A News Diet: Runfessions February 2018


You’ll have to read through to that last runfession to see what I mean by a news diet. And don’t get me wrong — I’d much rather be healthy than sick, but I made the most out of the time usually tied up with exercising.

I’m joining Marcia @ Marcia’s Healthy Slice to start off 2018 right.

I runfess . . .
I definitely didn’t want to be sick this month. In some ways, though, it was almost like a staycation. I wasn’t so sick that I just had to lay around, but I knew if I pushed it, I’d get to that point.

I was able to actually do a lot of cooking/baking. I watched the shows I rarely get to watch and a movie or two. I was able to work on the blog more and read and comment more on others’ blogs. I had time to sketch and doodle in my planner.

I runfess . . .
I also didn’t miss running while I was sick. It didn’t hurt that the weather was crappy for the at least half of it. It wasn’t really that I was burned out — but I was tired out, and I really wasn’t craving a run. At all.

I runfess . . .
I felt fine, as so often happens, until I didn’t. Seriously, I really thought I was getting back at it after being sick in January — the running was picking up, I was just about to start some harder training instead of easy running, the house was finally getting cleaned up . . .

And then the sore throat started. While I wasn’t able to do the “heavy lifting” around the house for a while (vacuuming, snow shoveling, putting away the clean clothes — since I wrote that a while ago I got back to it all except the vacuuming — our dust bunnies are the size of tyrannosaurus! — but I vacuumed some them up yesterday), I have gotten back into the habit of wiping down the kitchen every day. Yes, it can get pretty darn disgusting when I’m busy, but isn’t looking half bad right now.

Why is it so hard to juggle everything when we are well and have the energy?

I runfess . . .
That sometimes I feel as though fitness is my job. Well, when I’m well. There’s running, there’s yoga, there’s strength training, there’s swimming (when it’s not the dead of winter), there’s walking the dogs, there’s foam rolling, there’s hiking, there’s all the laundry . . .  and sometimes I think about making fitness my job.

Except the truth is I’m an introvert who’s not really great with people and sucks at marketing herself, which I know since I had my own business for 13 years. The main reason I’m not longer in business isn’t that I didn’t love design (which is what I did), but that I sucked at marketing and didn’t want to be “on call” 24/7 — and that was before cell phones were so commonplace.

Well, I enjoyed watching the Olympics; the dogs enjoyed having me to lay on

I runfess . . .
I tape the Olympics and watch them the next day. Even if I were 100% healthy, I just wouldn’t be staying up that late every night. Which also means that I went on a news diet since the start of the Olympics, because I like to be surprised — no spoilers for me! In fact, I’m beginning to wonder if maybe I should give up on watching TV news altogether — but where to get my news from? It’s still important to know what’s going on in the world.

I also runfess that I speed through all the sports that aren’t my favorites — it’s not because I don’t like watching some of them, but simply the sheer amount of time it takes to watch it all (even with skipping all commercials).

By the time you read this it will be too late for you to do this — or maybe you already do — bu I runfess that speeding through speed skating, bobsled, skeleton, and even some of the skiing is very entertaining.

And the cross country skiing? I think that was the most entertaining of all to speed through! But I did catch the end when Team USA won the gold — talk about fitspo! She left it all out on the course.

Where do you get your news from?

Are you more productive when you’re not exercising, or just chilling?

What do you have to runfess from February? Come join us


I am also linking up with the  Friday Five 2.0  from Fairytales & Fitness and Rachel @ Running on Happy today.


28 thoughts on “A News Diet: Runfessions February 2018

  1. As I have said, the Olympics are killing my (already limited) sleep. I’d record them to watch the next day if I didn’t have to work the next day LOL Max loves watching them with me, just like your dogs. No matter if I’m on the big sofa, the comfy love seat or the “big” chair…he’s always with me. One night, the hubby and I swapped the coach and love seat…and Max followed me to the “smaller” love seat. It’s nice to feel loved 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, by recording & watching the next day (or evening), you have the capability to fast forward through stuff & commercials, which vastly reduces the time. But you do have to get over the FOMO of not watching it in “real time”, even though you aren’t anyway.

      Helps that I don’t work so there’s no one at home discussing it — Mr. Judy knows better.

      I am a time share for the animals. Gizmo gets me morning/evening (sometimes in the afternoon, too — but he’s the oldest).

      Both Lola & Bandit will lay with either one of us, but Bandit makes it very clear that I am his person. Which is weird because Mr. Judy adores Bandit (although it’s not like Bandit doesn’t like him). Yes, that unconditional love can be very flattering!


  2. I don’t tape the Olympics because I don’t have time to watch. Luckily most of the highlights are on in the am.

    I’m not a TV watcher so I get my news from the hubby who is a news junkie and my morning fix. The Today show.

    I would definitely miss running if I took that long off. I did. Mostly because I not Susie homemaker and enjoy being out of the house. I enjoy running even when it sucks. Though this winter is certainly testing my dedication.

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    1. I’ve always managed to watch the Olympics, even when I worked, but I didn’t have to travel for work.

      I didn’t take that long off because I felt good. 🙂 If I had felt good, I would miss it. But OTOH, I also have lots of other hobbies and forms of fitness I enjoy. Which isn’t a bad thing.


      1. It’s funny how times change. I used to love to quilt. I belonged to quilt guilds and had quilting friends, read quilting magazines. And now running has taken precedent. I crave being outdoors (even though I HATE the cold.) I may never finish those quilts.

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  3. I am not as entertained by the olympics as I have been in the past. I also feel like fitness is my job a lot. “Running” our MRTT chapter takes a lot of work but I do love it. We are about to start our new season of girls on the run in 2 weeks and that always takes up a ton of time as well. Glad you got a little break while you were under the weather

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, running MRTT & GOTR does kind of make fitness your job! Just an unpaid job. Or at least unpaid in $$.

      Still totally digging the Olympics. And it worked out well since I’ve been resting a lot anyway.


  4. I get most of my news from the radio!

    I wish I had a job where all I had to do was market someone else’s product. I wouldn’t want to make it, just market it! Clearly I do not do a good job with Marketing my own blog, but really i’m not trying to sell anything and blogging is not my career!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, there are marketing jobs. 🙂 Seriously, that’s what my SIL does. She’s really good at it, but she doesn’t particularly enjoy it.

      Blogging obviously isn’t my career, but I wouldn’t mind making a few $$ with it. But then, who wouldn’t? It is time consuming! And rewarding.


  5. I get a lot of my news from different websites. I do watch my local channel 12 news on TV so that I can know what’s happening in my city.

    I’m glad that you were able to get a little break from running but I really hope that you start to feel better soon. Hopefully the weather will be a little better next month!

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    1. Oh, I do feel better. Not quite 100% yet, but much better. Since I wasn’t training for anything & it just really wanted to linger, I took all.the.rest. 🙂

      I actually rarely watch the local news at all.


  6. I gotta be honest – I was WAY more productive when I was sick and not working out. I got a week ahead on my school work, I did all sorts of stuff for my blog, I did some light cleaning and even managed to keep my sink clear of dirty dishes (probably because I didn’t make many). Now that I’m better and back to working out, I’m a little overwhelmed with all the things I have to do!! haha. It should not be that way!

    I’m trying to make my career in fitness and that whole “marketing myself” is likely to be my downfall, too. If only I could hire someone to do it for me. ha!

    I also have been DVRing the olympics. And then, I sorta forget to watch them sometimes but I’m trying to catch up. And yeah, speed skating is HILARIOUS on fast forward!!! LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You get me. You really get me. 🙂 Or at least it’s nice to know I’m not the only oddball.

      I think you’re going to do just fine marketing yourself. So run with that group. 🙂 And remember to tell them about your business!


  7. While I enjoyed watching the skiing, I did DVR a lot because I’d go to bed before the events started, and I just wanted to watch Vonn and Shiffrin. When there are 40 ski racers, and I only want to see one or 2, and just give me the results, I sped through a lot. Or I just saw the results the next morning, and watched the clips online.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I fast forwarded through some of the skiing, too. Yeah, some of that took a really long time! But I did avoid seeing results so I could be surprised. So far it’s worked & we’re in the homestretch. 🙂


  8. I really wanted to watch skating with my daughter but she goes to bed early and I couldn’t bring myself to let her stay up so late to watch it. When she’s older we will spend time together doing that. Needless to say, I really haven’t watched much of the Olympics at all this year.

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  9. I feel like it’s almost impossible to avoid the news online…the problem is that just taking news from whoever’s throwing it at you doesn’t necessarily give you good information! I try to look up a few different sources for things I think are important or interesting, but honestly I mainly skim headlines.

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  10. Are you feeling 100% better now? I actually started feeling like I had a cold while we were in Hawaii and have felt horrid all week and I have a 15K next weekend! Ack! A hilly 15K! I need to stop racing in Seattle, lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’d say maybe 80%? Still tired.

      I’m sorry about the cold. My sister came back from Mexico with one, too.

      I tried hard to convince Mr. Judy I needed to do the Hot Chocolate 15k. Good thing it fell on deaf ears, I guess, because I’m definitely not in shape to do it now!

      I hope you enjoy it. The hills make you a better runner. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Sometimes you need to take a break. Looking at the long term, 5 years or more, a month or two of less running isn’t an issue- but it can do you a lot of good! Also, sometimes taking a bit of time out, from work or socialising really helps to get yourself together. I know that if we have had a few weekends of going out or having people to stay, a weekend at home doing laundry, cooking for the freezer etc just gets you organised for the next few weeks and really adds to your quality of life!

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  12. I have found that I’m actually much LESS productive now that I’m not working! What gives?? And since I’ve not been running or working out much, I’ve become even less productive. I’m weird I guess.

    I DVR some of my favorite shows to watch the next day sans commercials ….never thought about doing that with the Olympics. Genius Judy, just genius!!!

    News?? Ugh, it so gets on my nerves most days ..yet I still watch. Mostly The Today Show and Fox News …although lately Fox has gotten annoying.

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    1. You’re new to not working, yes? Give it time until you find your new normal. Even when I worked, I was working from home, so I’ve been used to being at home for decades. I did work outside the home when we first got married, but that’s a long time ago!

      I DVR all my shows. They start later here, but even when I was on CT, I still did it. I don’t like having to watch commercials.

      I’ve watched the Today show for most of my life, but I avoided it the last couple of weeks so I wouldn’t hear results. And now I’m thinking maybe I just need to give it up altogether. Just think what I could do with that time . . .

      Of course, the furkids like it when I’m on the couch & watching tv.


      1. I had a career outside the home after college until I started having children. I quit work to stay at home with them and lived it. However they kept me very busy!! I went back to work when my youngest was in middle school. I really enjoy not working and love the freedom it affards me ..Ive just got to get better at managing my time

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      2. Oh, kids for sure keep you busy. I just don’t know how people do that. Seriously, you can’t even go to the bathroom by yourself. Of course I am often accompanied by the furkids. 🙂

        I really enjoy not working too. 🙂

        I bet you’ll settle into it — it just takes time. Pick some stuff you enjoy doing that you didn’t have time for when you were working.

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