5 Reasons . . .


. . . Compassion is my word for 2022

I’ve been picking a word to concentrate on for my year for many years. I like to use that word in my monthly wrap up — sometimes with a quote, sometimes with a song. It just keeps that word in my mind all year long.

I do think it’s great for runners to have a focus for the year — although my word this year (mostly) has nothing to do with running.


I’m linking up with My First 5K and MoreRunning With Attitude, Runs with PugsZenaida and Run Laugh Eat Pie for Fit Five Friday. Today I’m sharing 5 reasons Compassion is my word for 2022.

Compassion: sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others

1: Compassion for my sister
My sister lives the closest to my mom, and much falls on her shoulders, It gets to her no matter how much I help out. Sometimes, too, I think she does things because she feels guilty, even when I try to make the burden easier for her. Let’s just say I also bear the brunt of a lot of venting. I try hard to be compassionate to her, even when the going gets tough.

In happier times (her 90th birthday, my Dad was still alive)

2: Compassion for my mom
No matter how rough our lives are, there’s no doubt that my mom’s life is 100 times rougher. Yet dealing with her isn’t always easy, either. I struggle with keeping her spirits up, as she is understandably depressed and anxious at times.

I try to keep compassion front and center, and can only hope that when my time comes, there is someone in my life to do the same. Not having kids definitely makes you wonder how you will get through the aging years.

3: Compassion for Mr. Judy
I have been gone a lot in the last six months, and I only see it happening more as we move into 2022.  It’s not always easy having a stressed out, tired spouse who sometimes can’t think straight, I know. He has had to take over feeding and walking Bandit a lot while I am staying at my moms — although since I’m the one that has always done 90% of that, he’s got a long way to go to catch up!

4: Compassion for Bandit
Poor Bandit. Whenever I leave, he never has a clue how long I’ll be gone. All he wants is to see his pack together. Especially the leader of the pack (me). 

5: Last but not least, compassion for myself
I am fairly certain that this won’t be going on for years. When you go on Hospice, it usually means they think you have six months to live, although people sometimes live far longer than that. I know that I’m doing the best I can, but it’s hard when you feel like you’re constantly coming up short. 

Final Thoughts
I think that there’s a real chance that this chapter in my life will end not that long into 2022, although of course it could go on longer. I struggled a bit with this word, knowing that I might not “need” it that long. It just kept coming up for me over and over again. 

Because really is there ever a time you don’t need to be compassionate?

Do you pick a word to focus on for your year?

If you do what is your word for 2022?

Do you remember your word for 2021, if you picked one?

9 thoughts on “5 Reasons . . .

  1. I have my word. I will post it soon.

    My word was resilient and again I’ll write about it too. I was successful imo.

    Yours is a good one. It’s something we all need to be.

    I pick a running word for the blog. Any word can.

    As far as running compassion, it’s one of reasons we need to volunteer at races (my rant today) and run with our friends no matter what their pace or schedule is.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Compassion is a beautiful gift to give others, and especially yourself. None of us are super heroes (though sometimes others expect otherwise from us, LOL). We all have different (and difficult) shoes to walk in…it’s best we honor that when dealing with others. It’s not easy, but fulfilling. Great word choice, Judy 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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