Marching in: 3/1 – 7 WRD

I’d like to say that Spring is marching in, but it sure seemed much more like Winter this week. A few dustings of snow, frigid temps with howling winds. Our hawks came back to roost, though, so surely Spring is on its way? I could have also titled this Breaking Away (remember that movie?), since I finally got to run a little outside my neighborhood today.


I’m joining Kim @ Kimrunsonthefly and Deborah @ Confessionsofamotherrunner, and easing slowly back into running and strength training.

Workouts update

  • Monday: Yoga (20 min), PB Cardio Abs (12 min), Dogwalk
  • Tuesday: Yoga (15 min), 1.5 TM Bootcamp, SB 3.86 mile (15 min), Yoga (20 min)
  • Wednesday: Yoga (20 min), Dogwalk, Abs (15 min), Filmed Yoga Video (20 min)
  • Thursday: Yoga (20 min), 3 miles easy, Dogwalk
  • Friday: Yoga (20 min), Rest Day — ST was planned, but I was super tired & passed
  • Saturday: Yoga (20 min) — another rest day while the wind howled
  • Sunday: Yoga (20 min), 5 miles easy, Yoga (20 min)

Running Mileage: 9.50 (-1.25)

JY = Jasyoga
PB = Killer B
TM = Treadmill
YFR = Yoga for Runners*
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike
YFPR = Yoga for Pain Relief
YTU = Yoga Tune Up Lower Body*

*Disclaimer: Amazon affiliate links; I will make a small amount of money if you buy through these links

Running Update

Tuesday Intention: a little speed, some strength, cut back
I wanted to finally try a Peloton Tread Bootcamp, and I chose a 45 minute Classic Rock Bootcamp. It was a good class; although I had intentions of doing a cool down run because I ran even less than I thought I would — well, that was before I did the class. Note to self: if you want more miles, do a warmup run. I did follow it with a stationary bike cool down, though.

I thought about a 60 minute bootcamp — probably would have gotten me the mileage I wanted — but I’ve been a bit tired (and busy) the last couple of weeks so I was trying to take it a little easier. Insert evil laugh there!

A lot of snow has melted, but Winter temps have been hanging on

Thursday Intention: Take it Easy!
I was feeling a little off this week. Tuesday’s workout was a bit intense, plus there were various minor frustrations yesterday. It was gray, cold, and windy. It was also a very consistent run, and while I won’t say it felt great — the pace was a bit faster than it’s been in a while.

Both photos from our lawn. I expect this to be gone by the end of next week!

Sunday Intention: go the distance
Just 5 miles. Don’t let the sun fool you — it was cold, but not as cold as Saturday! I walked out and thought I was overdressed, but then the wind kicked up — nope, it was just right for me. the first three miles passed fairly “quickly”, that last mile was a bit of a struggle.

Favorites of the week
I had to ask Alexa if hawks go south for the Winter. Yup, indeed. I noticed that they hadn’t been around, but I also noticed them flying around and then coming to to rest on “their” trees opposite from our house (where we saw what I’m calling a young eagle last week). I look forward to watching them ride the thermals in the Summer. Sorry no photos.

It was a busy week, but nothing terribly exciting happened and I barely took any photos . Actually, I did finally get my new Yoga props, but I never took any photos of them. Oops!

Training or just running?

Snow all gone or hanging in there? Ours is mostly gone (for now) although it’s been so cold & we’ve had some flurries so there’s still some hanging on.

Did you race this weekend? 

GWY Balance 1

ICYMI: It’s the first video in my Better Balance + Core Challenge! You’ll find the video here. This week I also did two bonus Facebook Lives — one core, one for the back in the Facebook group; you can join here.

Coming up on Tuesday: Some historic moments in women’s running for Women’s History Month. Friday I’m sharing what I did to heal my Achilles Tendonitis. Of course I am not a medical professional and don’t really know which — or if all — of the things I did worked.

36 thoughts on “Marching in: 3/1 – 7 WRD

  1. Our snow is almost all gone now. We had alot of wind this week, and most days were still pretty chilly. But the sun made it feel like spring is almost here! Great job this week!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Same weather as you but I did get all four runs outside. Wind and all. Quite challenging.

    Just running. Even if I am racing. These pandemic races don’t need to be trained for.

    Today was nice with that sunshine. But with 10 miles yesterday, I decided to rest. Instead I did two long hikes.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I can run when the weather is rotten especially if I’m not alone. But hiking. Nope. I would have skipped it if it were like yesterday. Not spring temps But I wore several layers and was quite toasty.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. We had a lot of sunshine but also a lot of wind last week. Temps are supposed to warm up in a few days but we’ll see if that actually happens lol.

    That’s awesome that you were able to try a tread bootcamp class. I think those are my favorite classes, but agree that sometimes you don’t get enough mileage, depending on how many tread vs strength portions are in the class.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. In spite of all the sunshine, it has been chilly here. I’m ok with it tho, after February it feels great! It’s nice not to have to wear ALL the layers.

    Enjoy your week!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Most of our snow is history…and I prefer it to stay that way. Now, we’re just waiting for all the muddy grass to dry out a bit. 20mph wind this afternoon for my run, but 63F temps…so no complaints.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I struggle with how to fit the bootcamps into my plan. There are a few that end on the tread so I can keep running if I didn’t quite hit my goal, but otherwise once they are done, I’m usually DONE too. 😉

    I hope you get your spring weather soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We are supposed to get spring weather next week! Hoping to actually visit with my mom outside on her birthday so Bandit & Mr. Judy can come too.

      I really should’ve just done a warm up run! I should’ve known I wouldn’t want to run more when the class finished.


  7. I’m looking forward to your Friday post! I’m always interested in what people did to heal injuries. Sounds like you had some nice runs this week- that five-miler on Sunday must have felt good!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. We still have piles of dirty snow hanging around but with 3 days this week forecast to be in the 60s I’m hoping we’ll get rid of it. I feel like I’ve seen hawks here all winter long….maybe I haven’t. I can tell you the sandhill cranes have migrated back though! A sure sign of spring.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I had noticed I didn’t see our hawks in the winter. Alexa confirmed they go south for winter. I got curious & asked her how long red tail hawks live — I was very surprised they can live 30 years!

      Why don’t dogs live that long? 😔


  9. Nice job last week, Judy. I’m glad you’re able to get back out beyond your neighborhood. We have a tiny pile of snow left where the snowplow pushed it off the cul-de-sac, but otherwise; it’s gone.

    Our hawks have been very active and vocal for the last week. We do see them during the winter… perhaps it’s your hawks coming south to Virginia while ours go to Florida.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Maybe it’s warm enough in VA for the hawks to stay put? I’d definitely noticed I didn’t see them during winter. I often eat facing our Bay window & that’s where I can see them. They’re big so it’s noticeable when they’re not there.


  10. I keep saying that I’m going to try the bike bootcamps but still haven’t gotten around to it – so many classes, so little time.

    The snow has all but melted here, but the wind was ridiculous this week so it hasn’t felt like much of a warm-up. On the good side, there’s been a lot more sunshine!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I have to admit I do not understand treadmill classes. it does sound intense and at least you also know how whether to do the cool down or warm up for more miles right?

    It’s much colder here again, and this week promises to be 50 shades of gray. I think I may even need a rain jacket for notparkrun… we’ll see.

    I’m not training for anything. Though I do occasionally think about doing a bit of speedwork to help the longer mileage (currently “long” being 5k hahaha).

    Liked by 1 person

  12. We have tons of hawks and falcons around here. It’s a little unsettling with small dogs around.

    It keeps seeming to warm up and then BOOM. Frost. I’m over it. Let’s just move forward, weather!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I have not done any of the bike bootcamp classes but am curious about them. But then I think that a bike class is just enough. 🙂 Right now I am building a base so I can start training again. I did run in February but now like I used to. Most of our snow is gone. I look back at pictures from last month and “wow”…so much snow!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. All our snow and ice went a while ago. I’m definitely just running rather than training, but enjoying it since I removed my self-imposed 100-miles-a-month requirement. Feb had 90 and I was fine with that! Lovely to have your hawks back. I’m supposed to be a birder but I can never remember what goes and what stays!

    Liked by 1 person

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