5 Reasons to be a Killer B


If you follow my Weekly Wraps (find the latest one here), you may have noticed the name Pahla B popping up a lot lately. That’s because a while back I purchased her “Faster Running in 14 Weeks” ebook (you can find it here — I make no money off of Pahla B; I just wanted to share her with you if you haven’t heard of her).

Pahla is personal trainer who BQ’d this year (that’s Boston — as in Boston Marathon — qualified). I figure if it’s good enough for the woman who BQ’d and lost 30 lbs, it just might be good enough for me, too.

I’ve used a few of Pahla’s free ebooks in the past with good results. It was time to take it to the next level. You won’t have to read a lot — the text portion of the ebook is relatively short. What follows is 14 weeks of 3 x week workouts (each with a clickable link to the workout video) — you don’t have to think about your strength training for an entire training cycle.

It’s beginner friendly, as in people new to strength training can do it, but don’t let that fool you into believing it’s easy. You’ll have to hang around a few months to see how well it works for me!


Here’s a short introduction from Pahla:

I’ve been a runner for over ten years and a total non-athlete for almost 40 years before that. One of the toughest things for me to do, when I first started on this fitness journey, was to see myself as athletic. Which is why it’s a huge part of my mission to make fitness accessible and FUN and unintimidating for other women (especially women my age).

I firmly believe that you don’t have to go hard or be hard to be proud of yourself, and having a good time is way more important than having a fast time. Unless, of course, your goal is a fast time!

Today I am joining up with the  Friday Five 2.0  from Fairytales & Fitness and Rachel @ Running on Happy to give you five reasons you should check out Pahla B Fitness.

You work around the time you have
5 minutes? 10 minutes? 15, 20, or more? If you’ve got the time (even if it’s only five minutes), Pahla’s got the workout for you.

Kettlebells, weights, stability ball, tabata, yoga, foam rolling . . . you will definitely never get bored doing Pahla’s workouts.

From non-exerciser to marathon runner, you’ll find workouts catered to your fitness level.

I thought I had DOMs because of swimming; then I remembered this workout!

They’re deceptively hard
There are many workouts that require no equipment at all. They’re short. And they seem so easy . . . at first. But they’ll get your blood pumping and the sweat rolling before you know it. And sometimes those “easy” workouts are not easy to finish!

And they’re hard in a good way — as in they’ll make you work and they work — but not to the point of injuring yourself.

Pahla is encouraging . . .
. . . without being too perky. You know some of those very thin, 20 something fitness instructors can be a little too happy sometimes, right? Not that I don’t love them, too. But there’s something very down-to-earth about Pahla. It’s like working out with your BRF (best running friend).

Pahla will make you believe you can do it. She’ll be with you every step of the way (and you’ll wonder how she can talk through the workout while you can barely get through the workout).

They’re free
Of course Pahla has some programs for sale (find them here) and is available for one-on-one coaching (find more info here) but she also has an ever-expanding library of content that’s free (find them organized by category here).

So let me know in the comments:

Have you ever tried Pahla B’s workouts?

Do you have a favorite strength training program?

32 thoughts on “5 Reasons to be a Killer B

  1. I have to say my favorite strength-training program is P90X (the original). I don’t follow the workouts verbatim anymore, but incorporate a lot of what I learned from the Great Tony Horton LOL He had me walking like an arthritic zombie for a good two weeks when I first did the program and could barely lift my arm to brush my teeth because everything hurt (in a good way).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They’re geared to everyone, but there are some runner-specific free ebooks, too, that will point you towards the ones that are great for runners. And easy to do when you travel, as well!


  2. I’ve only heard of her through your blog.

    I doubt that I will ever cross train at home but if I did, I would check her out.

    I hate to do strength training and I lean toward gym machines and scheduled classes. I am more motivated to go if I have spent money,

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  3. I have a couple DVDs with perky instructors. The segments are 10 minutes, and if the perky side doesn’t bother me that day, I’ll string a few in a row. If it is bothering me, I’ll do 1 segment, then free weights on my own.

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  4. LOVE killer bee workouts!!!!!!!…just discovered them a few months ago and now do EVERY DAY at least one of her routines…my favorite lately is the HOT 100 day 3 total body toning dumbbell workout…been doing it 3-7 times per week since it debuted and it WORKS wonders…also love adding in some leslie sansone and/or Jessica smith routines just to keep all muscle groups happy…>^,,^<

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good to hear from another Killer B 🙂 I like to share the things I love!

      Because I’m following the ebook, I haven’t tried the HOT 100 series, but the arm workout today — short, but killer!


  5. Never heard of her, but it seems like something great I need to look into 🙂
    I am always surprised by how tough lighter weight, high rep cardio kind of strength training can kick my butt!

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  6. I haven’t heard of her… but I will definitely check her workouts out… I’m trying really hard to incorporate strength training in this training cycle and I need some variety!

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  7. Okay, I will definitely check this out! Sounds great! The trick for me is “remembering” to incorporate some strength training. I need to really focus, I think.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Put your workouts on your calendar like you would any meeting. She has a free 6 week guide for beginners (aimed at runners). I’ve used that one, too, and I’d recommend it. So far I’d recommend the one I’m using, too, but I’m only 3 weeks into it.

      There’s usually one roughly 30 minute (a little less) workout and 2 shorter workouts a week. The shorter ones tend to get longer as you progress, but they do jump around a bit.

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