Just call me bologna: Spilling over high tea March 2017

Just call me bologna. As in, the sandwich generation. Well, I don't have kids, but I do have the furkids and I seem to attract the needy ones. And of course I also have one big kid. Yes, still feeling a bit squeezed over here. According to my research, the average American will have consumed 1,500 PB&Js by … Continue reading Just call me bologna: Spilling over high tea March 2017

Finding the silver lining: Spilling over high tea February 2017

Do you know where the quote "every cloud has a sliver lining" came from? I didn't, so I looked it up. Don'tcha love google? Turns out it's a quote from John Milton. From the 1600s! That Milton's clouds were a thing. That it got changed to the quote we knew in the Victorian era. Who … Continue reading Finding the silver lining: Spilling over high tea February 2017