Yet another zero week: 5/8 – 14 WRD

I really couldn’t understand why I wasn’t feeling better. I mean, four COVID tests were negative (I even took a fifth one, but it was a dud and didn’t even have a control line).


I’m joining Kim @ Kimrunsonthefly and Deborah @ Confessionsofamotherrunner and another week with a whole lotta rest. The good news is I’m on the mend!

Workouts update
Still walking Bandit and doing some Yoga, plus normal around the house chores (well, some anyway — what had to get done, like all the laundry from the trip!). But I was just exhausted. My RHR remained really elevated.

I did, however, have something going on with my right thumb. I really wasn’t sure what. It was painful, but I assumed it would resolve on its own. Until it kind of developed a blister and oozed puss (I’m sorry for that image).

Off to not-so-urgent care where I waited almost two hours to be seen like one minute (that is only a slight exaggeration). A round of antibiotics were prescribed and I really hope I’ll start to feel much better as they kick in !

Always (normally) alert to food

So still no running. I definitely wasn’t feeling it, despite the gorgeous running weather. Then a whole lot of family drama dropped in, which has resolved peacefully for now but it was stressful. It was a loooong week. Then one afternoon/evening Bandit was just completely off, lethargic, not wanting to eat at all. He is fine now; he is very heat intolerant, and I think maybe that day he just spent a bit too much time outside.

We had a more serious episode like this with Gizmo once, and that time I ended up at the emergency vet with him. Thankfully that was not necessary this time.

I tried to make a collage but the photos didn’t work well together

Favorites of the week
However I live in a country that isn’t at war. I know this is a bump in the road and I’ll be okay again. The weather was wonderful (I just wished I had the energy to take advantage of it). What I did take advantage of was eating out on our deck and trying to capture a lot of Bandit photos. Enjoy!

A very happy Mother’s Day to all the moms, furkid moms, stepmoms, and grandmas out there! I hope you have a great day filled with love and family. We went to see my mom yesterday, since my sister is celebrating with her kids today and my brother is spending the weekend with my mom (so she’s covered today).

The view from our deck just cause it’s pretty

ICYMI: Want to get some flexibility into tight hips and hamstrings? Come practice with me here. I also introduce you to May’s videos while offering a shorter Hips at the Wall practice here.

Coming up next Week: just WRD. Maybe this week there will be some running.

36 thoughts on “Yet another zero week: 5/8 – 14 WRD

  1. Hope you feel better soon. Esp since we are having great running weather.

    I came back from my relaxing vacation totally exhausted. Go figure. But I had to drag myself out and run.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So sorry for the tough week, Judy. I’m so glad Bandit is feeling better! It’s so frustrating when our little fur kids aren’t themselves. I wish they could verbalize what they’re feeling.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well, Bandit is a handsome, photogenic little guy! Glad he’s feeling better. And I hope you feel better as well. We have to remember that before Covid there were all sorts of things going around- so you can feel pretty miserable with a non-Covid virus too. Glad you’re able to appreciate the beautiful weather!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well it’s a cut (which I wasn’t really aware of) that got infected. Hence the antibiotics — something I don’t take lightly but there is a time & place for them, & this was definitely it! I get something really weird like this every 10 years or so! Thankfully yes, I still can appreciate the weather, which has been great (sorry, I know yours isn’t).


  4. The view from your deck is pretty!

    I don’t have bad seasonal allergies, but something has been bothering me lately — I get sneezy outside and my head feels clogged up. I hope you are feeling better soon!

    Scooby was pretty beat after our run yesterday. It was probably too humid for him.

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    1. I had one run with Bandit years ago where he was so lethargic after it was scary. I think that’s when I stopped running with him — but Scooby is still young, thankfully (Bandit was already 8 when we got him).

      Sorry about whatever is bothering you; hope it clears up!


  5. That’s the worst when you’re too sick to get out and enjoy nice weather! That’s how I was when I had covid last month. I so badly wanted to go for a run or even a walk but just didn’t have the energy to do much of anything. I hope you’re feeling better soon!

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  6. Sorry you were still not feeling well. what WAS wrong with your thumb?? luckily family drama has subsided and pet problems are not huge. I know that you know I’ve had my share of pet emergencies, enough to last me QUITE a while. hopefully you are on the mend this new week.

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    1. My thumb get infected. Not really quite sure how, but it’s healing due to the antibiotics — something I’m careful with & only take when really necessary, which in this case it was. Yes, you deserve some smooth sailing with your furkids. That’s something that never gets easier. 😦


  7. I’m so sorry you aren’t feeling back to normal. And that your thumb got infected! And that Bandit wasn’t well! I hope it all gets better soon. We are taking both pugs to the vet tomorrow for a check up. It’s going to be horrible – Luna hates the car. Leonidas gets carsick. Neither one wants to be manhandled. Good times.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good luck! Bandit gets randomly carsick. Doesn’t really happen often but it’s not pleasant when it does. Lol OTOH. Was great in the car on long trips — but she didn’t get carsick (just anxious). But I had one cat who invariably threw up on the way to the vet. Another that peed in the carrier when he was getting to the end of his life. The thumb is healing.


  8. Sorry you had such a tough week. I hope the antibiotics have kicked in and you’re feeling better. Hopefully the delightful spring weather will stick around and be waiting for you when you feel like running again.

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    1. LOL, I was just explaining to my husband that I have a new short skirt I wanted to try but tomorrow is going to be cool! People keep raving about this skirt but I haven’t been able to run in it yet. The antibiotics seem to be doing their job. Thanks!

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  9. So sorry that you aren’t feeling well 😦 One of my co-workers is currently dealing with a nasty cold (she also tested negative for Covid three times). I hope that the antibiotics help you feel better soon.

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  10. Oh sweet Bandit. I hope he’s feeling better. The heat affects Matilda way more these days too and she loses her appetite quickly.

    I hope you’re feeling better soon Judy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yup, you understand! Bandit has been his normal self since then. Although my husband noted we are linked — he had a problem near his dew claw & I had a problem on my thumb — both on the right “hand”, LOL!


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