Are We Done Yet???: 10/25 – 31 WRD

We were heading out the other way when I turned around for some photo op & then saw this path! We had to go down it it was so beautiful (although wet after that Nor’easter).

The beginning of the week was spent at Lake Minnewaska State Park, and despite the meh weather (including a Nor’easter) it was amazing! I can’t wait to go back someday and explore more. If you follow me on FB here you’ll see a lot more photos of our hikes there.

The subject, unfortunately, refers to the fact that in addition to researching a new treadmill, we’ve added researching a new dishwasher to that every-growing list of things we need. The new phone (which we bought from a friend) is coming? Maybe? Definitely #firstworldproblems but annoying. You know they say these things come in threes.


I’m joining Kim @ Kimrunsonthefly and Deborah @ Confessionsofamotherrunner, and enjoying hiking, a little running, and lots of Yoga, of course.

Workouts update

  • Monday: Yoga (30 min), 5 mile hike/dogwalk
  • Tuesday: Yoga (40  min) AM & PM, PB Cardio Abs (20 min), major rest day due to Nor’easter
  • Wednesday: Yoga (30 min), 6 mile hike/dogwalk, Yoga (20 min)
  • Thursday: Yoga, (40 minutes), 5.3 mile long-er run, Yoga (45 min)
  • Friday: Yoga (40 min), Dogwalk AM, 1 mile recovery run, Filmed Yoga video (60 min)
  • Saturday: Yoga (40 min), Dogwalk AM, Rainy rest day
  • Sunday:  3 miles easy-ish + surges

Running Mileage: 9.3  (-2ish) 

PB = Killer B
TM = Treadmill
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike

Running Update

Yup, just more bizarre fungi

Thursday Intention: easy & long-er
I knew it would make more sense to not run long today, after a long, active day and a few hours in the car the day before, but I wanted to get a few runs in this week and there wasn’t a whole lot of options for juggling days.

Definitely a gray day but the leaves are still colorful

Stayed at same time for the run as last week — a little further than the previous week, roughly the same as a couple of weeks before. I’ll take it. 

Kinda Pirates if the Caribbean do Halloween

Friday Intention: recover + endurance (no walking)
The weather is most definitely Fall and for the first time in a long time it was an afternoon run. The morning was chilly and foggy, and I had errands to run. It was just one mile, of course, and because I’ve been doing the one mile runs without walk breaks sometimes they’re faster than my long runs.

Some really go all out for Halloween! There’s a cat pumpkin in there.

Sunday Intention: a little speed (some surges and pick-ups sprinkled in)
Somehow I wasn’t really feeling this run. I was overdressed — it went from a chilly rain to warm-ish temps rather quickly. I thought about surges in the second mile but nope. I finally decided to do it in the last mile. Which made for a bell curve run.

Halloween & Alma Mater spirit in my scarf. Yup, it was chilly & the lake is roughly 1700 ft elevation (where we live is around 300 ft)

Favorites of the week
Our trip to Lake Minnewaska was a complete success, although we could’ve lived without the Nor’Easter in the middle of the trip. Plus the multiple roads closed to flooding and/or construction which added a lot of time to the trip.

RIP Baby. Miss you.

Bandit, who did not do well the one time we stayed at a hotel with both him & Lola (today marks one year that we said goodbye to Lola, read more here), did just fine at an AirBnB. He was particularly fond of the weighted blanket. I’m not sure I really liked it, but for some reason he loved laying on top of it.

gwy restorative ahimsa

ICYMI: If you’re ready to let your legs relax and re-energize, I have the perfect Restorative Yoga practice for you. You’re going to need a lot of props, though!

Restorative Yoga | Post Run Stretch click here * 5 Benefits of Restorative Yoga Vlog click here

Coming up on Tuesday & Friday: I’m wrapping up October. Friday it’s time to enjoy some hot chocolate and catch up on what’s going on in your world — and mine.

33 thoughts on “Are We Done Yet???: 10/25 – 31 WRD

  1. Too bad about the rain on your vacation. For once they predicted it. As in yesterday it didn’t rain and it was supposed to and today is actually warm. I’m leaving soon for a hike.

    We just redid our kitchen and yesterday bought a new Washing machine which may not fit where the old one was. New appliances I’ve found out are bigger than the older ones. Sigh.

    I’ve postponed updating our phones. But soon.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. But you knew it was going to happen & it was summer. Still not fun but big difference. Lloyd now thinks he can fix it. But it leaked when we tried to turn on the hot water so no hot water until it’s fixed or a new one arrives.


      2. Yes not fun. Paper cups plates and throwaway tin cooking. Expected it for a few days. Had to make coffee in the bathroom lol. Good luck. Appliances are not abundant these days.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I didn’t explain my situation…we had NO WATER. But it’s all good for now. Until the next appliance breaks. I predict the dryer.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. All the colors look so pretty in your pics! Too bad about the rain but glad you could still get out for you run. Thats so frustrating that now you also need to find a new dishwasher!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your hiking pics look so beautiful, Judy! As you know, I am not a fan of the Fall season, but the pops of color are definitely a perk of the cooler temps. We saw a lot more color the 20 hours (or so) that we were in Wisconsin this weekend. Today we have a lot of sunshine, mild temps, but that %&$# wind is blowing…again LOL

    Liked by 1 person

  4. that skeleton in the canoe is too cute! What gorgeous hiking photos you got. We are not quite in the peak yet but the trees were gorgeous this week. It always seems like there is something to fix or replace in our house too!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh yes, it’s always something. Last week our oven stopped working suddenly, and it took a week to get the part and have it repaired, SIGH!
    i love your fall/Halloween pictures!
    LM State Park looks beautiful- glad you had a good time there in spite of the Nor’easter!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We did have a good time (despite lots of frustrations with the road closings).

      Oh no on the stove! That’s so frustrating. Not sure what we’re gonna do about the dishwasher yet. Probably doesn’t make sense to fix it.


  6. Ugh – sorry about the dishwasher 😦 I hope that you’re able to find a new one soon.

    I love your the beautiful hiking photos – The leaves on the trees are stunning. We had a lot of rain from that storm earlier in the week but luckily not too much flooding or power outages.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Glad you had such a great trip! We had rain at Yellowstone…you just have to roll with it, right? Your photos are beautiful. I feel like we are on a roll with repairs, but now my hubs has been blind to all the rest of the things that need to be done.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well we had Bandit but even if we didn’t it wasn’t just rain — it was pouring & lots of wind. It gave us a nice break in between hikes to rest a little.

      Your photos are stunning, too, Wendy! There are still so many National parks I’d like to get to.


  8. I’m glad you had a good time despite the weather. I guess Bandit made the weighted blanket extra heavy! We had to get a new dishwasher last year, and went with a Bosch. It has a top level tray for silverware that I really like and is super quiet.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We’ve had 2 Boschs. Loved the first but the second has never been as good. I want that third drawer too! But that adds a lot of $$ & we hope to move within maybe the next 5 years. Meanwhile my husband thinks he can fix it. Let’s hope that goes better than the treadmill!


  9. That’s great that Bandit did well at the Airbnb and you have that as a traveling option. Pablo is going to stay with us at the Airbnb when we’re in Florida later this month for his humans’ wedding. 🙂

    I actually thought of you when I heard about the Nor’easter. Glad you didn’t have damage from it.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I’m so glad Bandit did well. I’m sure that made things easier.

    We need a new dishwasher too, but I’m refusing to deal with it until we can get all new appliances. It’s time, but… supply chain. Ugh.

    Looks like you had some beautiful hikes, even if the weather didn’t cooperate 100%,.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well the dishwasher is leaking — & we haven’t run it in days. Even worse is most of our plates are right over it so it’s hard to get something or put things away. I know I could use paper & I might get to that point, but I really prefer real plates!

      Yes, I loved hiking there.


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