Stronger Every Day: January 2020


Looking through songs with Strong as a theme (or in the Title) was surprising. Many seem to be about breakups, including this month’s song, for which I’m going old school with Chicago’s “Stronger Every Day” — the refrain spoke to me. Of course I love the song, and maybe break up songs are kind of appropriate, as I’m learning to let my father go to a better place — I wrote that last before my Dad had even passed away. It’s a great anthem, anyway!

Feeling stronger every day
(You know I’m alright now)

Running where & when I could

Getting in scheduled runs
Last week was understandably low on mileage, but movement is ingrained with me. Although I only got in 2 runs, I continued my step goal streak. My Garmin has my daily step goal low, about 7500. I averaged about 9700 steps a day last week, and some of them included walks inside the senior living community because it was so cold (or raining) outside.

Grade Earned:  A

Recording my runs
My new planner (Clever Fox, Amazon Affiliate link here) has definitely kept me more organized and more focused. It can still be a struggle to take the time to record my runs when I’m busy, but I’ve started out the year right. Well, until last week, when I completed stopped using the planner. I’m giving myself a pass on that for obvious reasons.

Grade Earned: A

Dynamic Warmup
There’s always some dynamic warmup. The duration varies, but something is always better than nothing!

Grade Earned: A

Foam Rolling
I actually brought my foam roller to my mom’s — and used it! There’s not a lot of space there, but my body thanks me when I use it.

Grade Earned: A

Tried to make healthy choices most of the time

Nutrition got better, but last week was a bit of a struggle. There were quite a few days with few healthy choices. As I said to Mr. Judy, I’m okay with the occasional not so healthy meal, but I don’t like a steady diet of it. I did bring food with me, which was very helpful, but there were days we were at my sister’s house, and I had to make the best choices I could.

Grade Earned: A-


  • Massage? No.
  • Chiropractor Appointment? Still no.
  • Do I need a hair appointment? No, but I do need to book the next one.

Grade Earned: B-

Cross Training
I was getting back to more strength training, until last week, when there was none. I could definitely have done bodyweight exercises, or used the gym at my mom’s, but I walked and I did yoga and I called it a day. Most days were just busy, or emotionally taxing.

Grade Earned: B

January 2020  gets  . . . 
. . . a B+. I’m definitely not beating myself up. I did what I could, I was there for my family, and I tried not to push myself too hard. I rested when I didn’t feel well, and so far, knock on wood, I’m still feeling okay. Apparently I haven’t made any monthly goals since November, so I’m overdue.

Which leads me to February Goals:

  • Strength train 2 – 3x week. Definitely time to get back into strength training! Hopefully it can become more of a habit now that life is *hopefully* settling down.
  • Continue running 3 x week and maintaining my base. If I’m motivated, maybe I’ll add in a fourth day. My guess is that won’t happen anytime soon. I need some recovery time!
  • Start practicing at the Yoga Studio that’s close to me. I am hoping that now that life is a bit more normal, maybe I’ll either finally do some subbing or get at least one class of my own.
  • Foam roll when I’m able. Would love to foam roll at least occasionally on days that I don’t run.
  • Continue to try to eat intuitively — unless the weight starts to creep up. Although I’d love to drop just a little weight, I’m still maintaining fairly well.
  • Meal plan on the weekends! I was just getting back into it (back into a lot of things) when life took a turn again. Pretty sure I’ll get back at it with the help of my new planner and more time at home.


Linking up with Zenaida Arroyo and Kim @ Kookyrunner

This week I am also joining up with Running on Happy, Suzlyfe, Crazy Running Girl, and Coach Debbie Runs each week for the Coaches’ Corner linkup


20 thoughts on “Stronger Every Day: January 2020

  1. Stronger every day – I really like your motto. I would have given you a straight “A” for January. With all the emotional family things going on it’s a miracle that you managed to fit anything fitness-related in your schedule.
    About recording your runs: would it help to wear a running watch that automatically syncs with your phone? That would save you the manual recording when you get home from your run.
    Have a great week, Judy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do have a Garmin that auto syncs, but I actually find it easier to flip through a planner — and I record more stuff than the Garmin does (although I could add notes on the app).

      I come from strong parents, and I’m lucky that while I was working through this time, not a regular job and not as much as a regular job. There was a reason I didn’t really pursue more teaching.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Being kind to yourself is a good move, and I salute you for it. I hope you can get into a calmer and stronger time now all the frantic rushing around has finished and you know your dad is at peace and not suffering.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. With all you had going on in January it’s pretty impressive that you were that active. A+ from me.

    Hope you can return to a regular routine in February.

    Good luck getting that yoga class.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome for the ear worm. Not a bad song to have in your head. 🙂

      Until the last week and the very beginning of January, I was at home. That’s how it’s been the last few months, very intense for a week or so, then some home time, rinse, lather, repeat.


  4. Like you said, you did what you could and rested when it was needed. That’s ALL good. I had a few January goals, but I didn’t make them specific enough…and they were kind of a bust. Ha! I’m totally owning it, too :-)…and I have some better goals in mind for February.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You definitely deserve an A. So much happened in January and you did what you could. I like your planner. I used to have a monthly one and by school year where I would write my appointments and stuff like that. My friends would tease me about it. Now I have everything in my phone.

    Liked by 1 person

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