Where does it all go?: Runfessions November 2018


I understand losing the small things — keys — but seriously, how does one lose a pair of leggings with a skirt attached? Where the heck does it all go?

I’m joining Marcia @ Marcia’s Healthy Slice to make sure I start December with a clean slate! Although I’m sure I’ll have plenty of December runfessions to share too.

How can 8 miles feel worse than this?

I runfess . . .
I ran 8 miles one week after the Cape Cod Half Marathon (read about it here). I swear it kicked my booty worse than the half did. Maybe literally. I’d been having some piriformis/hamstring niggles . . . oh, for months. I usually get them at the start of some hard training, not the end, but whatever.

They seemed to get a whole lot worse after Stockadeathon (read about it here). Not enough recovery? I dunno, I swear I felt okay after that half. Which leads me to . . .

I runfess . . .
I really kind of wanted to run Rehoboth Beach this year. It seems like everyone’s doing it (which I know is not true). It’s a good thing I’d already decided it wasn’t a good idea, because yeah, it would have been a really bad idea. I’d still like to get to Savannah and that training needs to start soon . . . really soon.

I runfess . . .
I swear, you fix one thing and something else breaks. My foot is feeling a whole lot better these days, so there’s that. But the whole pain in the butt thing is, yeah, a PITA!

When I started running it was my IT Band. Then suddenly it was my ankles. Then the side of my foot. Now my butt/hamstrings. What could go wrong next?

I runfess . . .
Last year I found compression socks I love: Mud Gear (Amazon Affiliate link). You know, the ones made for Tough Mudders and Spartan Races? They’re cushioned enough on my feet, but compressive enough on my calves to be just right. So I wear them in the winter.

And now I have a pile of calf sleeves and quarter socks that almost never get worn (because that’s what I used to run in in the Winter). I wear the socks when I’m not running now.

Clean up one area, and then something disappears!

I runfess . . .
No matter how much I declutter, and I’ve done a lot this year (with lots more to do), I swear my house has a black hole in it somewhere. First it was the missing race belt right before Stockadeathon. Then the jacket I couldn’t lay my hands on. And now one of my Skirt Sports Wonder Wool skirts (which has attached leggings) has disappeared.

Like the race belt and the jacket (which I did eventually find), I know it’s here somewhere. And there was the charger for the dustbuster I finally found right before Thanksgiving — I’d decluttered my spare room, where the dustbuster was, but couldn’t find the charger anywhere. Turned out it was hidden behind stuff in the kitchen, which of course I had to clean up for Thanksgiving.

I really need both pairs of my Wonder Wool skirts, so I need to find the missing pair soon.

Do you have a black hole somewhere in your house?

Do you have stuff you used to run in all the time, but now no longer wear?

Struggling with any seemingly random aches/pains?

What do you have to runfess from November? Come join us


I am also linking up with the  Friday Five 2.0  from Fairytales & Fitness and Rachel @ Running on Happy today.


41 thoughts on “Where does it all go?: Runfessions November 2018

  1. I used to have all those weird niggles until I started strength training. It really was a game changer. Makes sense, right?

    There is a black hole here. I don’t know where it all goes…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My Dirt Devil vacuum is missing. I swear the cleaning crew took it. I blame them for everything. Sorry about all the niggles. I think I might feel ITB something and possibly peroneal tendon something but I’m not sure. I suspect it’s phantom pain from injuries past. At least I hope it is. My no longer worn running stuff has to sit idle in the basement for an undetermined length of time before I can let it go. It’s…I mean I’m…ridiculous.

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    1. I do let go some stuff I don’t wear anymore, but the things missing are things I actually wear!

      At least I knew where the dustbuster was, it was “just” the charger that was missing, which of course rendered it completely useless. I suppose there’s a certain symmetry it was refound close to Hannukah because it was actually a Hannukah gift.

      You’re so in tune with your body, I’m sure you’re right. Kind of irks me that I got through all those races with no real problems, rarely taped and felt fine, and now it’s bothering me. But that’s life, I guess.


  3. I cannot find one of my yoga tanks that I love. Since I am the one who does the laundry and puts it away, how can I lose it? I hear you on when one thing feels better, another part of you starts feeling weird. Aging!

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      1. There’s a meme that lost socks return as tupperwares for which you’ll have no lid.
        Hope the skirt surfaces — I told Darlene, my first SkirtSport sjkirt should be here momentarily

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    1. I like the end product of decluttering. The actual process . . . not so much. Although sometimes I really get into it.

      Right now it’s a kind of forcing myself to do it, cause Nov & Dec (and Jan!) do a real number on me with the short days. And the constant grayness ain’t helping much. 😦


  4. I feel you with the aches and pains- my hamstring is healed but now my opposite foot is giving me problems. I think it’s from compensating. I hope you feel back to 100% soon!

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    1. I hope you feel normal soon too! Whatever that means.

      It’s getting better, but still at the stage that something still just isn’t right & I’m hitting rehab hard to make sure it doesn’t get worse.

      I ran today and it was finally a normal pace for me (without trying or watching it much).

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  5. I used to wear compression socks but now onky sleeves.

    I organize by type so skirts separate from capris etc. haven’t lost anything yet.

    But don’t have as much SS stuff. No wonder wool yet.

    I am pretty lucky about pains. My foot only hurts when I run long and disappears when I stop. Only bunion surgery will stop it and that’s not happening.

    Maybe only running 2-4 miles at a time during the week has helped. And skipping some long runs has helped keep away the injuries. Who knows. It’s probably genetics

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    1. I was the opposite, wore sleeves until I found compression socks I love. The sleeves could get kind of annoying to me, but I love my socks, they’re just right.

      My wonder wool is from last year. I love it. I had both colors, except now I can’t find the other one & I need it (it would be too warm for you most of the time).


  6. I would be so upset if I lost a pair of leggings and a skirt! I hope you find them soon. It sounds like something I would do. I swear, my brain had been having little glitches lately. So sorry to read about your pain in the butt. I haven’t been running for a week, and mine is not better at all! 😦

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    1. Well, I know the leggings aren’t lost. They’re here somewhere . . . where is the question! The problem being they’re what I run in a lot at these temps so just one of them ain’t cutting it (even if I am only running 3 x week).

      Sorry your pains aren’t better with a week off running. 😦 Give it more time, though, since you don’t have a big goal race coming up. You’ll get there, I’m sure. Thankfully my PITA isn’t too bad but I’m hitting rehab hared trying to make sure it stays that way (and hopefully goes away period — I know it will, at some point).

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      1. I have a favorite pair of fleece-lined leggings I got years ago that would be irreplaceable. I snagged them on a thorn bush during a trail run a few years ago, but they are still wearable. I bought a newer version of the same tights, but they just don’t fit the same. Hope you find yours!

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  7. I’ve got a black hole as well…my sunglasses that went to Philly with me (and I distinctly remember putting them in my carry-on bag as soon as we were in the airport) have been missing ever since I put them in that bag. Also, a pair of camo-print shorts (which I wore for the race in Philly) and a pair of fleece-lined printed leggings. I suspect everything is buried somewhere in my closet, which I partially sorted/straightened/cleaned last weekend…but still the missing things are still missing.

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  8. I don’t think running injuries ever go away, they just move to a different body part. 😉 I hate losing things around the house, which is always where things get lost. It usually starts with “putting things away” so maybe I should just live with the clutter where I know where things are. 😉

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  9. I can totally relate to all of the “niggles”. Just like you, when one thing goes away, another issues seems to pop up. It’s so annoying! This month I’m really going to try to do more strength training for my legs. I’m hoping that if my legs are stronger, maybe that will help with some of the issues I keep having.

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  10. I’m sorry to hear about the niggles…I can definitely relate. I always feel like I’m not doing enough to keep them away and then something new pops up.

    I do have some running gear that has straight up vanished! Like I keep losing my Bibrave buffs…it’s so annoying! Hope you find your skirt soon.

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    1. I found the skirt, but I do have other things missing as well. Like, a bra that completely vanished . . . years ago! Of course not a cheap one either. I guess I can just kiss that one goodbye, but at least it was a smaller item.


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