Sleep Shopping?: Runfessions November 2020


Or Senior Moment?

I runfess that I had almost completely written another post for today, and then I realized it was runfession time! D’oh. Of course I can’t miss out on that.

I runfess . . .
My misplacing things has become a “running” runfessional. This time it was one of my heavier running jackets. I spent 20 minutes looking for the darn thing a few weeks ago. Before a run. No exaggeration. Then I didn’t even wear it! I have worn it several times since then.

Every time I try to organize things I can’t find anything — what’s up with that?

I guess I have good taste & a terrible memory

I runfess . . .
Leggings from Fabletics arrived in the mail last week. I have zero memory of ordering them. But I did. Luckily I love them! Not for running though, but they’ll make appearances in Yoga videos. They would have been perfect for my Moon Salutations (which you’ll find here — good to practice anytime from 11/29 – 12/2).

Would you disturb this cutie?

I runfess . . .
The dust bunnies were getting scary around here. It sounds like a cop-out, but Lola hated the vacuum (Bandit doesn’t mind it). Since we had to shut her out of the bedroom to protect her, and she wasn’t supposed to use the stairs for a long time, I felt really badly trying to vacuum and disturb her. So I didn’t.

The things we do for our furkids!

Sometimes it just takes me a while. Or years!

I runfess . . .
We have had the InstantPot for two years. It gets a lot of use, but it’s not used every day. For the past two years it has lived on our counter.

I finally found a spot for it in a cabinet. It’s easier to keep it on the counter, gotta admit, but it frees up a lot of counter space when it’s not there.

I runfess . . .
Remember my October running break? I runfess I had trouble figuring out when I ought to shower when I wasn’t running. I don’t get nearly as sweaty when I’m not running!

Have you ever looked at the Intensity Minutes on the Garminconnect App?

Recommended guidelines state that 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week is the key to a healthy life. Luckily anything above a brisk walk counts, and your Garmin will track this from step and heart rate data, if available.

I don’t think I’d ever make this goal without running. With running I go way over the goal! I’m not super active like some, but I’m not a couch potato either. Of course I don’t walk fast. I still don’t know what to make of this stat.

Do you lose things after you reorganize things, or is it just me? 

Do your furkids ever stop you from cleaning?

Every receive things you have zero recollection of buying?

What do you have to runfess from November? Come join us

All kidding aside, despite the trials and tribulations of 2020, I have much to be grateful for, not the least is with a healthy family so far, knock on wood. I know for many, myself included, Thanksgiving wasn’t what we expected or wanted, but I hope you found it in your heart to be grateful for what you have.


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28 thoughts on “Sleep Shopping?: Runfessions November 2020

  1. I don’t clean for many reasons. Not the cats. Lol

    Yes I lose things. I tend to not reorganize. They just disappear so seem to.

    I don’t but much online. That solves that problem.

    Shower time doesn’t depend on sweat luckily. First thing after breakfast unless I run. But I rarely run first thing. In the summer it was often two showers a day.

    Of course we all have something to be grateful for.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was chatting with my SIL yesterday, she said she showers in the morning (Mr. Judy happened to be in the shower, it was evening, and she thought that was odd — me too).

      Anyway, she said she showers in the morning to wake up. I wake up ready to go, and I prefer to shower after I’ve worked out — otherwise I would just need another shower.


      1. A lot of people do shower before bed. I do sometimes if I won’t have time in the morning. And when we rent a house with 5 or more people some shower in the morning and others at night. Not enough bathrooms lol.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I have this same problem with my pants and leggings. They hang in my closet, but because I have too many, hangers must be shared. I arranged a “system” where certain pants are one place and certain leggings are in another, but I runfess it does not work at all.
    I agree I loathe having appliances cluttering countertops….but I loathe having to drag them out too. Ugh.
    Thanks for linking!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I actually don’t mind having appliances on my counter — even though we don’t have a huge amount of counter space — especially not if it’s used often. Because taking the IP in & out of where it is is a pain.

      But we did need that counter space! So I’m glad I did it.


  3. Sometimes I have re-organized something to make it look better, which has led to me misplacing a few things, lol.

    I hate when there are too many appliances on the kitchen countertop. We use our air fryer almost every day but I still put it away when it’s not in use because it’s so big!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Those leggings are cute! I also can’t find things that I know I just saw! I saw a charge from Fabletics last year on my card which I knew was not from me. I called Amex to tell them and they said I have had monthly charges from them for 11 months! I was so embarrassed but I did get a credit for like $500 back from Fabletics. Crazy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It drives me nuts when I know I just put something down & can’t find it!

      $500 back from Fabletics is sweet. I don’t order from them much these days, but I did have a credit (from forgetting to skip the month) so those leggings only cost me $13. 🙂


  5. Oooohhh…love those stars and moons tights. So cute!

    I could never meet that 150 minutes of moderate exercise without running either. How do people do it? I wonder if a Body Pump class would count. I have started going to the gym for virtual classes, since I know I will be the only one in attendance. I get my Pump on and feel safe too.

    I need to find a place to stash my bread machine.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I have been meaning to re-organize my sock drawer forever, this post may be the incentive I need to finally get it done. I have all my socks (and arm warmers) in one place, and it’s a nightmare when I’m searching for a certain pair of compression socks/sleeves and they’re totally buried. I need to simply put all my running gear in a separate place. I moved a bunch of my shirts and jackets to our son’s former room, so I need to move my running socks and arm warmers there as well…maybe this weekend 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  7. My sock drawer is still sitting on the floor in my bedroom. I’ve gotten used to it but all of a sudden this week, I thought how bad that is!

    We just got our new sectional and Cocoa made herself right at home on it. I know a lot of people don’t let their dogs on the furniture but we are not those people! LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We have a very nice chaise lounge we bought a year before we moved here. It doesn’t really fit in our living room. It has been the pet bed from day 1. They love it. Glad someone gets to use it.

      Socks on the floor don’t work here. Bandit has a sock fetish. He’s usually pretty good, but then out of the blue I’ll find him eating one of Mr. Judy’s sock — I try hard to make sure my socks are not within his reach!


  8. Awww, you were a good fur mom to let Lola live in peace without stressing about the vacuum her final months.

    We just rearranged our laundry room and moved our running/cycling gear in cabinets and drawers that we can get to the easiest. Now every time I go in there for something sports related, I open the wrong drawer or cabinet. It will take a while, but I’ll eventually get used to it!

    I love those leggings!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just can’t figure out how a person who doesn’t run or do another form of intense exercise manages to get those recommended intensity minutes. Very few of mine come from anything other than running, and I’m not a couch potato!


    1. When my husband brought me the package, I thought perhaps they’d sent me something to review. Sometimes they do that — don’t know why, since I don’t buy that much.

      But nope, I actually bought them. I think they took so long to get here I’d just completely forgotten about them.


  9. With pugs, not cleaning is not an option. Luna HATES the vacuum – she attacks it like some kind of crazed beast. And so it goes lol.

    I love having things off the counter, but the boys can’t deal with it. I can’t wait to get our kitchen renovated with more counter space. It will help.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not cleaning is always an option. 🙂 I probably wouldn’t mind if they attacked it, but Lola would go somewhere else — and that last month it wasn’t an option for her. 😦

      I don’t really care about stuff on the counter, either. It’s nice to reclaim that space, though.


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