Thankful Thanksgiving is over:11/21-27 Weekly Wrap

I’ve been slacking again. Not a whole lot of strength training or yoga this week. I was fighting off a cold, off and on, and, of course, just super busy with Thanksgiving prep.

Thankfully I never felt bad enough that I had to skip a run. I knew I might be better off with extra rest days, but with the holiday and everything going on, I just didn’t have a lot of wiggle room. And let’s not forget the cold and insane winds at the beginning of the week!

I didn’t get my weekly mileage up where I like to to be again with this very short training cycle. Too much stuff going on. I feel pretty strong, though, and I don’t have any major goals for my upcoming half — except to finish, pain free, of course.

I love linking up with the Weekly Wrap from Holly @ Hohoruns and Tricia @ Misssipppiddlin and reading about how you’ve been active. Join us!


Workouts update

  • Monday: 3.5 mile easy treadmill run
  • Tuesday: 3 mile easy treadmill run
  • Wednesday: Dogwalk
  • Thursday:  Cohoes Turkey Trot (Roughly 4 miles with WU & CD), YFR Foundation
  • Friday: Dogwalk
  • Saturday: 8 mile LSD/tempo with Darlene, then all the sushi (well, some)
  • Sunday: YFPR Align & Alleviate, Dogwalk

Mileage: 18.5 (+1.7)

TIU = Tone it Up
TM = Treadmill
YFR = Yoga for Runners*
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike
YFPR = Yoga for Pain Relief
YTU = Yoga Tune Up Lower Body*

*Disclaimer: Amazon affiliate links; I will make a small amount of money if you buy through these links

Running updates 


It was cold. It was insanely windy. Windchill temps in the teens. Yeah, I could have run outside, but it was too cold even to walk the dogs outside. I had tried the previous day with Bandit, but basically had to literally drag him to get him started (almost, anyway), and decided fine, you can not walk on really cold days.

Thankfully Bandit has been doing okay, so far, with the weather induced-reduced exercise.

He didn’t get to run, but he did get to lick the salt off me


Same weather, same treadmill, same pace. I felt as though I was fighting something off, and normally I probably would have taken an extra rest day. And maybe I should have. But I didn’t.

Taken while waiting for the race to start, actually


It was a very cold Turkey Trot (and you can come back Tuesday to read the recap). But it definitely put me in a good mood for the rest of the day, which sort of felt like a marathon with barely time to sit down. I was also feeling better, although by Friday I felt like I was fighting something off again (my sister’s cold, maybe?).

I enjoy running in the afternoons in winter (and with company!)


Saturday dawned just ugly. Cold steady rain. Ugh! But it was supposed to stop later in the day. Sunday was supposed to be colder and more windy, plus Darlene and I independently came to the same conclusion: we’d rather get our last LSD out of the way and have a rest day before the start of our taper week.

I felt kind of crappy in the morning, and I was dragging, although as always when running with Darlene, I ran faster than I might by myself. Oddly I felt better afterwards. We chatted about our upcoming trip. And luckily the rain actually did stop before we started to run.

If they were only ruby colored . . . 🙂

Favorites of the week
My sparkly converse (even if there is now glitter all over the house). Cute and comfortable. They also matched the placemats I bought almost last minute — I really liked them, too!

Notice how my placemats matched my sneakers? Not planned! But I like it

That my family actually played along with my post-it notes on the table about what we’re thankful for this year.

I’ve enjoyed this salad a lot this week!

That everyone — even my mom — well, with the exception of Mr. Judy who didn’t try it — loved my massaged kale salad. It was a big hit. My sister requested the recipe. I love that a healthy recipe was the favorite one!

Another good race and chatting up & hanging with some new runner buddies at the start of the race. I don’t know anyone who does the Cohoes Turkey Trot . . . only I did, I actually ran into one of last year’s coaches from my running group as we lined up.

Bandit hanging with my niece & nephew

That Bandit mostly behaved himself. I’ll probably do his usual update on Thursday, but he enjoyed a lot of petting, sat on strange people’s laps, and seemed to like my parents (who are dog people, although my Dad can be a little rough) just fine.

He’s had a lot more freedom in the house, with Mr. Judy being home most of the week, and unfortunately he’ll be losing that tomorrow since I can’t always keep an eye on him when it’s just me and I don’t think he’s ready for complete freedom yet.

That Thanksgiving is over with. I feel like I can relax — sort of — for the first time in many, many months. I’m taking a very short off season before spring half training begins. I still have to think about how I want to train and how long I want my off season to be!

And that’s a wrap 


This week I am also linking up with the Sunday Fitness & Food Linkup brought to you by Ilka @ Ilka’s Blog and Angela @ Marathons & Motivation.

Let’s get the conversation started:

How’d your Thanksgiving go?

Are you done with racing for the year?

If you are done, are you happy or sad about that?

35 thoughts on “Thankful Thanksgiving is over:11/21-27 Weekly Wrap

    1. Bandit really surprised me. There was one little incident, but there was no nipping at all.

      I am actually quite thankful to be Jewish at this time of year — I can’t even imagine the havoc even 15 yr old Gizmo would wreak on a tree!


  1. You look fabulous in your race outfit!! We entertained our daughter’s dog this past week (a 7-month old little bundle of energy). We loved her, but Max kind of merely put up with her LOL She loved all of his toys, and constantly was jumping on him. I don’t know how people do it with more than one dog…I tried walking both of them at once, and I almost needed a nap afterwards.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lola & Chester were really easy to walk together. They walked on a double leash. Bandit is too large & strong (by our standards!) to do that with Lola, so it’s definitely more of a pain walking them together.

      I don’t know how people with big, powerful dogs do it. That’s the nice thing about small dogs — they ain’t pulling you anywhere, no matter how hard they try. 🙂

      Hope you had a great Thanksgiving, Kim!


  2. I love you pre-run photo; you look fabulous.
    Crazy windy here, too, but not a teens WCF. Today we walked to Church and it was brutal and I changed my plan to run, but by mid-afternoon it was better, cold, but I was dressed for it and had a successful outing.
    I’m SO happy to read that Bandit was okay with company and the hubbub of a holiday. It bodes well. His baby steps are working, it seems.
    Enjoy your down time.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. For some reason your pictures didn’t show on my computer..;( would love to see the matching chucks and!!

    Yums to the massages kale salad!! Now I want the recipe too 😉

    I hope you continue to feel better and enjoy your taper week as you gear up for your fun weekend!

    Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Yay for Thanksgiving being over. I’m glad you had a successful event! Those sparkly sneakers are so cute, but I wouldn’t be able to handle the glitter. It’s one of my pet peeves as it somehow always gets on my face. LOL. I ran my last long run early too. It seems like we were thinking along the same lines. I don’t have any goals for this race as I chose to focus on marathon training instead. But, I do hope we all remain healthy. See you very soon, Judy! Thanks for linking,

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Glad to be of help to speed you up your long run. Maybe it will help you on race day.

    I did some errands after our run and then we went to the movies.

    And yes, today I was glad that we had gotten run out of the way yesterday. It was nice to have a day to catch up and cross things off my list – holiday cards made, nails done, laundry done, started Xmas shopping, etc.

    See you at the airport Thursday.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was beat sat. I just wanted to get home. Except then I felt ok & we went out for sushi. And man, the place was hopping — we’ve never seen it so busy. Guess everyone was sick of turkey.

      Sunday was my errand day. I’ve a few more to run, and a few drs appointments (just normal yearly ones).


  6. Sounds to me like your Thanksgiving turned out really nice! That salad does sound delish. Massaged is the best way to enjoy kale, IMO. Glad to hear Bandit is behaving better and better! See you in FL!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. We took Baylee to my MIL’s for thanksgiving last year but this year it was at my SIL’s “pet free” home so she couldn’t come with! Needless to say, we didn’t stay long.

    I love your post it note game!

    I hope you enjoy your “off season”. I hope to do a Christmas run next month. It’s not real cold here yet but I bet by the time the race rolls around it will be.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My sister had the same policy (although she’s loosened up the last few years). Which is part of why going to her for Thanksgiving was a pain, and why I was “happy” to take it over.

      One year the dogs spent Thanksgiving in her mud room. One year they stayed at my parents’ house & we had to go back and forth to make sure they were ok.

      It’s definitely cold here. My off season doesn’t mean I don’t run, in fact I have a fun run the week after my half . . . I just run less. No speed work.


  8. I definitely was on my feet all day on Thanksgiving – except when I sat down to eat, and then crashed after everyone went home @ 8 pm. It was a good day though. Love hearing that Bandit is doing so much better. You’re a saint for sticking it out and working with him.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The day after Thanksgiving Mr. Judy said to me I figured out what Bandit was barking at last night. And I said what barking?

      I’m actually a very light sleeper, and very sensitive to light and noise. I was that tired!

      I don’t think I’m a saint at all. I think some people would have been much more accepting of him, and I know others wouldn’t.

      Thankfully our hard work is paying off, but he still hasn’t earned complete freedom in the house.


  9. My Thanksgiving was fun, but now it’s fun to focus on Christmas. It still isn’t Christmas weather, even in Texas, but I’m getting my Christmas movies out, and what decorations I haven’t packed yet. Since Allie’s terrorizing the tree, there will be no ornaments this year.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Ruby sparkles would be lovely!! Sounds like you had a nice holiday 🙂
    PCB will be my last race- ha! although I have not hopes of really racing, I am just not feeling peppy still. I already started to look ahead for 2017, but I am not sure if I want to commit yet until I see if I ever get to feeling normal. My legs are not normal right now.
    I like your smiling photo bomber in your race pic 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Karen, you’re not really racing is still a lot faster than me.

      I’m sorry that you’re feeling that your legs don’t feel normal — have you considered that maybe you didn’t take a long enough recovery? It seemed like you got back to running quickly (although I can understand why).

      I liked the smiling photo bomber, too. No idea who he was!


  11. I have started thinking about my spring races too, but I am fully taking advantage of some downtime. Glad to read that Bandit is doing well.
    And good for you for running in yucky weather. Gosh do I hate cold, damp & windy.
    When are you leaving for Florida ?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m already signed up for a half in March, but that’s as far as I’ve gotten!

      In fall/winter, there isn’t a lot of choice with the weather. I do use my treadmill more often — I’ll almost definitely be on it tomorrow!

      I leave Thursday. And several drs appointments this week. So still busy!


  12. One half in December and another marathon in January feel like no time to enjoy the holidays, really. I hope you fight off whatever’s been lurking and continue to stay healthy! It’s nice to have an off season after such a busy stretch! You deserve the rest.

    Liked by 1 person

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