5 Reasons Winter Running is Good


Some people love running in Winter. I am not one of those people. Which seems odd, because I’d rather tackle a cold run than a hot, humid one any day of the week. I decided to try to convince myself that Winter running is actually a good thing.

Fairytales and Fitness


Almost no need for sunscreen
If you live in the Southern states, this isn’t true for you. Up here in the frozen tundra, sunscreen on my face is all I need during Winter — because those rays ain’t penetrating my many layers. No tweaking my back trying to get sunscreen on it.

No chafing (or rarely)
Oh yes, you can chafe. Even when it’s below freezing. Thankfully it’s a relatively rare occurrence. I don’t apply anti chafe gel during Winter and I rarely have to regret that decision.

Beanies keep my hair somewhat presentable

Beanies are kinder to my hair
Seriously, it’s all about the hair. My hair just looks gross in summer when it’s been shoved into a hat or visor. Beanies don’t completely kill my curls. They feel so much more comfortable than a hard brimmed baseball cap, too.

It gets  you outside
If I didn’t have dogs and I didn’t run, I would try to hibernate through Winter. That’s not quite true, I can remember walking a lot in Winter when I lived in VT and we didn’t have dogs then and I certainly didn’t run. I am not a fan of Winter — did you notice? — but I’d rather run outside than on the treadmill, so I get out there on days I definitely wouldn’t if I didn’t need to run.

Tough like strawberries

It toughens you up!
It’s easy to love running when the sun is shining brightly, the temps are just right, and you have the freedom to run in a tank and skirt. Running through Winter takes discipline. It takes grit. It dedication. All those things that you will need to get through your training the rest of the year.

Consistency: the most important bonus!
I have a lot of friends who tend to stop running during Winter. They have their excuses (and it is just that — an excuse!). They also always struggle to get back into running when the weather is nicer, and they tend to struggle with injuries, too, I’ve noticed.

Runners do get injured, whether we take time off or not, but those months off make it difficult to get started again, and often the runners who take the Winter off try to start back at the same level they left off at — a recipe for injury.

I think that consistency is the key to pretty much everything in life. If you want it, show up, do the work, and keep showing up. It isn’t easier, but it’s easier than “I’ll start again on Monday (or when Winter/Summer ends)”.

Do you embrace Winter running?

What do you like about Winter running?

Do you think Winter running toughens you up?

21 thoughts on “5 Reasons Winter Running is Good

  1. Like you, I don’t like winter running much. My problem is that I always get cold hands, unless I have hand warmers in my gloves.
    But I fully agree with you: it toughens you up! It takes discipline to get out that door into the cold, gloomy dark day. There are many good examples of that in this running-blog-community, including you, Judy!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I actually like winter running and for many other reasons than the ones you listed:
    I get the trails to myself.
    The cooler weather brings some really fast paces.
    I can run without fuel or water.
    The change of the seasons brings a whole new perspective to my usual running routes.
    The natural light helps keep SAD away.
    Being outside is good for the immune system.
    Running outside in the winter makes me appreciate the beauty of all the seasons.

    Hoping that I don’t have to run on the treadmill tomorrow!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Definitely running on the treadmill today — running tomorrow is not an option. I expect to be out there Sunday, though.

      I need water. Year round. Everyone does, actually! But since I’m not running long, yup, it’s always nice not to have to carry fuel.

      Nothing keeps SAD away for me. 😦 Except going South!


  3. I can’t stand cold weather and likewise don’t like running in the winter, even though our winters in the south are much milder than the rest of the country. My hands seem to be getting more sensitive to the cold although not quite to the level of Reynaud’s syndrome yet and my lungs burn from the cold air. Still, I push through and do it anyway, every day hoping for spring to come soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My winters are significantly different than your winters, so yes. I love winter running. The only thing that’s hard is that it’s still humid when it’s cold, and that creates an entirely different challenge. But I love not sweating buckets, and being able to breathe air without feeling like you have to chew it.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Winter is my fourth-favorite season but I actually like winter running. Except when I have to run on the treadmill due to ice and/or snow. Hubby and I did some trail running with a friend today – so nice not to worry about bugs, critters, poison ivy, etc. Now that I am retired and can run at any time I want, I don’t have to run in the dark all winter long!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Do you embrace Winter running? Not at all. Wisconsin winters are tough.

    What do you like about Winter running? I never overheat.

    Do you think Winter running toughens you up? Yes. Sure makes me appreciate mild weather runs.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I really don’t like the cold so I tend to run on my treadmill when the weather is bad. I do keep up the same running schedule though all year long.

    Liked by 1 person

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