Running down a virus: 3/9-15 WRD

Yes, I was mildly sick last week. Still a little back and forth this week. No fever, no congestion, no coughing, no sneezing (at least no more coughing and sneezing than normal). I don’t meet the criteria to be tested, so I haven’t been.

Out of an abundance of caution I did’t go to my normal WW meeting, didn’t meet up with friends to run. and we canceled my Yoga with Cats for this month. About the only thing I have been doing still is grocery shopping. I worry a little that maybe I shouldn’t even be doing that.

My mom turned 92 on Tuesday, but that was the day her senior living community closed their doors to visitors. They said that we could come pick her up and take her out, but we couldn’t come in. This seemed silly to me, so we didn’t go. I’m not sure when we’ll be able to see her again, but we talk pretty much every day.

She was supposed to go visit my brother in CA in a couple of weeks, but they’ve canceled the trip (there were a lot of moving parts to that visit, and let’s just say a lot of it just imploded). She’s taking it all in stride. My brother’s MIL, who also lives in a senior community in CA, is on total lockdown. A friend of my mom’s, who also lives in a senior community in NY, had traveled to Europe with family, and was not allowed back into his apartment (part of why we canceled my mom’s trip to CA).

No half anytime soon for me (or anyone, it seems). I’d been in contact with the RD from the Coastal DE Running Festival just days before they decided to cancel it.

Here’s what I know: it’s important to take precautions, and even more important to try to stay calm and not stress over the things you can’t control. I plan another meditation on my YouTube channel next week about trying to take your anxiety down a notch. This will pass. My heart goes out to those who are sick and to those who lose loved ones — and especially to small businesses that are so hard hit. We will get through this and we will come out stronger the other side. — Chocolaterunsjudy


Joining Kim @ Kimrunsonthefly and Deborah @ Confessionsofamotherrunner, and sharing a little bit of doggy cuteness, healthy and not-so-healthy food, and a little bit of activity.


And linking up with Jenn @ Runswithpugs, Brandi @ Funnerrunner, Anna Louise @ Graciouswarriorprincess, Briana @ Matsmilesmedals, Meghan @ Meghanonthemove, and Elizabeth @ Trainwithbainfor RIOTS(running is our therapy)

Workouts update

  • Monday:  3 miles easy, Dogwalk, Yoga (30 min)
  • Tuesday: Taught Yoga (60 min), Yoga (30 min)
  • Wednesday: 4 miles easy, Dogwalk
  • Thursday: Dogwalk, Rest Day
  • Friday: Dogwalk, Rest Day
  • Saturday: Dogwalk, Rest Day
  • Sunday: 5 miles easy

Mileage: 12 (+8)

JY = Jasyoga
PB = Killer B
TM = Treadmill
YFR = Yoga for Runners*
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike
YFPR = Yoga for Pain Relief
YTU = Yoga Tune Up Lower Body*

*Disclaimer: Amazon affiliate links; I will make a small amount of money if you buy through these links

Running Update

Loved being able to run in a skirt!


I felt better, although still tired. It was such a nice day, though, it was time to run. The first mile felt pretty good, and then the next 2 miles dragged. It was a really lovely day, though, so I was glad I got out there (I even filmed this week’s Yoga video on our deck outside!).

Still tracking the bulbs’ progress; nothing flowering yet

Much cooler, but still a nice day. Still hunting down the signs of Spring. I went out to do 3 but ended up with 4 — it felt a lot easier than Monday’s 3. Otherwise I really don’t remember a lot about this run.

A lovely if slightly chilly run, with I swear a headwind both out & back!

Thursday afternoon I suddenly felt worse again. My RHR was elevated the next two mornings. Lots of rest. Just as suddenly on Saturday afternoon I started to feel normal again, and with a normal RHR this morning, I set out to see if there was any food left at the grocery stores — there was, with the exception of onions and potatoes ?? and frozen veggies, at least at the small market I shop at frequently.

Then I set out to do a shorter long run. I had 5 miles in mind, and that’s what I did. It felt good and it was a pretty normal HR and pace for me.

Home made chicken noodle soup

Favorites of the week
We’d cooked a whole chicken quite a while ago, and threw the bones in the freezer. So I decided to make some bone broth.

Sorry mom, I’ll bring some next time we’re together!

Since I don’t know when I’ll get to see my mom again in person, I ended up eating some of the cheesecake slices I’d bought to bring to her. If her birthday had been Monday instead of Tuesday, I could have gotten to her. Probably just as well I didn’t, since I have been just mildly sick. I just ate smaller pieces of some of the slices (brownie, apple, and raspberry). I also got to enjoy the flowers I’d bought for her, but I’ve sent the address book to her in the mail.

Lola likes to snuggle with Mr. Judy on the couch in the mornings

Just a little dose of doggy cuteness.

How have you been effected by Coronavirus?

Are you doing virtual races?

Have you had trouble finding food? 

gwy healing meditiaion thumbnail

ICYMI: It was supposed to be a Vinyasa Yoga video today, but I wasn’t feeling great this week, so I filmed a Healing Meditation here for you instead. I know there lots going around (not just Coronavirus). Be the first to know when I release new videos: sign up for my newsletter here to find out when I add new videos, and you’ll receive a free Self Love Affirmation PDF and a bonus audio-only version of this self love meditation.

33 thoughts on “Running down a virus: 3/9-15 WRD

  1. It sure is hard to stay calm w so much scary stuff out there. Doing my best too. Hope your mom is doing ok I am a little concerned about my parents as well. Have a good week ahead and thanks so much for linking up

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Obviously, working in health care, it’s really nerve-wracking right now. Not to mention my immunosuppression from my RA meds. I haven’t changed anything tho-just washing my hands like I always do.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You know that my races have been cancelled. I plan to continue running and just do them virtually. I mean 13.1 miles is 13.1 miles – just no crowd support or water stops. I’m ok as long as my friends support me (and I them.)

    It took me 3 stores to find bread, gave up on potatoes and bagels. Otherwise i’m good to go esp since I’m heading to NYC this week (I think.)

    Glad to hear you’re feeling better. At least now you don’t have to worry about being trained for an April race.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t eat much bread & had bought sourdough earlier in the week. The potatoes thing . . . weird. I’m assuming people want them because they stay good a long time.

      Frozen veggies were pretty much wiped out too.


  4. Crazy times! While I’m not concerned about my well-being, I am concerned for my parents (in their late 70’s/early 80’s). That’s a huge reason why our Spring Break trip is probably not happening this week…I don’t want to go anywhere (least of all on a plane) and bring something back that could infect someone else. UGH. It is what it is, but hopefully it’s not going to be a long-term thing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think it’ll be longer than we like, but it’s not going to go on forever. I also think we’re actually lucky so many can work from home these days, but know a lot of businesses are going to be hard hit & the economy will be too. 😔


  5. LOL on eating your mom’s cheesecake — I’m sure she’ll understand. I’m glad you’re feeling better. It’s a scary time to be sick. I’m glad our weather was decent for running too.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I feel sorry that you couldn’t visit your mum on her birthday. But at least you got to eat her cheesecake and enjoy her flowers!
    Good that you back on the mend.
    I am worried for my parents – they are here in South Africa right now and when the virus explodes here in a few days things won’t be good. I have to try to get them back to Switzerland earlier than planned.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have to admit that going to my mom was going to be a really long day, what with the drive & having to teach yoga early. Of course then I couldn’t go (but I did teach Yoga, now I won’t be for a few weeks, at least not in person).

      I hope you are able to make travel plans for your parents soon & that they have a safe trip home! Hugs & good luck.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I’ve noticed the craziest things are completely gone from grocery store shelves, like flour. There was absolutely no flour at all at 2 stores this weekend. I guess some people really think they’re going to be stuck in their homes for months.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Sorry you won’t be able to see your mom for a while 😦 But it’s good that they’re taking the health of the residents seriously. And I’m glad you felt better by Saturday!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. So many changes, and every day just seems to bring with it more drama. I’m glad you are still able to talk to your mum even if you can’t visit. I have dinner with my dad every Monday but have a cold so I don’t even want to risk being near him as his immune system is not the best.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have to admit I was kind of relieved when I couldn’t visit my mom on her birthday, and even though it was good I couldn’t, I think it’s going to be a long while before I can. Stay healthy & safe!


  10. I’m so sorry that you weren’t able to visit your mom on her birthday 😦 I agree that was silly that you could come pick her up, but couldn’t come into the facility – very odd.

    I hope that you are feeling better. My allergies have been kicking up for the past 2 weeks so I’ve had a lot more sneezing that blowing my nose much more than usual. One of the downfalls of Spring!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t really suffer with allergies, but I’m still back & forth with feeling fine & then feeling eh. But to be clear, I was never very sick. Right now it seems my job is grocery shopping, but I’m happy there’s something left to shop!


  11. Sorry you weren’t feeling well, but thats good that it probably wasn’t the virus. Thats too bad that you cant see your mom right now. We had trouble finding infant motrin for a teething baby, but otherwise we were able to get enough food for the next week or two.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I’m sorry you were sick and hope you’re feeling completely better by now. My cough and tiredness is still lingering… I’ve stopped all of my personal training and classes so at least I have plenty of time to rest and recover.

    Yes, onions and potatoes were in short supply in VA just like in NY (as you noted on a comment on my blog). So weird, but I guess they’re staples and keep for quite a while in the refrigerator so it makes sense.

    Take care and stay safe!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I’m so sorry you were not feeling well! I really hope it’s nothing serious and you are already feeling better! and that really sucks about not seeing your mom on her birthday. I guess they are just taking precautions at her home 😦

    i’m going to try your meditation video. I think I need it.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I’m glad you still have phone contact with your mom so frequently. That would be so hard to not be allowed to see her in person! I just made my first trip to the grocery store yesterday to see what it looked like. I guess they have stocked up some since earlier this week, but still, missing a lot of selection in some items! I hope you are feeling 100% again soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was never very sick at all, but thank you. Yes, I think I finally feel 100%. I get this sort of virus most springs, and this was actually quite mild. But I’d feel ok one day, then sort of eh the next, then ok & so forth. Knock wood, I think I’m back to normal.

      I probably won’t be visiting a grocery store again until next week. I think it helps I don’t use the larger chains (although you pay more at the smaller stores).


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