March 2017: Did I pass?


We continued with the weather whiplash in March, and we thought we got a lot of snow in February? Thanks to Blizzard Stella, we got almost twice as much in March. In one day. To say that made running challenging is an understatement. And then there was the cold!

So how did I mange my March?

Getting in scheduled runs
March blew in continued trips to my parents, the celebration of my mom’s 89th birthday, and a blizzard just for giggles and grins.

I always found a solution, only this month it involved the treadmill. A lot.

Grade Earned:  A+

Recording my runs
I continued to be pretty good at recording my runs. Not perfect, but I think there was some improvement.

Grade Earned: A-

Dynamic Warmup
Again, I skipped this on one super cold run. With no dire consequences.

Grade Earned: A-

Foam Rolling
I’m pretty sure I nailed the foam rolling this March.

Grade Earned: A

Respecting my body
I tried, but it was hard. There were many days I just had to push through fatigue and get it done. Some weeks when I was too busy to even soak my feet.

I think I mostly did the best I could under the circumstances.

Grade Earned: B

This month is was my mom and my dad’s birthdays. Good thing I was at my highest mileage this training cycle.

I actually did mix things up a bit this month — figuratively and literally. I experimented with a lot of new recipes for pre and post run, as well as during as well. I even decided not to worry too much about my weight. Not to go crazy, but to add in a little more carbs than I might normally do if I was trying to lose weight (I’m almost always trying to lose weight).

For the most part I think I ate pretty well in March, but I was still rungry a lot and sometimes I made the same things over and over again because they’re quick and easy (hello, tuna waldorf caesar salad, I’m looking at you).

Grade Earned: A-

I went to the chiropractor on a regular basis. The tendinitis became a mild ache rather than an acute pain. I even stopped taping it toward the end of the month.

Unfortunately, I switched from Pahla B’s workouts to Iron Strength to mix things up. I’ve done Iron Strength before, but I kept the same weights. Which apparently was not a good idea and then I strained my hip. Again, nothing serious and it’s getting better.

I got one last massage before my racecation.

Grade Earned: A-

Not enough of this

Cross Training
Oooh boy, did I fall off the cross training train. Not nearly as much biking as I worked toward my peak training, yoga became scarce, Pilates became scarce.

Maybe it was actually a good thing. Maybe it gave me a little rest that was needed.

Grade Earned: B

March 2017 gets  . . . 
. . . an A-, or maybe a B+. I did the best I could, but I definitely fell short in some critical areas.

Goals for April:

  • Continue keeping my journal up to date
  • Get back to cross training
  • Keep up the healthy eating, with a side of indulgence occasionally
  • Eat a savory breakfast at least once per week (bonus points for more than once)
  • Decide on April half after NOLA — let’s see how I’m feeling
  • If I decide to do the half, which is a trail half, join in the trail series (which scares me)
  • I’d like to organize another get together for the Wineglass girls, but let’s see what’s going on in my life

I’m linking up with with MCM Mama Runs, Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and My No Guilt Life for the Tuesdays on the Run linkup.


This week I am also joining up with Running on Happy, Suzlyfe, Crazy Running Girl, and Coach Debbie Runs each week for the Coaches’ Corner linkup


23 thoughts on “March 2017: Did I pass?

  1. Looks like a solid month to me! When you run peak mileage, something’s gotta give and for you it looks like that was cross training. There are only so many hours in the day so I’d cut myself a break on that.I think not having any birthdays in the family this month kept me away from cake. That’ll change…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I think you did excellent! Do you think you would have done as well in NOLA had you done all the extra stuff? I think you may have been exhausted from trying to do everything (in addition to all of your non-running stuff). I’d give you a solid A for everything!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Actual, it was the heat in NOLA that held me back! Remember, I don’t work. Not that I spend my days laying around.

      Anyway, if it had been a cooler day I know it would have been an even better time.

      This was almost a 3 minute PR for me – and my last half was an 8 minute PR!

      The extras help me, but every body is different!


    1. It’s along the side of my foot.

      Oddly enough, one day I did a lot of walking – in Tevas, so good sandals, and my foot was killing me. Hadn’t hurt like that in a month. Luckily I also had sneakers with me. And it’s fine now after the half!


  3. wow! actually your month sounds amazing! I would give my (tingling, annoying) left foot for grades like that! well done Judy!

    by the way, like you, I am pretty much always trying to lose weight (officially I am a weight watchers lifetime member – I just finally gave that up after the eleventy-billionth program change). Sigh. That’s how it is with some of us, right?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m a Lifetime WW member, too. For a long time I wasn’t at goal — many years, as a matter of fact, but the last time I started going again I vowed never to leave. And I haven’t.

      I’ve been at goal almost 4 years now. It’s worth it to me (and I had to pay because I was over goal — just a bit — for many years).

      The real miracle is I didn’t come back from my recent vacation over goal!


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