Thoughts on Running through a Pandemic


Back in August, I wrote about the good things in a Pandemic (you can read that post here). It’s easy to find bad things, but what you focus on grows, so why not focus on the good stuff? The topic today is what did I learn about myself in the Pandemic, but I sort of covered that so I’ll share some thoughts about running through a Pandemic.

Running can be your friend
Some people are comfortable running with friends, some aren’t — and we all have different circumstances. Running can absolutely be like getting together with an old friend:

  • Running can push you
  • Running can cheer you up
  • Running rituals (warmups, foam rolling, post run drinks) can be comforting
  • Running can take you away — literally — from all the bad that surrounds you

Last but not least, running is always there for you. If you have to take a break, running will be waiting.

Virtual Races can serve a purpose/s
There are plenty of avid runners that never race. There are plenty of runners that are over virtual races. Again everyone is different; it’s a no judgement zone!

We all run for different reasons, but one of my reasons is to challenge myself. I don’t go all out training for a virtual race and I definitely don’t push as hard during. I do make sure I’m in shape for the distance and I like to push a little. It’s just good for the body and soul.

Virtual Races can also help support your favorite running groups and charities.

Running during a Pandemic can be freeing
For some of us. There are those that #runallthemiles (again, whatever floats your boat) and there are those that found it freeing to relax their running a bit. Both reactions can serve a purpose.

As much as I miss my racecations, I have also turned my thoughts to regular vacations. Maybe we’ll actually take one when we feel comfortable traveling again. I will definitely bring my running gear and I will definitely run — so fun to run in a new place! — but there is a certain amount of stress that comes with the racecation.

Right now I am embracing Winter, because you should never wish your life away, but I am definitely looking forward to warmer days and exploring new places and old favorites without fearing I’ll fall or donning a gazillion layers. I think it will still be a while before we travel. Maybe in the Fall? For our anniversary?


Final Thoughts
My running has definitely changed during these “interesting” times. Much less of it — which can be freeing — there’s definitely more to life than running for me. Completely solo (although walks with friends when I can). Less hard running.

I don’t know what the future holds, but I’m pretty sure it will hold more running

What would you add to my list about ways running can be your friend?

If you ran a virtual race in 2020 — why? 

How are you embracing the now? 

You’re invited: I’m going to a lead a Facebook Live meditation on unity tomorrow, at 11 am EST. You can join in here.


Linking up with Zenaida Arroyo and Kim @ Kookyrunner

This week I am also joining up with the new Runners’ Roundup linkup.


32 thoughts on “Thoughts on Running through a Pandemic

  1. When I was a teenager, I was at a family gathering and I mentioned to one of my aunts that I wished it was spring already. She said: “life is too short to wish it away!”.
    That impressed me. Since then, then I’ve tried to be better at embracing the now.

    I hope you get to travel this year, Judy! When is your anniversary?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am enjoying being able to run more. Since I work from home, I have more time. I’ve been healthy so why relax it.

    At the beginning, I was not gathering with friends so I decided to walk mire and hike. That continued even when I saw my friends. I’ve even inspired them to do so.

    Now I’ve added the bike.

    So 3 things that changed. All good.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m so glad I had running in my life when a pandemic hit. Not quite sure I would have fared as well if I couldn’t run! One thing I learnt about myself was that although I love races, I don’t need them to keep running. Having said that, I really am looking forward to having races on the calendar again!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I embraced running this year but took it off the road. I’m a solo runner so not much changed in that regard. I do miss the challenge of training for a big event, tho. Virtual events just don’t cut it.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m glad I had running through this past year; it definitely was a good friend! And I would have otherwise been a little bored 🙂

    Great post with lovely reminders!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Running is absolutely my friend. One of my best friends, really. And yes, I have run virtual races in 2020. I did it for motivation, accountability, and to support the races and RDs who have struggled so hard.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’ve been so appreciative of running during the pandemic! And virtual races are definitely different, but still can be beneficial. They’ve given me something to work towards and a way to challenge myself when I haven’t been able to do real races.

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  8. I haven’t run nearly as many miles during this pandemic – not training for a race makes me a lot less structured. But I did some virtual 5K’s to support various causes.

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  9. I have always enjoyed running alone but I enjoyed it much more last year. I just wanted to be along and in my own thoughts. I did a couple of virtual races but then stopped because I was not enjoying them anymore. I just did my own thing.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. My running hasn’t changed much except as you know training and running a virtual marathon. Other than that I already run alone so…
    I do miss runcations. Hopefully this year will be better.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. The absence of races meant that I wasn’t running any specific workouts in training blocks and I found that I really like doing just mostly mileage with some strides. It planted in my head to maybe try a trail race or ultra some day!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I felt like most of my running during the pandemic consisted of base building. Without races to train for, I wanted to keep a mid-distance base, so I did a lot of 10-mile runs. I started doing virtual races in the fall and I did enjoy it, though they never feel like races to me. Just long runs. I appreciated the bling though. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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