It’s been a tough week on the old body: 8/15 – 21 WRD

A daytrip, friend gatherings, and a race. We did go from beautiful in the beginning of the week, which is why I made a last minute decision to get out of town a bit, to very hot and humid this week. Good thing I’ve been working hard on my mental game!

I also sliced my finger this week (I’ll live) and fell early on in today’s race — I am totally okay, barely have a scrape on me, although I did not fall the way you’re supposed to. I fell right onto my hands and knees, rather than rolling onto a shoulder.


I’m joining Kim @ Kimrunsonthefly and Deborah @ Confessionsofamotherrunner, and a flipflop in weather this week — cool to hot unlike last week’s hot to cool.

Workouts update

  • Monday: Yoga AM (20 min), Short Hike @ Olivia’s Overlook, Yoga PM (20 min)
  • Tuesday: Dogwalk, Yoga AM (20 min), Walking with Weights (25 min), Yoga PM (20 Min)
  • Wednesday: Yoga AM (20 min), 5 miles easy
  • Thursday: Yoga (20 min), 2 mile recovery run, Dogwalk, Yoga PM (20 Min)
  • Friday: Yoga AM (20 min), Dogwalk, Cardio + ST (20 min)
  • Saturday: Yoga AM (20 min), Dogwalk, Walked with friends <== rest day
  • Sunday: Yoga (30 min), .5 mile WU + 10k trail race, ST of some sort — maybe (25 min)

Running Mileage: 14  (+1

PB = Killer B
TM = Treadmill
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike

Running Update

Reminds me of Emerald City (or The Wicked Witch) from Wizard of Oz

Wednesday intention: easy
Still debating on a trail race for the weekend. Leaning towards it, although not looking forward to the early wake up call since it’s a bit of a drive to get there. Weather is warming back up, but that location is also a higher elevation so tends to be cooler.

Anyway set out on a cloudy but warmer day for 5 easy miles. The first three miles were slow but steady, with an oddly “quick” mile in mile 4. No idea why. I though it must be some Garmin wonkiness but it seems to be in line with the overall time for this run. The forecast rain never appeared. I skipped walking to the power dam (because of the potential for rain), but spent some time post run eating my snack and journaling overlooking the not green water further down the trail.

It always surprises me that Hibiscus do so well up North

Thursday intention: recover
It was a beautiful, cool morning for a recovery run. I was kind of dragging though; I suppose that that’s good for recovery. I had planned on some ST today, but I knew I needed to relax more so pushed it off til Friday.

Apparently I have real amnesia about this race. I don’t remember this little lake at all.

Sunday intention: see where I’m at
I really didn’t see where I was at. This race is far more technical than the trails I’ve been running and it was also almost 20 degrees hotter than the last time I ran it three years ago. It was most definitely a PW by a lot — it turned into more hiking than running, with that fall early on. I’m not injured so it’s all good and I’ll recap it on Tuesday.

Olivia’s Overlook (view from parking lot)

Favorites of the week
I’m not sure it was really the brightest idea to go on a daytrip on Monday, but it was a great day for it. The view was very nice from the parking lot — the overlooks on the hike were just okay. I think we tuckered out Bandit, though, and that is not a bad thing, because some days he drives me crazy with all the in and out through the dog door.

Got together with different friends on different days this week, despite a few more hot days this weekend.

One of my recent creations: Mexican Street Corn Salad

Mr. Judy actually approves of my latest creation in the kitchen, and he’s not a salad person.

ICYMI: Another practice to strengthen your whole posterior chain and what runner doesn’t need that? It’s all done at the wall which can make it feel much more accessible. Practice with me here, We’ll also be tapping into our emotions — it all comes in just under 30 minutes.

Coming up on Tuesday: I’ll be recapping my trail race. Friday it’s time to runfess already!

31 thoughts on “It’s been a tough week on the old body: 8/15 – 21 WRD

  1. Glad you didn’t get hurt. It is a beautiful course though. But I only know from walking it. I hope you enjoyed the race. I’ve heard great things about it. But I think I’ll stick to roads.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ha, that’s funny- I was also out on some technical trails this week and I’m not used to that! I’m impressed that you did a 10k trail race. Hiking is perfectly fine- remember, “forward” is a pace! I’m looking forward to the recap.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sorry about the fall during your race. It is a big risk in trail races. I’m glad you’re not hurt badly.

    Funny, I was browsing beach restaurant menus last night and picked out a place with a street corn salad — yours looks delish!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My personal feeling is you can fall in road races, too. Worse fall I ever had was on pavement (not in a race). But yes there’s always a risk.

      The Mexican street corn salad is pretty easy & yes, very tasty. We had particularly good corn last week!


    1. So far so good. Just a tiny scrape on one knee. It’s not the first time I’ve fallen on trails but thankfully it doesn’t happen often — I am really grateful it wasn’t one of the sections that had big rock slabs!


  4. Sorry to hear about your fall! Glad you’re ok. I’ve had a few tumbles myself lately.

    So we make Elote, which is Mexican street corn salad, too! We buy fresh cobs up in Wisco and oh are they good!!!

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    1. We get a box of veggies weekly during the Summer. We do try to use them not long after getting them, but last week it was quite a few days later, since I wasn’t even here to pick up the box (my husband did), etc. The ears from last week were still particularly sweet!


  5. Ouch on the fall, but glad to hear it wasn’t too serious. The pic of the hibiscus is so pretty! That street corn salad looks yummy! Living in Iowa, I eat a lot of corn, and it really adds a nice sweet twist to a salad 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sorry about the fall but I’m glad it wasn’t worse. That can be so mentally jarring in a race especially. Your scenes this week are gorgeous. I just saw Elote seasoning at Trader Joe’s yesterday.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Sorry to hear about that fall, but glad that you are okay. It can be so shocking to the system when you fall while running but glad that there we no injuries.

    I just saw a recipe for Mexican Street Corn Salad and bookmarked it to try later, and now I see that yummy meal on your blog so that’s a sign for me to make it, lol.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Apparently I have real amnesia about this race. I don’t remember this little lake at all. This quote from you resonated with me. I run a lot of races and do some in such a fast pace (for me anyway), I don’t stop and see the views. Something to think about for my future races.

    Glad your fall wasn’t serious. I love daytrips. Glad you had a great week. And your yoga pic…I love doing the legs up on a wall after a hard run.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Yay for running a trail race! I hope you’re okay from your fall and don’t have any residual pain. Can’t wait to hop over and read your recap.

    I sliced off a little tip of my thumb on Thursday preparing chicken crockpot fajitas. It’s fine, but wouldn’t stop bleeding for a couple of hours which is tough when you’re still cutting up chicken, peppers, and onions. Your street corn salad sounds yummy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I’m fine thanks. At least from the fall! Barely a scratch on me.

      I’m sorry about the thumb! Yes, it took a while to get mine to stop bleeding too. It was on the top of my index finger — glad it was on the left hand & just missed the nail. Oddly very little pain, too.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m fine; thanks! I just winged the salad. Greens, fresh corn, avocado. Mixed the corn with some mayo, cumin, paprika & oregano. Added some Mexican cheese & cotijo cheese (only had the Mexican the first time. Stirred that into mayo & corn & baked at 350 until bubbly. Didn’t measure anything.


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