5 Workouts to Ditch the Running Boredom!


Do you get bored with the same routes, the same distances, the same paces? You can mix it up without working to hard. I’ve got five running “workouts” you can play with the next time your find yourself in a running rut.

Disclaimer: I am not a running coach. These are just fun little workouts I use sometimes to get out of a running rut.


I’m linking up with My First 5K and MoreRunning With Attitude, Runs with PugsZenaida and Run Laugh Eat Pie for Fit Five Friday. Today I’m sharing 5 easy but useful running workouts to keep in your toolbox.

1: Pick Ups
Every runner is different, but I find I often run at a non challenging pace by default. A lot of runners have trouble running slower, but if you’re more like me and slow is your jam, just literally pick up the pace during a run. For however long you feel like. Usually I’m like that really didn’t feel so hard, why was I running so slowly?

2: Run hard for short distances
Mile repeats? I’ve done them but I don’t like them, gotta be honest. Tempo runs? Not surprisingly I’m not a fan of tempos either! Those longer intervals work. If you’re just looking to have a little fun running faster for a just a bit, go short: 200 meters just might be your sweet spot.


3: Alternate hard miles
The opposite of #2, this is a strategy I use in longer races and runs sometimes. It’s the longer intervals but with a break in between. Pick up the pace for a mile, then ease off the next — repeat as necessary.

4: Run faster on the downhills
I know some people are afraid of opening up the throttle on a downhill, but running downhill fast has always felt exhilarating to me. Probably why I love downhill races!

5: Add in a little PT
Start off with a little agility — grapevine, anyone? Run a while. Do sideways squats. Run some more. Do some skipping. Run some more. You get the idea. Do some high knees, some butt kicks, some toy soldiers. It would be a great way to get in those drills we know we should do, but then never do. I have to admit I would probably feel too self conscious to do this outdoors — but I have done some variations of this when I’m on the mill indoors.

Final Thoughts
Running can seem monotonous sometimes, but it really doesn’t have to be.

What fun running workouts do you do?

Short of long intervals?

Do you ever do running drills?

21 thoughts on “5 Workouts to Ditch the Running Boredom!

  1. All good ideas. I love running downhill too. But many places to that around here.

    Right now I won’t be bored until fall. Monday is FTC, Wednesday is ice cream runs and Thursday is trail runs. Best way to beat boredom IMO is run with other runners.

    Of course your ideas are great for those who prefer to run solo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Actually there are quite a few hills on the bike paths. That one towards pearl street. Blatnick & all the hills up to GE plus that big one after. A decent one towards the cohoes end of the bike path.

      And then there’s my neighborhood. . . pretty big hill at Siena we used to do hill repeats on.


  2. I definitely don’t do drills as much as I should- incorporating them into a run is a great idea. Generally I’m a fan of shorter intervals rather than long, but I’ll do either one!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I often times throw in a spontaneous Fartlek or 1/4-mile “speed” surge on my mid-length runs. Why not? 😉 That’s a great idea to sneak in some PT moves!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great ideas! I love adding strides or surges to my runs when I want to add a bit of speed but not do a real workout. Fartleks are great too when you’re not really training but want to run faster.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. All good tips. I don’t like downhill, I prefer uphill.
    Fartlek is a good option. Moreover, to stay motivated, I have a logbook where I also register the top ten on my usual routes in every year.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I rarely get bored on my workouts because I do a variety of them. Lately I’ve been enjoying my easy runs because my body is tired from the day before and I enjoy the slower pace. I do listen to music which helps.

    Liked by 1 person

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