at the same time?

Do you enjoy learning new things?

What would you like to do that you haven’t yet tackled in your life?  

29 thoughts on “Sliding into Fall: 8/26- 9/1 WRD

  1. I do enjoy learning new things, but it’s hard! I need to get to grips with a load of hard questions for my Field Level 2 application (I’ll do them over the winter) and also need to keep a note of what I’ve learned this summer. I’m also learning Spanish from the Duolingo app – feels like it’s going well but I haven’t actually tried speaking Spanish to a real Spanish person yet! Best of luck with your test: go well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think it’s a lot easier to learn things when you’re younger. Some of the people have already taken the test, which was released today.

      I just finally finished up the optional quizzes from weeks 7 & 8 and 9 & 10 — but actually did quite well on those with minimal studying.

      For a while I was doing Italian with Duolingo, which is awesome, but at that time my phone had trouble staying connected to WIfi (it’s better since the battery was replaced), so I had stopped quite some time ago. No reason other than just loving to learn stuff.

      There has absolutely been a lot to learn & I am tired! Yoga teachers really make it look so simple.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. My kids use Quizlet and like it. Congrats on finishing the class. I have no doubt you will pass your exam. I was so nervous when I took the run coach cert a few years back. Good luck w the video as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am definitely way more nervous about the video than the test, although we covered a huge amount of info in 3 months, not the least of it 50 poses, so many different things to know about each — and the Sanskrit name for all, too!


  3. I agree that the morning have been perfect for running lately!

    I’m not surprised that you were a little more sore that usually after your trail 10K. I always think of trail running as part running/part cross training, lol.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Good luck on your exam and video.

    I have take a test twice a year to proctor the bar exam. Nerve wracking even though I know I know it.

    Proudest of winning important tennis matches. Two that I can think of. Of course my first half. Hopefully my first full.

    I enjoy the challenge of new things. Yes the brain gets slower as we age. Just wait until you’re my age. OY.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. My kids both use Quizlet for their classes at school. They like it too. Trail running makes me really sore, because I don’t do it very often. I am looking to get back into some trails this fall though. It’s funny the list of things we come up with “to do” after we get done with a marathon. It’s like our lives are on hold!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I don’t do much trail running, and today’s 13.1 had about four miles on a packed dirt/gravel trail. The rocks weren’t big, but the ground was hard (lack of rain) and there were numerous uneven tracks (from bikes) that really made it challenging. I totally understand your being sore/fatigued from your race! Good luck with your exam!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Good luck with your exam! I’ll bet having that hanging over your head is stressful as well. Stressful but worth it? Coaching large groups (500-1000) of people online. I learned how to do video and FB Live pretty darn fast but wow it was stressful to get started. I’m with you: the weather has been LOVELY!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Some day I *think* I want to do online stuff. We’ll see . . . the video is definitely more nerve-wracking.

      I hope it’ll be worth it! I have enjoyed teaching my friend. I thought she knew a lot about yoga but it turned out she only knew a little, so it’s been a bit more challenging than I expected.


  8. I do enjoy learning new things. I considered YTT for a while, but decided I’d rather stay a student. My job/my license requires constant learning and updating; I have my pediatric mental health certification exam coming up in November. I’m going to start studying now; it’s been a while since I completed my fellowship!

    This is the best time of year to be a runner!

    Liked by 1 person

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