Roaring in: 3/6-12 Weekly Wrap


Well, March is certainly marching in with plenty of wind (apparently there isn’t much truth to the whole in like a lion, out like a lamb rhyme, according to this article from farmer’s almanac). If my half is windy, I’ll be well prepared. What I won’t be prepared for is the heat. Because snow is in the air again, and as I write this, I’m trying to psych myself up for what will probably be my coldest run of this season (yeah, I thought that happened last week).

There was snow on the ground when we visited my parents (but not up here — no, that’s waiting for next Tuesday and my tempo run).

I’m joining up with the Weekly Wrap from Holly @ Hohoruns and Tricia @ Misssipppiddlin and really wishing I can siphon off just a little bit of their heat so NOLA doesn’t wring me out!


Workouts update

  • Monday: Dogwalk, Iron Strength Glutes Blaster, Pilates Total Body
  • Tuesday: 6 miles (4 @ tempo)
  • Wednesday: Dogwalk, 7 miles easy
  • Thursday:  Dogwalk, Iron Strength Abbreviated
  • Friday: 5 miles speed intervals
  • Saturday: Working on my parents’ house, up and down lots of stairs
  • Sunday: 12 Mile LSD

Mileage: 30 (+1.5)

JY = Jasyoga
TM = Treadmill
YFR = Yoga for Runners*
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike
YFPR = Yoga for Pain Relief
YTU = Yoga Tune Up Lower Body*

*Disclaimer: Amazon affiliate links; I will make a small amount of money if you buy through these links

Running updates 

I actually didn’t get rained on . . . much


And, again, what a difference a week makes. I’m not sure why, but I struggled more with this run (the same one I did last week, on the same path) — I was just tired and it was hard to push through it.

The wind didn’t help, but in the end it wasn’t as bad as I the forecast made it out to be. My warmup and cooldown were a lot slower than the previous week. I only had one mile that I couldn’t hit the right pace — which I didn’t even realize while I was running it — but that always makes me mad.

The forecast also said rain, but for the most part it stayed dry while I was running. In a twisted way, I was a little bummed about that. You never know what race day will give you, so a little rain training might have been good (in a bad way?). I do know that if it’s a windy race, I am so prepared. I’ve been “enjoying” a lot of very windy runs lately.

Well, I did it and I didn’t die, so there’s that.

A great day to run and my heart just wasn’t really in it


It was a really beautiful day for running, although a little windy (what else is new?). Yet I just couldn’t enjoy this run. My butt was killing me, my legs were tired, one hip was protesting, I was hungry because I got started later than I’d planned to — yes, I ate a snack, but I was running through lunch.

No matter how hard I tried to distract myself, to think of my injured friends who would love to be running, this run was just hard. I didn’t want to run 7 miles. I had to rush home to meet a new pet sitter (and hopefully shower first).

I think the fact that I was rushing around all day long trying to get everything done just made this run feel harder than it should have. Well, again, it’s done!

Didn’t even know this little guy was there


This was a really tough speed workout for me: a reverse ladder starting out with 1600m, then 2 x 800m, then the schedule said 2 x 400m (but 5 miles, and that didn’t add up, so I did 4 x 400m because apparently I’m a glutton for punishment).

I’ve been struggling with pace all week, and this run was no different. I didn’t meet most of the paces, not until the 400m (no walking — I figure you can do anything for quarter of a mile).

There was also the little fact that we were leaving a few hours afterwards to go to my parents and I needed to get stuff together. I had thought this workout would go well, because you get to walk in between intervals to recover and I usually do well with that sort of workout. I did my best, and I was glad I ran it this day after the birthday dessert I consumed that night (see Weekly Favorites below).

Way too cold to take photos outside! Saved by Thermoball


As I was running my last really long long run, I thought the story would be the cold. I wrote last week that it was my coldest long run of the winter; oh, never tempt the running Gods, because it was even colder today.

That is, of course, until I got to mile 8.5, tripped, and went flying. This is only the secondthird time I’ve fallen on a run — third, because the only other time it happened it happened twice on the same run.

I’ve now discovered what those gazillion winter layers are good for — to protect you when you fall! I was very lucky; nothing is hurt, not even really scraped. My lip, palms and knees took the brunt of it, but nothing was twisted or really hurt and even better there wasn’t even anyone around to see it.

So other than the extreme cold, and the fall, it was a decent run. Not as good as last week; I was tired and my hamstrings were protesting for whatever reason — still, when all is said and done, I ran 12 miles at what I used to consider race pace. Without really trying to. Which is not to say it was exactly easy, did I mention the wind?

Does this predict a PR for me in my upcoming half? I know I’ve worked hard and I’ve had some pretty good runs. I also know that the weather is unlikely to be what I consider to be optimal (which lately seems to be anything below 10F). There’s cobblestones to contend with.

That is exactly why I have goals that have nothing to do with a PR. One of my goals for this race would be to beat my best time from a hot race. I also know that if the race doesn’t go as I want, all the work I’ve been doing the past couple of months is not wasted. It takes time to really see the benefits of hard training.

Not that any of that means I won’t be trying my best!

We’ll see what race day brings.

Run easy, race hard.–Judy Litt

I came up with that mantra for today!

Second great dessert in two weeks

Favorites of the week
But first, dessert, as the saying goes. Seriously, we took my parents out for my mom’s 89th birthday (not pictured, because she hates it, my sister and her husband). I didn’t order dessert, because the description for the Chocolate Peanut butter mousse was so deceiving — I’m so glad my mom did and we shared it because it was totally awesome.

Happy Birthday to my lovely Mom!

We spent the night with my parents in their apartment after dinner and then went down to the house to continue working on it.

Happy pre-birthday to you, too, Dad


I shared on Facebook, on my personal page, that we brought home this bench from my parents’ house. It’s been a hard time; it’s sad and depressing going through your loved ones’ things, and it’s bittersweet to have this bench in my home. It’s rather like my thoughts of Chester — but I will try to use it as a reminder of happier times.


And that’s a wrap 


This week I am also linking up with the Sunday Fitness & Food Linkup brought to you by Ilka @ Ilka’s Blog and Angela @ Marathons & Motivation.

Let’s get the conversation started:

How’s your running going? 

Do you feel like you lost an hour last night (I don’t!)?

Do you trip over your own feet (and are glad when no one witnesses it?

35 thoughts on “Roaring in: 3/6-12 Weekly Wrap

  1. I have been really struggling with my running lately. I just don’t know exactly why. I want to improve my time & distance. I started running in April 2015. What started out as a bucket list check off of completing a 5k is now my exercise of choice. I am a klutz & am so relieved when others are not around to see it. I have been lucky that I haven’t fallen often during a run & never during a race.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats on the 12 mile run at your previous race pace. I think that bodes well for race day. That deer is so cute. My only fall (knock on wood) was unfortunately witnessed by a HoLottaPeople. That only added to my frustration. It’s wonderful you were able to spend time with your Mother on her birthday. I miss my Mom a great deal. I completely forgot about the time change. It’s a good thing I didn’t have to be anywhere. Thanks for linking, Judy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I should clarify that — it was not my PCB race pace — what would have been race pace for most races BEFORE that.

      Since it’s like to be quite humid, and I don’t do well in humidity, AND it’s been so freakin’ cold there’s no way to acclimate . . . let’s just say I’m not really getting my hopes up.

      The other time I fell there were a lot of people around (but not in a race). That was a much worse fall. Also just a couple of weeks before a race. But even then, I was lucky.

      I think I lucked out so much this time because so much of me was covered up and double layered due to the cold. Otherwise I’m sure I would’ve been very scraped up and hurting more.


  3. Glad you weren’t seriously hurt on your fall. I tripped while running on the bridge the other day and went flying but didn’t fall. I must have looked silly to the traffic passing by.

    I’m worried about the weather this weekend. I’m racing in NYC, what do you think it will be like?

    Happy bday to your mom (and dad too)!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m in upstate, and NYC is typically warmer — I know right now there’s snow showers forecast for sunday here (and a mix on sat), but I don’t know about NYC.

      Sometimes snow hits us but not them, sometimes visa versa & it’s definitely warmer down there than up here — the good news is it’s not supposed to be as bitterly cold as the last 2 weekends were.

      But windy. Definitely expect wind. 😦


  4. Aw, your parents look so sweet! So glad you got to celebrate them. Ouch on that fall – glad it didn’t have any lasting impact. We had all the weather this week – warm sunshine, wind, rain, sleet – and that was just on Friday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL at your weather. Are you guys expecting now tomorrow too? Yuck! I don’t want to run on the treadmill but it looks like it will most likely happen.

      I had to take Lola to the vet for a routine checkup today, and since Bandit gets really anxious if I leave twice in one day, I went grocery shopping on the way home & left her in the car with a chew, something I rarely do.

      Had to get food in before the storm and was definitely too tired & cold from my run yesterday to go grocery shopping!


    1. Look who’s talking (about keeping busy).

      The last couple of years have been rather insane, mostly not in a good way, but there have been good things too.

      I have to say my mom’s bench is actually making me smile.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow. 30 miles in one week. No wonder you are tired.

    I don’t fall during my runs but I have fallen twice during races – lot’s of blood and witnesses.

    Yes, it’s been a windy few weeks. Not looking forward to our big snowstorm!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No blood, thanks to all the layers. 🙂 Just half a fat lip that no one but me can see (and hey, I found a way to plump up my lips) and a bruised knee — and even that isn’t bothering me. I was very lucky — especially since I could have easily broken a tooth, but didn’t.

      I’m not looking forward to tomorrow either. I have a tempo, and I hate doing them on the treadmill. I’m hoping the forecast is wrong and it starts later but probably not in enough time for me to get out there.


      1. I fell during the Last Run a few years ago with layers and had a bloody elbow and knee.

        Yes you were very lucky to not get hurt.

        I have a training on Wolf Rd so I get to drive around in the snow.

        I’ll be back at UAlbany to run for awhile I guess 😦

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh yes, I lost an hour. I never feel it on the Sunday because I can take my time to get up, but the Monday is bad. I’m sitting here, very foggy, because I want that hour back. It was so dark when I woke up, I thought I had more time. Nope, 5 minutes until my alarm.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s funny, I slept really well Sat night (first time in a long time) & my body just likes this time better — I have such trouble sleeping during the winter & get up far too early.

      The only upside is that I was often doing yoga or pilates — sometimes even getting in my ST!


  7. I know I’ve said this too many times, I’m sure…but dang, I just could not handle all of that cold weather! Sounds like all of your hard training is paying off and you are set for a PR! Fingers crossed for you!

    Love the pic of you and your parents and the sweet sentiment behind the family bench. Isn’t it amazing how much more meaningful the things from our childhood becomes as we age?

    Good luck with that race Judy and have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. First of all, I’m so happy that you’re okay after this fall Judy. It could have been so much worse. I fell during a run in NYC one time and injured both my knees badly, plus I’ll have the scars on my knee caps forever…
    Secondly, Happy Birthday to your Mom! how nice that you shared this part in your weekly recap. She looks beautiful and I’m so happy you guys had a good time taking your parents out to dinner.
    For that 7 mile run on Wednesday – don’t we all have days like this?
    Your 12 Miler at race pace during heavy winds could surely mean that you might be heading towards a PR on race day! I will cross my fingers for you and will be cheering you on from Florida! Have a great (training) week Judy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope this means things are settling down for you Ilka? No, the fall really was pretty much a non-issues except a couple of bruises (one above my upper lip which will no doubt look lovely by the end of the week).

      Everyone keeps tossing around the P word. Seriously, I am not counting on it. There’s definite potential, but going from our arctic weather to NOLA will be a serious shock to my system, especially as we’re pretty much having a blizzard today.

      No matter what, I’ll still be happy to soak up some sunshine! Thanks for stopping by, Ilka.


  9. Rough week. But you tried. You really did try!! I feel like I’m hardly trying at all right now.

    we haven’t changed time yet, so no issue here!

    I have fallen over my feet too! I’m so sorry you went flying. Good thing you did tempt the weather Gods and you had all those layers on!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. You did have a tough week but hey you got through it and it was a good thing you had on all the clothes when you took the tumble!
    How are you liking the training? Really? I think your doing amazing and while it may not be your ultimate goal I think you’ll see more PR’s soon.
    There really is a rhyme and a reason to the training runs and their paces and variety.
    I hope you’ll keep it up.
    What a precious celebration with your mom and dad! They look very well too! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I really do think all the clothes saved me (except for a couple of bruises but they’re not even really painful).

      The training is hard. Like really, really hard — but I asked for it, and I don’t mind pushing. I just wish my life hadn’t gotten so crazy again as everything ramped up.

      While I did tell Rachel I wanted to work towards a PR at NOLA, I also know how poorly I do in humidity. It gets me every time. Especially as it’s so bloody cold up here! But I also know there will be a payoff at some point.

      For the parents — let’s just say looks can be deceiving.

      Liked by 1 person

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