Mini heat wave: 5/29 – 6/4 WRD

I didn’t realize I’d have to implement my new plan to (maybe) run twice a week and do a cycling workout twice a week so soon — but this week went sideways quickly. Bandit’s cough has been becoming more frequent, but the day after Memorial Day he became a honking goose. Sigh. Like Chester & Lola before him. Then there was an unexpected second visit to my mom (where I am presently, or exploring Innisfree before heading home).


I’m joining Kim @ Kimrunsonthefly and Deborah @ Confessionsofamotherrunner and enjoying mostly good running weather and short runs. I didn’t run on the above mentioned days in the 90s.

Workouts update

  • Monday: Yoga (30 min), Dogwalk, walking @ Stuyvesant Falls Park & many short dogwalks at moms, Pilates (15 min), PM Yoga (20 min)
  • Tuesday: Yoga (30 min), Dogwalk, Pilates (15 min)
  • Wednesday: Yoga (30 min), 2.5 miles easy, Pilates (15 min)
  • Thursday: Dogwalk, SB (15 min), Filmed Yoga (30 min), Pilates (15 min)
  • Friday: Yoga (30 min), SB (15 min), PM Yoga (20 min)
  • Saturday: Yoga (30 min), 2.5 miles easy, Dogwalk, Pilates with Weights (15 min)
  • Sunday: Yoga (20 min), Walking around Innisfree Garden

Running Mileage: 5 (NC

PB = Killer B
TM = Treadmill
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike

Running Update

“Snowing” in June (cottonwood drift. IYKYK)

Wednesday intention: go long-er
After several nights of disturbed sleep with early mornings walking Bandit, I handed him over to Mr. Judy so I could get out for my run a bit earlier. I extended it just a little bit again, and despite the lack of sleep I felt a lot better after this run!

Yes, we don’t take great care of our plants. Apparently not our lawn ornaments either.

Saturday intention: slow & steady
Intention nailed. After a week of interrupted sleep, and two trips to my mom, this was not the week to push things. It may not have been perfect Freihofers weather (although obviously I didn’t run it), but it was pretty nice running weather — except for the drizzle. Cool, cloudy, windy. I ran before the drizzle began, but we didn’t get far walking Bandit after my run because he was just not putting up with the conditions. He almost never coughs while walking, by the way.

New orthopedic bed

Favorites of the week
I love it when I can work out and film on my Yoga platform in the backyard (thank you Mr. Judy!). It’s definitely my happy place; I filmed a couple of videos out there this week, and also practice some Pilates out there one day.

Our reality this week. Except change that to waking us up several times a night. Still. Although getting a little better at night, seemingly a bit worse during the day.

The homeopathic cough syrup + honey was actually helping a lot, and we’re still using it. The codeine so far doesn’t seem to help as much, but it’ll take a few days for the antibiotics to kick in. He’s eating okay; he’d been just a bit off his feed because of the heat, but thanks to Mr. Judy we have cooked hamburger and that’s doing the trick.

He was actually very good

Can you see all the hair he shed? Anyway, he was quite good. Basically just a cough but a bad one (heart has not worsened, which I was concerned about, so that’s good). The vet prescribed antibiotics and hydrocodeine.

So our appointment was at 5:30 — the vet doesn’t carry the hydrocodeine because it’s a controlled substance. We had to go to a regular pharmacy. Our regular one no longer carries any controlled substances. Walgreens for the win! I never though I’d say that. I think we got home at 7. We really wanted to get him started on it so the cough would get better, but so far not so much. Poor guy and poor us.

ICYMI: Spring is a great time to let go so you can grow — and anytime is a great time for runners to practice Deer Pose! This short practice will help you explore several variations of Deer Pose (great for the hips). Practice with me here. If you’ve got just a little more time, try this Yin Yoga Hips at the Wall practice here. Videos will be live at 8 am (I need to leave before then).

Coming up next Week: No idea. Hopefully the cough starts subsiding and we can all get some rest and I can recuperate before having to go back to my mom for an overnight in a couple of weeks. So probably just a WRD!

28 thoughts on “Mini heat wave: 5/29 – 6/4 WRD

  1. Hope Bandit gets better soon.

    Freihofer’s was fun even though it did rain on and off not just drizzle. Much better than the heat wave during the week which was hard when you need to run outside.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Other than waiting in the rain, I would’ve much preferred yesterday’s weather than the weather we usually get for Freihofers!

      My runs this week were outside, but I managed to mostly miss the hotter days.


    1. Every single one of my dogs had one bout of coughing when they got older. Bandit has always coughed, probably because of his heart murmur (and they all had heart murmurs). But they all had one bout with a terrible cough. It does seem a bit better this evening finally.

      Things are pretty status quo with my mom, there was an assessment. I didn’t necessarily need to be there but it’s a good thing I went, it was helpful. Of course I didn’t find out about it until just a couple of days ago.


  2. Ugh, that is tough- kind of like having an infant! Interrupted sleep is hard to deal with. I hope Bandit feels better soon and you guys can get some rest. I love the cartoon, ha ha!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, I hope Bandit feels better! It’s so frustrating when the fur kids aren’t themselves. That deer pose looks amazingly relaxing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We’re really not quite sure what caused it, but it doesn’t appear to be heart related (I was afraid it might be a sign the murmur was worsening), or bronchitis, or any fluids in the lungs. So all that is good news!


  4. Ugh, how stressful when you’re worring about Bandit – I hope he’s better soon. I think you still had a pretty solid week of workouts – yes, you have to implement them, if you want to get them done 😉 That’s how it usually goes!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m so sorry to hear about Bandit! I hope he’ll feel better soon and the antibiotic does its job. I’m also having a sick pet at the moment. 😦
    90s F is definitely a bit too hot for running but personally I’d happily go for long walks in that temperature. I love hot weather since we don’t have so much of it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope that Ester is doing better. Bandit doesn’t really seem to be getting better yet. 😦 I do not like hot weather! We’re cooler now, but also having really bad air quality due to the Canadian wildfires.


  6. Oh, poor Bandit. It’s so hard when they’re not feeling well. Luna had an upset tummy this week, so I can commiserate a litttle.

    I hope the meds start doing their thing, so you can get some rest and peace of mind.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sorry about Luna. Bandit isn’t doing better yet. I really don’t want to put him on steroids. I mean he’s a tiny bit better but relatively sure that’s due to some of the alternative stuff we’re using — our really bad air quality right now isn’t helping matters.


  7. Poor Bandit 😦 having only recently had the stress of a sick pet this almost brings back the trauma, just seeing it in his eyes that he’s not well.

    So sorry the week was not great, though it does seem like you had some good time to take care of yourself as well. Hope your mom is ok. Hang in there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so sorry that this brought up memories of Charlie for you. He actually wasn’t even coughing the day we brought him to the vet. It seems as though the meds they prescribed have made it worse. 😦 Poor guy. My mom is relatively status quo.


  8. Oh poor Bandit. Is that a little tiny muzzle they put on him when he’s at the vet? So stressful. I hope he starts to feel better. Matilda and Ruth have both had kennel cough- Matilda’s turned into pneumonia several years ago and we thought we were going to lose her, but she came back from it. It was so scary. She is still a bit more hoarse, esp her bark.

    Sending healing thoughts to the little guy (and hopefully better sleep for you soon!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The muzzle was only for getting his claws trimmed & he was pretty good about it. It’s not kennel cough (or bronchitis, or any type of fluid in his lungs). But he’s also not really getting better. 😦

      Thanks Jessie. I’m glad Matilda is still going strong with you!


  9. Hope Bandit’s cough improves. I had opioids for Morgan when he was very poorly and I used to be quite scared going back from the vets with it in my bag in case someone mugged me for the vial! (no one ever did). It’s not been hot here, in fact it’s been weirdly cold – I was out with a long sleeve technical top on for my run this morning!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s cooler now, we just have the smoke from the wildfires . . . although I finally see some blue skies tonight! The codeine actually seemed to make things worse. It’s been back & forth, the poor air quality hasn’t been helping much.


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