Spring is Starting to Pop!: 4/5 – 11 WRD

This time I started this post yesterday. The week sort of got away from me — it was busy though! I also suffered from laryngitis this week, so I had to cram my most of my fitness into the last few days. I don’t really remember what happened on what day until the last couple of days.

The leaves are coming in, the trees are beginning to bloom, the weather was seasonably appropriate, and Bandit finally got a bath — Spring has sprung!


I’m joining Kim @ Kimrunsonthefly and Deborah @ Confessionsofamotherrunner, and running easy.

Workouts update

  • Monday: Yoga (20 min), Dogwalk
  • Tuesday: Yoga (20 min), Dogwalk, Yoga (45 min)
  • Wednesday: Yoga (20 min), Dogwalk, 3 miles easy
  • Thursday: Yoga (40 min), Short hike/Dogwalks
  • Friday: Yoga (20 min), short warmup hike, 6 mile LSD, Yoga (45 min)
  • Saturday: Yoga (20 min), Dogwalk, Filmed Yoga video (35 min)
  • Sunday: Yoga (45 min), 3 miles easy, Dogwalk, Yoga later

Running Mileage: 12 (-1)

JY = Jasyoga
PB = Killer B
TM = Treadmill
YFR = Yoga for Runners*
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike
YFPR = Yoga for Pain Relief
YTU = Yoga Tune Up Lower Body*

*Disclaimer: Amazon affiliate links; I will make a small amount of money if you buy through these links

Running Update

Beautiful day! Beautiful daffodils!

Wednesday Intention: easy run
I almost ran Tuesday because while I couldn’t talk, I felt better, and it was a beautiful day. Felt like it might still be better to rest, so Wednesday it was. An easy run in the neighborhood. The only thing memorable was seeing a dog off leash (we’d seen him off leash a few days before that). The owner was waiting for him to come to him, basically — he didn’t seem terribly concerned.

Chasing a dog never works, but he lives on a busy corner where people often speed around the curve.

A bike trail warmup for my run — this one looks muddy in the beginning, but really wasn’t

Friday Intention: go the distance
It was another beautiful day, but I relaxed in the morning and got out too late and chose the wrong top. This wasn’t an easy run by any means. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to do my warm up hike. The first entrance was a lake, but the second one wasn’t muddy — I won’t be running at this path too much longer because it gets so buggy in the Summer. Too bad because I enjoy my warmup hikes, even though there’s nothing really that great about the scenery there.

A few interesting sights on the run. The daffodils basically in the brush at the end of someone’s property along the path was definitely a surprise!
This photo was taken yesterday, when it was sunny. Today’s cloudy. But the forsythia are sunny!

Sunday Intention: enjoy the Spring weather
Ugh, I waited too long to get out there today, and it was really humid. At least I hit the outfit right! The first mile was a nice pace, but it was downhill from there between the ups and downs of the route I chose.

I started to skip some of my walk breaks to work on endurance.

Dionondahowa Falls; photo credit Mr. Judy (except the one of Mr. Judy)

Favorites of the week
We really had a pretty glorious week weather-wise. The Daffodils and Forsythia are blooming, always a sure sign of Spring. No snow. We took advantage of the weather and took a drive up to Schuylerville to do a short hike to a waterfalls, and then over to the Schuyler House to walk around some more. We ate lunch outside at a restaurant. It’s been 5 months! I needed that!

On Monday I woke up with a sore throat. I’d spent a lot of time sitting outside the day before. An allergy? I didn’t feel too bad, although I was really tired that day. I felt better on Tuesday, but could only croak (barely).

I’ve spent a lot of time outside the rest of the week, but by Saturday I could talk again. Weird!

We also grilled outside (which Mr. Judy has been doing for a while now) and ate outside. No need for the patio heater! And obviously I filmed this week’s video on the Yoga platform. I still love that so much!

Vegan zoodle bowl

Plus ordered some food for pickup today. I just haven’t been into cooking lately, although I’m trying to get back at it — but I wanted something healthy.

Finally it occurred to me to look into whether or not Forsythia are dog-friendly. They are! Cat friendly, too. We are constantly trying to get things into the backyard that aren’t toxic for Bandit. Why it took me twelve years to think of this, I don’t know, but now I’m hoping to look forward to Forsythia front and back next year.

What are you looking forward to in Spring? 

Has it been warm enough to enjoy outdoor dining? Have you?

What’s blooming around you?

GWY Throat Chakra Yin

ICYMI: I decided to create a Yin Yoga video devoted to the throat chakra, for obvious reasons. This practice will also help you release tension in your neck, throat, shoulders, and arms. You’ll find the video here.

Coming up on Tuesday: My biggest takeaway from my Mobility course. Friday I’m sharing more takeaways from that mobility course. It’s mobility week!

44 thoughts on “Spring is Starting to Pop!: 4/5 – 11 WRD

  1. Same blooms as you.

    Excited to resume group outdoor brunches without blankets. Lol

    Very happy to be racing again.

    Glad you are feeling better. Hope you stay healthy this time.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Being realistic. Moderna tends to have more side effects & usually the second is worse. It’s good to be prepared. Like I said, I’m totally open to no side effects but don’t expect that will be the case.


  2. Those waterfalls are gorgeous! You have so many lovely places to run and explore by you. I also love all the flowers popping up everywhere. It is nice to eat out again isn’t it? Hope you have a great week ahead

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was dying to eat out (well, obviously not literally).

      That particular waterfalls is a really short hike. Hoping maybe to go to another place this week, but it’s gonna be another busy one so we’ll see.

      Have a great week, Deborah!


  3. I do love all the spring flowers! I hope you are feeling better. So far whatever’s blooming isn’t making me sneezy! I have been slacking on cooking lately but trying to step up my game while my Mom is here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, I’m fine now. I felt mostly fine after the first day be couldn’t talk until the last couple of days! No sneezing, no congestion, just all out of the blue & happy to be back to normal.


  4. We’re waiting for Mike to get dose #2 before we eat out. Interestingly, my youngest got the J&J vaccine about a month ago and last week his girlfriend and housemates all got COVID. He did not! I’m so happy about that and that he got the vaccine. You’ll be fine.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s great your son didn’t get anything! Hope the housemates & girlfriend are doing ok. My husband has had both, although I only had one. I mean seriously, who knew that which vaccine you get would be such a topic of discussion?


  5. Doesn’t it feel amazing to eat somewhere other than home? My husband and I ate outside at a restaurant a couple weeks ago for the first time in over a year.
    Love all the daffodils- they look so hopeful. Glad you’re feeling better!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Wow, 5 months since you’ve eaten at a restaurant? We don’t really eat out that much, but it sure is a wonderful break. It’s not quite weather to grill out and sit outside, but if it wasn’t so windy last week the temperatures were sure warm enough for it. Glad your voice is back!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Eaten outside at a restaurant, which really means eaten at a restaurant — haven’t eaten in a restaurant in well over a year.

      Usually we’d eat out once a week pre-pandemic. We do pickup or delivery once a week most weeks now, but there are weeks *I* don’t.


  7. While we’ve had mostly warmish weather, we’ve had some viscous wind. I was just telling the hubs we should put some Forsynthia for our yard. It IS so sunny & pretty when it’s in bloom.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Sorry about your laryngitis – I hope you’re feeling better.

    How nice to eat outside at a restaurant again! My gosh how I have missed that. It’s turned cold here again, but I’m holding out hope that we’ll be able to do that here soon too.

    I love seeing the daffodils – they give me hope that warmer days are coming 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am perfectly fine, thanks. I felt fine quickly; I just couldn’t talk. Kinda hard for a Yoga teacher!

      I had REALLY missed being able to eat outside too. Not gonna happen this week, but it will happen again!


  9. Hooray for some beautiful weather. Our deck isn’t fully opened up for summer yet but the Caveman did drag out the furniture so that’s a start. I’ve been eyeing some wild forsythia bushes and thought about snipping a few branches for fun. They’re so pretty when they open.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mr. Judy tried to grow cuttings from the Forsythia, but they didn’t take.

      We are SO limited in what we can plant in our backyard, between Bandit (and any future furkids), the rabbits, and all our pine trees. The Forsythia will be perfect!

      Mr. Judy has been known to grill when there’s still some snow on the deck . . .


  10. Glad you’re feeling better! I’ve been doing outdoor dining through the winter, but it was so nice to not be chilly over sushi yesterday.
    The spring humidity is so weird!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I hope you’re feeling better. That must not have been fun. I’ve eaten out twice since March of 2020. My mother wants me to get a grill so we can cook some meals in the balcony. Ha, not me. We can do it on the stove. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I feel fine again; thanks — yes, not fun. My mom was so worried — she’s gotten much more anxious as she’s gotten older, and it’s not like I could conceal that! I knew I’d be fine . . . eventually.

      I am not a grill person either. A minor fire phobia. Mr. Judy really loves it though — and it gives me a break!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, laryngitis doesn’t actually hurt (although initially I had a sore throat, that didn’t last long).

      It was a beautiful week last week & I took advantage of it, especially knowing this week wouldn’t be as nice + I have a lot going on this week.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. loving the photos Judy! we have daffodils here too in the park. LOVE the color pop!!

    how nice you got to eat outside at a restaurant!! the government is here is still debating whether we can do that soon or not and the media is whipping people into a real frenzy. so over it!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We are way more cautious than a lot of people, but Mr. Judy is fully vaccinated and I’ve one vaccine — and we ate outside at restaurants a few times last year. No plans to eat inside any time soon, despite being fully vaccinated by May.

      Ugh, our states are generally just opening up & throwing away masks while numbers continue to rise in many states. 😦


  13. I’m glad your laryngitis is mostly gone and you’re feeling better. Hopefully, you’ll be back to 100% soon.

    Yay for eating outside at a restaurant! We plan to go to our favorite TexMex Restaurant one of these gorgeous evenings for dinner and margaritas on their patio.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I’m glad you’re feeling better and that the daffodils brightened your day.

    We eat outside a lot. There reaches a point where it’s too hot for me to enjoy it (at least for lunch), but it’s a viable option, which is great.

    Bandit is so cute.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Ooooh…that zoodle bowl looks awesome. Isn’t it great to be able to enjoy some outdoor time again? Bill and I have had 1 of our 2 shots. I think we might eat outdoors if the situation was right.

    Glad to hear you are feeling better.

    Liked by 1 person

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