Just call me bologna: Spilling over high tea March 2017


Just call me bologna. As in, the sandwich generation. Well, I don’t have kids, but I do have the furkids and I seem to attract the needy ones. And of course I also have one big kid. Yes, still feeling a bit squeezed over here.

According to my research, the average American will have consumed 1,500 PB&Js by the time they graduate high school. Except I almost never eat a PB&J. I eat nut butter all the time, but rarely jam/jelly with it — and my parents didn’t even like nut butter, and only had it in the house to bait the mouse traps.

So how’s that for a little trivia?

Confessions of a Mother Runner

Today I am joining up with Coco and Deborah for their ultimate coffee tea date.

If we were enjoying high tea . . .
I’d tell you that the three sexiest words in the English aren’t “I Love You”, but “You were right”. Just sayin’.

If we were enjoying high tea . . .
I’d tell you that I’m driving to my parents house every Saturday — that’s 3 hours in the car — to work on cleaning it out to get it ready to sell.

My sister puts in a lot more time, since she lives there, but I’m giving up the whole day . . . the day before my long run . . . by the time you read this I’m probably driving down for the fourth time.

Just when I was getting back into a groove of keeping my own home neater, now I’m losing a day I can’t afford to lose. And tired, too.

As my Grandma Rose would have said, though, this too shall pass.

If we were enjoying high tea . . .
I’d tell you I am tired of the treadmill (although thankful I have one). I am tired of having so few places to run. I’m tired of still running in all the layers. I’m tired of those icy patches that don’t melt until June (slight exaggeration here — only slight).

I can bit#@ with the best of them

Except by the time this publishes, even though it’s cold again, the snow is gone!

If we were enjoying high tea . . .
I’d tell you that while I am tired of all of the above, I am also thankful that when all is said and done, the winter was relatively mild. That I only had two long runs in Yaktrax. That I didn’t have to resort to the treadmill for a long run!

If we were enjoying high tea . . .
I’d tell you that it could be another 5 years before I seriously train through a winter again for all of the reasons above. It’s actually been 5 years since the last time I did it — which was just my second half — and I still have some pretty vivid memories of how hard that was 5 years ago!

If we were enjoying high tea . . .
I’d tell you I don’t really understand tendinitis — it’s an overuse exercise, but it feels worse if you are sitting too long. Really?

And mine struck while I wasn’t running much, although I suppose it could be a cumulative thing. Except I actually didn’t run as much as usual, weekly mileage wise, last year. I did race a lot November/December, but it didn’t really start until January.

It’s better, that’s the main thing, but I still just can’t wrap my head around the fact that resting doesn’t help an overuse injury. It kind of seems wrong.

Tea? Iced Tea? Coffee? Decaf? Or something else?

What are you tired of right now (maybe me complainingventing)?

Are you with me on the “You were right” thing?

What’s your favorite season to race?

34 thoughts on “Just call me bologna: Spilling over high tea March 2017

  1. I’m tired of cooking in my basement, and we’re only 2 weeks into the 6-8 week project and we were away most of last week. Taking care of your parents house is physically and emotionally draining in addition to taking up your whole day. If venting helps you cope with it, I’m all ears. “-)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, it’s not just the physically tiring part to be sure. It’s really depressing, too. But it is what it is.

      When we had our kitchen done, and I didn’t even lose all of it, I was tired of having to hunker down in our downstairs with the dogs (since I don’t work), and the cold! They have to leave the door open all the time (so the cats had to be stuffed into the laundry room, and there was still two of them back then).

      My sympathies.


    1. There was no snow at our folks, but our little bit disappeared. Which was surprising, considering it was in the single digits this morning.

      It’s long run day — at least it’s sunny!


  2. So I don’t hear the “you are right” comment too much over here but come on we all know it’s true 🙂 might as well say it. Driving 3 hours is very tiring not to mention the actual work. I also agree that sitting a lot makes everything feel stiff. Feel for you! Thanks fro linking up today and don’t forget to take care of yourself as well

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The work isn’t really tiring (although it sort of is) — it’s depressing, sad, and frustrating though.

      For instance, I came across typed letters from my Dad — I wasn’t even born yet! Not sentimental stuff, things like my kid ate my homework (not kidding, that was essentially it).

      And he printed out emails. Like all of them. I came across emails from myself — from when we lived in TX — that’s at least 8 years ago! Again, nothing important.

      I take trash back with me every week (as does my sister) since there’s no longer pick up at their home.

      I guess the joke is sort of on them, I can’t visit as much because I’m too busy clearing out their house!


  3. That’s a lot of driving! Safe travels and I hope your weekends get back to normal soon.

    I’m tired of still being injured. It’s been over five months since my last run which seriously stinks and it’s going to stink even more once spring hits and I’m still stuck on the stationary bike!! There. Vent over. That felt good! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh wow, 5 months IS a really long time. Running helps me through this stressful time so much (even if it’s stressful sometimes, too).

      There’s still so much to do, I think it will be a while before my weekends get back to normal. But we have a racecation coming up, so I’ll get a break then.


  4. Since I’m not a fan of any teas or coffees, I’d have either water or hot chocolate. 🙂

    I’m tired of the cold weather. Last week’s temps in the 70’s spoiled us and today’s windy 30’s was a rude awaking.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hot chocolate works for me. 🙂

      I would so take 30s . . . it’s gonna be windy & 20s in just a bit when I get out there. But sunny — we don’t get a lot of sun, so I’ll take it!


  5. I love those words! “You were right!” and you were! That is so much better than anything for me! It is hard for them…my mantra is like your grandmothers too “there is a season for everything” which is sort of the same thing! So what?if I act like a granny, I think they were a wise generation for sure!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I agree! It does seem strange that overuse injuries don’t fix themselves with plain, ole rest.

    Hopefully, your parent’s house will be ready to put on the market soon. That’s a long drive each weekend, but I bet your sister is grateful for your help.

    Even mild winters suck – that’s why I moved to Las Vegas. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t think I’d enjoy living in Las Vegas (much as I love Vegas). Too hot in the summers. I know it’s dry — but I’ve been there.

      And I endured TX summers for 17 years — much as I loved TX, I really want to live somewhere more moderate when we retire.


      1. I like warm, but Vegas heat is too hot for me. Of course I suffered through 17 summers in TX, & I did love TX.

        But that is part of why we’ve decided we don’t want to retire to TX after all. The summers were so brutal! And then there were the fire ants . . .


  7. I’m so with you on ‘you are right’ – it doesnt get over used like ‘I love you’ and probably needs a bit more thought before you say it!!

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  8. Ha! I ate PB&J everyday in school… elementary, jr. high, and high school. I don’t recall getting tired of it. You’re absolutely correct… I don’t think I could ever hear “you are right” enough 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. There is nothing I like more than a good old fashioned PB & J except maybe to hear the words, you are right! I think I better just make the sandwich 🙂 Keep your head up – it will pass for sure.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I seriously don’t know which is worse — the long slow decline or a fast passing like your mom’s (and I’m sorry for that, too).

      It will pass, but it’s been hard. They’re so unhappy & there isn’t much we can do about it but listen. 😦


  10. Ha, I could never tire of listening to you! It’s not “complaining”, it’s real life and you’re just keeping it real.

    I’m not really tired of the weather as it has been mild here and really it hasn’t prevented me from doing anything I normally do. I really don’t know what I m “tired” of as of lately. Oh, I know.. we’ve had contractors at our house for a few weeks so I am tired of my house being a mess (how’s that?). Have a great week Judy! -M

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Contractors — yuck! I mean, you love the finished project but getting there is a pain for sure.

      The weather — yes, I am tired of that. Mild for us means there’s just a little cold weather. Usually on my long run. And man, I am sure prepared for wind!

      The weather this week looks to be really ugly, but not as much snow, hopefully. It will be challenging even so.


    1. No, my mom doesn’t like PB so we never had PB&Js. Maybe that’s why I love PB (well, actually almond butter most of the time now) so much?

      My foot really is almost back to normal, but thanks — it still needs all the good vibes it can get!


  11. I am such a PB&J fan! When I would go visit my grandmother several times a week when I was younger she would always make me PB&J sandwiches except one thing different she did was when she mixed it up she would put a little bit of butter in it. Not the healthiest I know but it sure was good! Man I’d give anything to have one of those sandwiches now!

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  12. Oh, I’m sorry to hear about your tendinitis. I hate all of these running injuries…grrrr…why do we get punished for trying to stay healthy? I hope you feel better soon.

    I actually think I’ve eaten more PB&J as an adult than as a kid, haha!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t really eat a lot of sandwiches, although I did have a grilled cheese today. I do love me a grilled cheese.

      I don’t do PB&J. I think because I don’t find it terribly satisfying. But I do eat plenty of nut butter!

      The tendinitis is about 95% better, seriously, almost completely gone, no idea why it started or really what has helped it — I tried a lot of stuff.


    1. My race is actually a week from Sunday!

      I’ve been rather out of social media with all the traveling and juggling for my parents going at right now. Looking forward to a little break from it, but will hopping right back in when I get back. 😦


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