5 Reasons I’m Grateful to Running in 2020


Thanksgiving is almost upon us (in the USA), and despite all the turmoil, the sadness, the loss, it’s time to turn our thoughts towards gratitude. For the small things — like birds flying around — and the bigger things — like a healthy family. Despite running less, I’m still very grateful that I have running.

Finding my own running space has been challenging

Finding new places
This might actually be the best benefit I’ve seen in 2020. I personally find many of my old routes too crowded for comfort. I have found a few new places to run — places I’ll continue to run when things are back to normal. I just need to find a few more that aren’t crowded!

Getting me outside (sometimes)
Getting out in nature is so important in 2020. It’s so healing. Between running and walking Bandit, I am often out there on days I’d much rather hole up inside. That’s a good thing. I always tell people want to get outside more? Get a dog!

Working off stress
In some ways, for me, running has added more stress in 2020. Even if you love running, it still stresses the body. Not all stress is bad; stress causes us to change — but too much of anything is no bueno. On those really stressful days running is still my friend: it’s always there to listen to me, and I feel better, if only for a little while, after a hard run.

Love this mug & I know I earned it on hot, buggy trail runs!

The Swag
I know a lot of people don’t care much about virtual races. They don’t think they’ve earned the swag they get from a virtual race. I haven’t done a whole lot of virtual races, but yes, even though I have plenty of race tees, every once in a while it’s nice to have a new one. Or mug. Or even a medal.

I actually rarely choose to get the medals from virtual races, because yes, I want a medal from a longer IRL race that I’ve spent months training for, but the RBG medal (which wasn’t even a race) will always be dear to me.

It may be more fun with friends, but it’s something I can do by myself
Yes, I miss running with friends. Yes, that’s my choice. The good news for me is that I’m also okay running solo. I choose to limit the number of people I’m social with, but since I can and do run alone, I haven’t had to give it up.

Final Thoughts
Good often comes out of bad. Sometimes we can’t find that good for years, or even decades, after the bad events. Few things are truly all bad. Yes, I would have been much happier without all the stress of 2020 — but it has taught me things, too. I’m glad that running is one thing that is always there for me, whether or not I choose to run, whether or not I’m running inside or outside.

Do you feel you’ve learned anything from 2020?

What else are you grateful for lately? 

Why are you glad for running in 2020? 


Linking up with Zenaida Arroyo and Kim @ Kookyrunner

This week I am also joining up with the new Runners’ Roundup linkup.


34 thoughts on “5 Reasons I’m Grateful to Running in 2020

  1. A lovely post, Judy.
    2020 has also shown me new places close to home. I’ve never done so many hikes!
    Also, I realised that I’m only skimming the surface. There’s is so much more right outside my front door to discover.
    I like your last paragraph – sometimes it takes a while to see the good outcome from bad situations.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sometimes it takes many years to look back & realize what you’ve gained.

      I wish there was more outside my door, but I have definitely discovered new things in the area — or tried things I tried once & never went back to (the season you go in can make a huge difference!).

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree with most of yours . I’ll post about mine next Tuesday.

    My big one that’s different from yours is time with friends. I can run solo but I choose not to and be safe at the same time.

    As far as swag. I got a glass and 3 buffs. But I don’t choose by swag.

    I haven’t run in new places but without training I ours put in a lot more time looking for mountains to climb and trails to explore.

    It’s been a very stressful year. At least we have our runs.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m a huge advocate for optimism, because I believe (actually, I KNOW) there’s always something good to come out of a “bad” situation. The good things aren’t always easy to find, or even recognize, but they’re there. The year 2020 has brought us so much angst, stress, and fear…but it has also given us many more opportunities to appreciate our time at home, with family, instead of constantly seeking entertainment elsewhere. Great post, Judy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have been somewhat lucky with friends and family so far this year, but what’s going on at my mom’s is worrisome, and I swear the list of my friends with problems just keeps growing. 😦

      Ah, the constantly seeking entertainment. That has become so the norm even before 2020. I find it kind of sad sometimes, even as sometimes I may fall prey to it. it’s why I don’t even start my phone or my tablet first thing in the morning. That’s my time to do Yoga & meditate.

      Thanks, Kim!


  4. Running has definitely been a bright spot for me this year! Not only did I discover trails, I rediscovered some speed and some endurance. Who knew? Running has helped me manage my anxiety too. So grateful for running (and that’s my theme for my WRD post on Sunday!).

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I have definitely appreciated running so much this year. I’ve also been grateful that I’ve been able to stay home through all of this. Even though it’s been hard, I’ve felt safer than if I had to go into the office every day. It also gave me alot more time with my son.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. One of the very positive things that all of this covid mess has given me is more time with my kids. I love being able to spend time with them without distractions of other things going on. It’s been a time to reconnect for many families I think. And yes, I’m always grateful for being able to run. I don’t take it for granted!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Great post, Judy! This year has been difficult for many of us but we are still moving forward and hoping for the best.

    I am grateful for my health, my job, food, family, and a place to live. I really have everything I need. Do I want more? Absolutely, but I am happy with what I have.

    Thanks for linking up with us!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I heartily agree with all of this. I literally don’t know where I’d be or in what state right now without running. And being able to exercise with a friend is something I never take for granted now after we weren’t allowed to do it for a good while in Lockdown 1.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I definitely have felt grateful to have running, though I have had to also switch my routes because it was so crowded in the summer! I don’t run nearly as much as I had hoped, but I treasure the times that I do get to be out there!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Running and time outdoors have been a bright spot this year! I’m grateful for having dogs and the motivation they provided to take regular, multiple time per day walks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Time outdoors is always a bright spot. I even go outside to watch the sunrise sometimes in the mornings. Even if it’s in the 20s, as it’s been a few times lately!

      My dog only gets one walk a dog; most days, anyway. Sometimes he gets two. He’s also 12 and does have that slight heart murmur, but he can still handle multiple walks. Sometimes he balks if I’m not there, though!


  11. It has to be a special group with one to three particular people in it, and I’ve got more picky as the opportunities have got more taxing! I’d probably be OK too as I’d use the cross trainer or brisk walks, you’re right.

    Liked by 1 person

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