Sharing Summer: 7/8-14 WRD

Bandit is out of the e-collar and seems to be mostly leaving the hot spot alone. We played tourist in our own town (sort of). The weather wasn’t quite as hot most of the week as I feared it would be. Not to mention new running shoes! It was a good week.


Joining Kim @ Kimrunsonthefly and Deborah @ Confessionsofamotherrunner and just sharing Summer activities.


And linking up with Jenn @ Runswithpugs, Brandi @ Funnerrunner, Anna Louise @ Graciouswarriorprincess, Briana @ Matsmilesmedals, Meghan @ Meghanonthemove, and Elizabeth @ Trainwithbainfor RIOTS(running is our therapy)

Workouts update

  • Monday:  3 Miles Easy, PB Toning (35 min)
  • Tuesday:  4 Hilly Miles, PB Toning (10 min), Yoga (30 min)
  • Wednesday: Dogwalk, Yoga (20 min)
  • Thursday: Dogwalk, 3 miles with 6 x 400/200, PB Toning (10 min)
  • Friday: Dogwalk, PB Toning (35 min)
  • Saturday: 6 mile LSD, Yoga (20 min), PB Abs (8 min)
  • Sunday: Dogwalk, Studio Yoga (60 min)

Mileage: 16 (NC)

JY = Jasyoga
PB = Killer B
TM = Treadmill
YFR = Yoga for Runners*
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike
YFPR = Yoga for Pain Relief
YTU = Yoga Tune Up Lower Body*

*Disclaimer: Amazon affiliate links; I will make a small amount of money if you buy through these links

Running Updates

New kick bounce


I’m not a fan of the shakeout run, but had to take advantage of the lovely weather before the heat returns. Had a very relaxing and relatively cool run at the park despite the late start.

Tested out the new Newtons Mr. Judy was able to find me on Ebay for a fantastic price. Not my preferred model, but second favorite. Rewarded with that fresh shoes speed.

All the rain, all the wildflowers

Knowing the weather was going to turn hot and humid again, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to run in cooler, drier temps, even though it meant running 3 days in a row, which I don’t usually do. It was a hill run again (not hill repeats, just down the long hills outside my neighborhood), but nice & strong, despite getting out later than I wanted to.

The next day my body let me know it was enough with the running, for the moment, anyway. In fact, the day after my race last week (read about it here), my knee was unexpectedly tight. I taped it when I did my longish run with a slower friend last week, and it’s been fine since. These hills didn’t bother it at all.

A quick treadmill run in between meetings. 6 x 400m speed intervals with 200m recovery. Not something I really wanted to tackle outside midday on a hot day.

I thought it was a bird house; it’s a light

Another hot day (at least the forecast), and I wanted to run Sunday, which will be cooler, but no one else did. I was pleasantly surprised that the path was mostly shady and there was a nice breeze so it was a good run after all.

Exploring Congress Park in Saratoga


Favorites of the week
In addition to running in the cooler, drier weather, we wanted to take advantage of it to get out somewhere and explore. It was a bit tricky with Bandit (he’s healing up well), so no hikes (plus he was still in the e collar).

All the ducks & cute ducklings

We bounced around a few ideas but settled on exploring a park in Saratoga Springs, which is roughly 30 miles north of us. We don’t go all that often, and track season (yes, that Saratoga) is about to start, so we wanted to get there before it gets overcrowded. We had a very nice time — human and dogs alike.

Today is last call for Skirt Sport’s end of the season sale here! It ends tonight at midnight. The Free Me Tank, which I’m wearing in the photo in the park above, is one of the items on sale. I don’t run in it — you absolutely can, but I have other Skirt Sports tops I prefer to run in — but I do wear it all the time in Summer. It’s a bit more forgiving than some of the more fitted Skirt Sports tops.

Anything fun non-running related this week?

Do you stick to a schedule, or move runs around because of the weather?

Did you race this week?  Tell us  about it!

38 thoughts on “Sharing Summer: 7/8-14 WRD

    1. How fun to visit Saratoga Springs! Funny story: my cousins are in Disney now and are staying at a Disney resort called Saratoga Springs. Of course it is themed after horse racing in NY. Anyway, my mom and I were talking about it and throughout the conversation my dad thought they were staying at the real Saratoga Springs in NY. I guess it was funnier in person. Now that I wrote it it sounds dumb…haha.
      Glad bandit is doing better. I hope you have a great week Judy. -M

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No, it doesn’t sound dumb. The “real” Saratoga is lovely to visit. I actually came up often growing up with my parents.

        I had a dream the other night about racing in Lake George. I very rarely remember my dreams — but when I do, they’re strange! they don’t usually involve running, either.


  1. I move things around due to weather quite a bit more in the winter than the summer!

    No racing for me this week 🙂 Doing a 1-miler next weekend though!

    Great job this week

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I like congress park. It’s where Palio half ends.

    I rearrange my run all the time but not so much because of the weather but life and work.

    No shade or breeze during my race on Sunday.

    Looks like the heat is back this week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s why I don’t generally enjoy summer racing. I have a very narrow tolerance for racing, LOL, even though I’ve run in all sorts of intense weather.

      But if I KNOW it’s going to be bad, and I’m not registered, it’s a lot easier to say no thanks.


      1. yeah but it costs more if you wait until the last minute and I never (hardly ever) bail on a race that I’ve signed up for).

        Liked by 1 person

      2. It can cost more, but I don’t always know what’s going on far in advance, so it can be easier to be relatively sure & pay the extra $$ — when you don’t race as often obviously it costs less overall.


  3. So happy to hear that Bandit is doing better and hooray for new running sneakers!

    I agree – the weather this week was a bit hot but I was thankful for less humidity on my long run on Saturday. It was still hot but I was able to find a lot of shade which helped tremendously!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Except now I want to hoard the new shoes for a goal race some day because they’re just so hard to come by.

      Last week wasn’t so bad. This morning was actually great. Looks like the heat’ll be turned back on this week, though. 😦 And rain . . .


  4. Love that new shoe feel on a run. How nice your hubby could fins some Newtons on Ebay for you. Glad to read that Bandit is still on the mend. He will be back to his normal self in no time.

    I definitely switch up my running schedule to fit the forecast. Bill and I now have the luxury to do our long run any day of the week. We looked at the weather forecast and picked Thursday for last week. I love having that option!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Glad Bandit is doing better, I totally switch up runs to fit the weather…or take it to the mill. That light totally looks like a birdhouse. This spring I bought a birdhouse that turned out to be fake. It was “for decorative purposes”. I returned it. What’s the point?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, I used to do decorative painting, but yeah, I’d probably return it too. I was surprised that that was a lamp, though, as supposedly you’re not supposed to use the path after dusk. Not that I’ve ever been there that late.


  6. I don’t know anything about Saratoga but it seems like a really nice place!

    I move runs around based on the rest of my weekly schedule. Like this week I am massaging Tuesday/Wednesday/ Thursday evenings so no way I would get runs in before job number 1 and certainly not after massage. I can always try a run in the AM before work but with interval training on the books, it’s not a good time for me to attempt that. A training plan is a plan, it’s not the law. I adjust accordingly!

    cool shoes! are they also wide toe box / foot shape shoes?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Newtons aren’t narrow, but they’re not super wide either. I’ve been running in them for several years, though, and I’m really attached to them. Unfortunately due to some company changes they’ve become very scarce & very expensive. 😦


  7. Glad that Bandit feels beeter.
    The parks in Saratoga Spring looks amazing.
    About the scheduled plan: only in summer I don’t follow the programs because the heat “kills me”. In the other seasons I don’t have problems.
    Now I’m waiting for the rain to go out and run.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Saratoga has some lovely parks. We race in one of them in the Fall, usually. But you have to pay to enter that one. Then there’s the battlefield park, which is also quite lovely — that one’s free, but we’ve been to it several times.

      I am not super fond of hot running either — I’d melt where you live!


  8. Glad it was a good week! I’ve also adjusted my schedule around to take advantage of weather – sometimes a few degrees of difference make a bit difference!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Love the color of the new shoes!! Lovely! Glad to hear Bandit is doing better. Most of the time I stick to my schedule but there are times in which I’ve had to move things around based on weather and how I am feeling.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I usually schedule my runs for the week at least partly based on the weather forecast. Why have a miserable run today if you know you could have a less miserable run tomorrow?

    Glad Bandit is feeling better!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, sometimes if I want to run with a group I have to endure weather I personally wouldn’t choose to run in (especially if the next day is like 10 degrees cooler).

      During the week I rarely run with anyone, so I go when & where (for the most part) I want to. Time can still be an issue though!


  11. I see a lot of people wearing Skirt Sports skirts and they look great! I’d like to try one but not sure which version I’d like. Wish they had a store to try stuff on. Those are some old school Newtons, yes? The kind with the “all in one” lugs? I have run in Newtons for years and when they switched to their newer lugs I had a lot of issues with the lugs coming unglued. That is the III & IV models. I usually get mine on Ebay too. I contacted Newton about the lug issue and I got a partial refund, but since it was from Ebay they couldn’t support them any more than that 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They do have a store but it’s in CO. They also sell on Amazon, and there you don’t have to pay shipping if you’re a Prime member.

      I have heard of lugs falling off of a particular model of Newtons, but not the ones I run in (Distance & Motion). Last summer when I was desperate again my husband actually bought me a pair on Ebay from England! And they were just fine.

      And of course I posted about some of my favorite skirts for summer today . . . sizing is really individual though. Some people like things tighter, some looser, and the size can vary from model to model, so it is a bit of a guessing game.


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