My Top 5 Yogi Tea Flavors


Several people expressed interest in Yogi Tea after I shared some of my favorite inspirational quotes from its teabags (read the post here). I figured I’d share my favorite flavors! Like anything we all have different tastes, so I obviously can’t guarantee you’ll love what I love but here are the five teas I’m loving lately.


I’m linking up with My First 5K and MoreRunning With Attitude, Runs with PugsZenaida and Run Laugh Eat Pie for Fit Five Friday. Today I’m sharing 5 Yogi teas that I drink almost daily.

1: Cold Season
We are officially in our cold season right now! I enjoy the taste of this tea, plus it’s filled with herbs and spices to help you ward off Winter illnesses. A good tasting dose of immunity building herbs. Buy it here (Amazon Affiliate link).

2: Green Tea Passion Fruit Matcha
Another yummy tasting tea; I like to drink this one in the mornings before a run. Matcha tea is great for sustained energy (plus more health benefits), but on its own can be quite bitter. I don’t really know how much matcha is in this tea, but again, I just like the flavor. Buy it here (Amazon Affiliate link).

3: Blueberry Slim Life
Will this tea help you lose weight? No, I really don’t think it will. This is my favorite Yogi Tea, though. I just love the flavor! Buy it here (Amazon Affiliate link).

4: Elderberry Lemon Balm Immune & Stress Support
This seems to be one of their newer flavors, and I really love the taste. Not to mention I could definitely use immune and stress support — how about you? Buy it here. (Amazon Affiliate link).

5: Roasted Dandelion Detox Tea
Do I really think this tea will help you detox? Like the blueberry slim life, not really, but it tastes really good (to me) and dandelion has many health benefits, including: may help keep the liver and kidneys healthy, may work as a diuretic (good to drink when you feel bloated). If you’re planning a little detox after the holiday season, this is a great tea to use with that. Buy it here (Amazon Affiliate link).

Final Thoughts
Growing up my parents were always drinking tea. Regular black tea. It did not interest me, not at all. When I was diagnosed with high cholesterol quite a few years ago, I wanted to start drinking green tea — it has so many health benefits!

It took me quite a while to find a tea that I truly loved, and now I drink multiple cuppas every single day!

Coffee or tea — do you have favorite flavors?

Have you ever tried herbal teas?

21 thoughts on “My Top 5 Yogi Tea Flavors

  1. Growing up my dad drank normal tea (with a dash of milk no sugar – still does!) and my mum drank strong black coffee. And for some reason, I wasn’t interested in either of those!

    A few years ago I took a liking to cappuccinos and even more recently, chamomile tea is something I use to help me sleep especially when I’m feeling anxious and stressed. So your elderberry balm tea immediately attracted me for that stress support!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have tried many teas and I don’t dislike them. But I never looked at their health benefits. I actually drank a lot of chocolate teas and I’m not a chocolate person.

    But coffee just smells and tastes better. I missed it when I gave up caffeine and switched to herbal teas.

    I only drink one cup of coffee in the morning and I change the taste with different flavored creamers. I don’t drink any the rest of the day although I could since I work from home.

    In the evening, wine is more tasty and relaxing than tea.

    To each his/her own.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I agree about the tea tasting good. When I was a kid, my mom only made us drink tea (Lipton) when we were sick. Now there are so many flavors. As there are for coffee. But I never found the caffeine in tea to help me. It’s probably a mental thing but I ran faster when I switched back to coffee before a race.

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  3. Well, I love my earl grey but i know these teas are probably more healthy. Sometimes I have a second cup of tea later in the afternoon and I know it would be better if it were un-caffeinated. These sound good- with the possible exception of the roasted dandelion (does it REALLY taste good???) Thanks for the ideas.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oooh, that Elderberry Lemon Tea sounds really good!! The Blueberry has merit, too 😉 I’m not much of a tea drinker, though I definitely prefer it to coffee (as you know, LOL). The chai latte’s I drink, on the daily, are more of a foo-foo drink…not sure if there’s much nutritional value in them or not, but they taste SOOO good.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you for sharing! I don’t like tea very much – I like black with honey, if I drink it at all (my family drank black tea with milk and that was a full no from me). That being said, hot drinks aren’t my fave in general. However, my husband loves it, so I am making a note for when he needs new.

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