Just what the Doctor Ordered: 7/27 – 8/2 WRD

Garmin was back up. Temps were just a little down. The makings of a great running week, right? Except I knew I needed a break from most activity — and I took it. After several days I felt a whole lot better, but I still had little desire to run. Or really tax my body in any way. It was a little staycation from fitness, and it was needed.

There was some Yoga, one long run, and a fair amount of easy walking. Plus one half day trip.


Joining Kim @ Kimrunsonthefly and Deborah @ Confessionsofamotherrunner, and getting lucky with the weather for my runs this week. Mostly.

Workouts update

  • Monday:  Dogwalk
  • Tuesday: Dogwalk, Yoga (30 min), Dogwalk (the morning dogwalk was intentionally cut short due to a thunderstorm)
  • Wednesday: Dogwalk, walking around while Lola was a the vet (routine visit)
  • Thursday: Dogwalk , Filmed Yoga Video (60 min)
  • Friday: Dogwalking Half Day Trip
  • Saturday:  7 mile LSD
  • Sunday: Dogwalk, maybe some Yoga later

Mileage: 7 (-6)

JY = Jasyoga
PB = Killer B
TM = Treadmill
YFR = Yoga for Runners*
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike
YFPR = Yoga for Pain Relief
YTU = Yoga Tune Up Lower Body*

*Disclaimer: Amazon affiliate links; I will make a small amount of money if you buy through these links

Running Update

I always wonder how these apples taste (it’s in my neighborhood)

Saturday intention: duality
This run was great . . . for the first mile. It was actually a decent day to run by Summer standards — that is, low humidity. It was also pretty much cloudless, and buggy. Why is it that I seem to be one of the only ones dealing with gnats? Is it because I sweat so much?

I spent a lot of this run trying to figure what I need to do in August to bring back some joy to my runs. The early mornings and Summer temps have just been soul-sucking for me. I’m not sure I have a plan yet.

I also spent some time thinking about dualities:

  • Bugs (annoying) vs low humidity (more comfortable)
  • Run interval seems forever and the walk interval flies by
  • Intention to take it easy but just want to get it over!
  • Intention to clear my mind yet writing blog posts as I run

You have to appreciate the good and the bad, and practicing doing just that helps you become more resilient (so those soul sucking runs aren’t as draining — although my main problem has been that the runs have been physically draining).

Apparently we’re trend setters again — good thing we got out here before it was on the news today!

Favorites of the week
We hit the road again. Another outdoor (free) sculpture garden. There were actually quite a lot of people there, but for the most part it wasn’t hard to social distance (I never even had to put on my mask, although it was in my pocket). There were quite a few dogs, there, too — thankfully on leash.

We made a stop at a preserve on the way back, and some waterfalls close to that preserve — sadly the waterfalls were almost completely dry.

Lola spends a lot of time down here these days

I think the next day trip we take the dogs need to stay home. It wasn’t that hot, but we had to cut it short due to Lola. Even Bandit seemed to struggle with the temps. Which is so weird, the last time they did so well.

I already have a possibility lined up for our next trip — not a sculpture garden!

Our little science experiment

I had several potatoes/sweet potatoes that were growing eyes. I mentioned to Mr. Judy that I wanted to see if I could grow potatoes. Next thing I know there were potato bags showing up. I think the biggest problem is that they need quite a bit of time to grow — I’m hoping we have just enough time before the first freeze.

Can you remember the last time you took a fitness break? 

What’s keeping you motivated to keep up with exercise? 

Have you been able to go exploring anywhere? 

Irritability Yin Yoga

ICYMI: I am tackling irritability this week. Bandit plays a starring role — he stayed with me the entire practice. These poses will get into your hips, groin, and inner thighs deeply, so I take a lot of time warming those areas up — and didn’t hold the peak poses quite so long. As always, I encourage you to pause the video and hold longer where it feels right to do so. Watch it here.

ICYMI2: Don’t forget that 100% of your donation to my Dempsey Challenge fundraiser goes directly to benefit cancer patients, survivors, and their families.  If you’d like to donate, you can do it here. Thank you!

Coming up on Tuesday: I’m sharing my thoughts on the Peloton App. Friday we’re getting together virtually for a coffee date here. Join us!

42 thoughts on “Just what the Doctor Ordered: 7/27 – 8/2 WRD

    1. I sorta wish I could hibernate until it cools down. 😊

      It’s weird, Bandit joined me a lot when I first started practicing outside, then not so much & lately he’s been staying out there again. He’s unpredictable.


  1. Sometimes a vacation from fitness is much needed, especially if your body is screaming out for a break!

    Very interesting about growing potatoes – I never really thought to do that! Looking forward to an update later on this year so you can let us know how everything went!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t like to take a break. I just take it easy. I don’t over analyze it. I don’t feel good if I rest. And I do need variety. So there’s that.

    And my friends keep me going. Even if we’re 6 ft apart.

    As you know I love my solo nature hikes. I’ve started adding another one after dinner.

    Glad to hear you feel better. Some people need more rest than others. Like my hubby lol.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Running is what wears some of us down. And you feel better so it was the right call. I just can’t stop if I’m not injured.

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  3. I loved reading your thoughts on duality, Judy. I have been trying to figure out a way to bring more joy back to my runs too. I had a really terrible run (emotionally/mentally) yesterday, then a pretty good one today. I just never know what to expect from myself.

    Your walks actually sound awesome. Maybe that is what I need to do to get myself back on track.

    I hope your science experiment turns out well. I will join you in wishing for a late frost!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m not so sure I can bring joy back in August — but hopefully I can change up things so I don’t feel so depleted. We’ll see! For me that involves the treadmill — I know that doesn’t work for you.

      I’ve always been a walker. Always loved it. I have to admit to feeling guilty just going for a walk by myself though (no Bandit, Lola’d be fine). He’s very needy. Sorry if that triggers you — hope it doesn’t.


  4. I’m just coming out of a fitness break but it really wasn’t enjoyable for me. I felt my body needed it, but I found my head was all over the place without it. So I’m glad to be back to it now. I think for now I have to keep running as therapy more than fitness!

    Yes, we did manage a hike as I told you we would when my husband was off work. It felt AMAZING to just get out and see something different with no stress in the world.

    Wishing you an awesome August!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. For me, Yoga and meditation help me with the mental aspect. I’m glad I took the break. Glad I’m not training for anything, otherwise I probably would have tried to push through.

      I hear you on getting out somewhere else! We’ve been doing that a little too.

      Have a great August also, Shathhiso!


  5. I also think the run intervals feel long and the walk interval flies by! Lower humidity makes all the difference for sure. A few days off always does the mind and body good. I will be ready to get back at it after we get back from Chicago. Have a good week ahead

    Liked by 1 person

  6. As you know, I don’t take many fitness breaks, but I do scale things back as needed. I’ll probably be scaling things back more than I want in the next couple weeks while taking care of Max. As luck would have it, the hubby is going to be out of town most of this week, also, and I just don’t feel right leaving Max alone this soon after the surgery. I am not set up to work from home, but my sister and parents are able to help a little while I”m away from the house. I tell you, it’s like having a newborn…but all of the attention to him right now is paramount to ensure things heal.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so sorry your husband won’t be there to help with Max. That’s very tough! I can remember when we first got Chester, my husband went on a business trip not long after. So I was alone with puppy training — and of course my two cats. We had one of our brief but very cold snaps in TX. Ugh!

      I’ve never had a newborn, obviously, but yes, I’ve had loads of experience with care taking animals. It’s tough. Especially by yourself. Hugs, Kim & healing vibes for Max! It will all be worth it when he’s back to normal.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I have been enjoying my runs because they’re all easy runs/HR zone runs. Also I am liking the Peloton classes and the variety of music.

    Nothing wrong with taking a break. I think the last time I took one was in March/April? I just was not motivated to run. Part of it was the weather too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My runs are all easy, too — except the rare nice day when I feel like pushing it a bit. I have just never, ever done well in heat — just physically overall, I mean, I’ve had a lot of good — and some really bad — runs/races in the heat.


  8. Good for you for taking a break. I’m thinking I might need one soon as I’m running so much. I did manage to do some stretching and rolling last night so i’m pleased about that. Need to get back to that regularly.

    I managed to have a long run with friends at the weekend but felt funny about writing a blog post in case people from the running blogs asked if I’d sorted out the problem and my running group friends saw it. Argh! I have had some more quiet support that it’s OK to feel the way I do about group runs, which is at least positive. And a good running week on the whole though I did take one day off when I was just too tired when I woke up.

    Sorry to hear the dogs struggled in the heat. We got the catties in Dec so this is all new to us – they seem quite sensible (odd in cats!) and are good at positioning themselves near fans!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Just listen to your body. If you feel good, no reason for a break. I actually didn’t feel sick, but I was extremely run down & tired — I’m really glad I didn’t get stubborn & push through because I feel much better now.

      Here’s the thing: it really doesn’t matter what we (or others) think. It only matters how you feel. Seriously. And people think a lot more about themselves than others in general!

      Well, you are used to cats at least. Cats were originally desert creatures. They usually love the heat. But sometimes they can overdo it too, LOL!


  9. That’s smart that you took a break when you needed It! The outing to the sculpture garden sound nice. I think I need to find an outing like that around here to get a change of scenery.

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  10. Well, I was obviously on hiatus for a few months with my leg, so iit was pretty recent. Now, I’m full steam ahead.

    I’m motivated because I want to be ready for when real racing starts up again. And also, it gets me out of the house and I need some alone time.

    We have done small bits of exploring. I am waiting for little man’s geocaching travel bug to come in so we can do some geocache hikes for his merit badge. Hiking here is hard: hot and humid and full of gross bugs. It will be better come winter.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I sort of consider this whole past year since I finished London in April 2019 as sort of a break, because I haven’t run marathon-training amounts of miles. Honestly it’s been really nice and I’ve enjoyed being able to spend more time on walks and strength training. I’m glad your fitness break left you feeling better. The heat and humidity definitely take their toll, as does this stay at home thing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, heck, my last half was Feb 2019. I always feel that there’s a gift hidden in the bad times, and I’ve taken the time to rest & heal. Not that I was injured, but obviously there’s been a lot of stress the last 5 years on my life. It takes a toll.

      I’m used to stay at home, but obviously not quite this much! It’s funny, if I were training for something, I might’s kept running. Definitely a lesson in there.


  12. I think alot of people have been struggling lately between the heat and the stress of everything going on. It can be tough to just relax and appreciate running! Sounds like a good choice to take a little break.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was definitely the right choice for me. Actually glad I wasn’t training for anything — it made it easier to embrace more rest.

      I’ve embraced this time to work on the mind-body connection more. Hopefully I can take those lessons with me when life is back to normal — it’WILL happen (even if it’s a new normal).


  13. I did take a break when my spring marathon went virtual – and I went to the half. It was really needed! I swear I could write a blog post every day with the ideas that bounce around in my head. Taking the time to actually type it out is a whole other topic! 🙂

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  14. I haven’t taken any full rest days in a while, but I”ve taken easier days. I am trying to be careful of overdoing it, but exercise is one thing I am enjoying these days. We went to a museum with outdoor sculptures/installations this weekend — they were very spread out as were we!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would take cutback weeks, too, but not enough rest days, I think. And I’ll probably do that again at some point.

      That’s the silver lining to not training: easier to take a break!

      The potatoes are getting watered in today. I also planted some carrots for the fall, because the spring carrots (Mr. Judy did those) were a bust — although his cucumbers are doing nicely.


  15. The last time I took a break was due to injury. After that I was so grateful to be able to run again that I think my mindset about it changed and I just took each day for what it was. I’ve taken breaks due to not feeling it though, sometimes its as little as 10 days sometimes it was a month or two. Listening to your body is key, you never want to force it, that’s how you burn out. It’ll come back!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve been really lucky — I only had one “serious” injury, and that wasn’t super serious. I did have to take about a week or two off for it.

      Of course there have been some minor annoyances over the years, but I’ve usually been able to run through them.

      I feel a lot better for my break & am back running. 🙂


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