Springing into . . . Snow?: 4/6 – 12 WRD

Yes indeed, we got just a tiny bit of the white stuff yesterday — nothing sticking, just a brief snow shower. Thankfully I chose to run today, a much nicer day. Yesterday the wind was insane. Today it was just windy.


Joining Kim @ Kimrunsonthefly and Deborah @ Confessionsofamotherrunner, and sharing still more doggy cuteness again. Which is what happens when we’re at home and Mr. Judy is bored.

Workouts update

  • Monday:  SB (15 mn), 4 miles easy, Dogwalk
  • Tuesday: SB (18 min), Dogwalk, PB Cardio + Weights (30 min)
  • Wednesday: Cardio (10 min), SB (5 min), 4 miles easy, Yin Yoga (30 min)
  • Thursday: Rainy Dogwalk, Rest Day
  • Friday: SB (20 min), Dogwalk, Yoga (15 min)
  • Saturday: Dogwalk, Rest Day
  • Sunday: 8 miles LSD, Yoga later

Mileage: 16 (NC)

JY = Jasyoga
PB = Killer B
TM = Treadmill
YFR = Yoga for Runners*
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike
YFPR = Yoga for Pain Relief
YTU = Yoga Tune Up Lower Body*

*Disclaimer: Amazon affiliate links; I will make a small amount of money if you buy through these links

Running Update

Blurry daffodils, still most welcome

Finally a nice running day; I was even a little overdressed due to getting out later than planned (I got caught up working on my spare room). Still nose breathing, still slow, but a lovely day to run.

I don’t normally do runfies, but this was part of stuff I was working on for Tuesday’s post

Not so nice, but not too bad either. I got excited because this run was just a little faster. Then I remembered I came up with an idea for Tuesday’s post and there were a lot of photo stops in the beginning.

I’ve been talking about grounding a lot lately. Notice the trees roots rising out of the muck — that’s grounding!

You may or may not have noticed I took a lot of rest this week. I was feeling pretty run down by the end of the week. The weather wasn’t bad today. I chose the other side of the neighborhood, which is still hilly, but not as steep. 

Still can’t figure out why a much slower pace still feels really hard simply by breathing through your nose. A glimmer of hope, though, this was slightly faster than last week’s 8 miler, and the pace was very consistent — whether I was going uphill or downhill. I was tiring towards the end, and walking a bit more, and really wondering why I had to run into that headwind at the end.

Now that’s partner Yoga!

Favorites of the week
Lola tries to get Mr. Judy to go to bed earlier than he wants to. And Bandit gets very clingy and/or antsy until I’m in bed at night.

So far, so good. That’s how I usually respond when people ask how we’re doing. Another week, getting groceries delivered from the store, did curbside pickup from the pet store for dog food and Frontline (talk about sticker shock!). This week we really threw caution to the wind and got sushi delivered — mainly because it’s Passover. Sushi isn’t exactly considered kosher for Passover but I say it’s in the spirit of the holiday.

I wanted to share some other stuff from YouTube; a couple of videos I watched this morning.  Oh my goodness, this YouTube video here is so inspirational (watch til the end, it even ties in a bit with running!).

Ishvara pranidhana is a concept that I love — basically that there is a higher power that has a plan for us. I believe in that. Watch this YouTube video here if you want to see how that concept could help you right now.

How are you doing?

Are you in a new normal? 

If you celebrate Easter today, how has that changed for you? 

Coming up on Tuesday: I have a fun little challenge for those of you who are stuck running in your neighborhoods. Stayed tuned.

ICYMI: Well, nothing new on YouTube or Facebook today. I suggest pairing my new grounding Yin Yoga practice here with the grounding meditation here.

Be the first to know when I release new videos: sign up for my newsletter here to find out when I add new videos, and you’ll receive a free Self Love Affirmation PDF and a bonus audio-only version of this self love meditation.

43 thoughts on “Springing into . . . Snow?: 4/6 – 12 WRD

  1. I also felt a little run down this week. I am not as smart as you are, so, I don’t take off enough. My exercise is my sanity saving so I am over doing it a bit. Hope you get some warmer temps for your walks and runs this week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Unfortunately a no to the warmer temps, but there is a very slow warming trend. And #allthebulbs.

      I debated whether or not to run at all today, but I’m glad I did. Don’t seem any worse, anyway.

      Hope you’re feeling better next week too, Deborah!


  2. I happy to say that I am NOT in my neighborhood.

    Every run and every walk in a new place. I’m excited for that and two runs in skirts. Today was delightful.

    Still no take out or food delivery. Besides ice cream. Lol.

    I’d rather pick out my food myself in the store and bag myself.

    Happy Passover. Did you do a Seder?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’d rather pick out my own food and go elsewhere too. I just personally feel that right now it’s the right thing to do.

      We never do a Seder, unless we go to my sister, which clearly we did not. So nothing changed there. Made a roast and had matzo brei post run today.


    1. Whenever I do yoga before bed, he’s always guarded me. Really, he just wants me to go to bed. 🙂

      I’ve been working on settle with him, because sometimes he goes in & out constantly. Sometimes, though, I actually have to shut the door (like right now) because he gets kinda annoying.

      Gotta love them warts & all, right?


  3. You’re so lucky that you’re able to get grocery store delivery! All of the supermarkets here are completely full for the next few weeks for grocery delivery. It’s frustrating because I don’t want to go in the store but I have to. Even grocery pick up is full!

    Looking forward to your Tuesday post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so sorry that you can’t get delivery! To be clear, it takes days — so I have to be good at planning what I need. OTOH, I’m able to add stuff as I think of it, until they actually start shopping.

      I’m also not doing one of the larger grocery stores, although they’ve been doing this long before this happened, so I’m guessing they might actually be faster.

      Stay well, Kim & your family too!


  4. We had a tiny bit of that “white stuff” (I’m reluctant to call it by name) blowing around Thursday. UGH. Just give me my summer back, thank you very much. Our Easter was very out of the ordinary this year, but it was doable. Live streamed church service…not ideal, but it is what it is. No big family dinner around the table, but I took some of the dinner to my parents and we ZOOM’d with everyone in the afternoon. We are doing our best to make it work 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As hard as it may be, I’m glad that you had a virtual church service. Some are still doing in person services, and I just think as much as people need that, they really don’t.

      I’d settle for spring, personally. We rarely get much.

      Glad you made it all work this weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Your yoga partner is a cutie. I felt overly tired last week but this week I felt wired and could not sleep. It’s as if the pendulum swings both ways. We got out for a long walk as a family today, which was really nice. All four of us rarely do that together. That veteran’s transformation is incredible!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’ve got a lot going on, Marcia. I didn’t feel great for a few days, and that made my nights restless, but that seems to have past & for the most part (with the help of melatonin), I sleep well.

      I don’t know how I ended up at that video, but I knew I had to share it! We all need some uplifting. 🙂


  6. Yay partner yoga.
    Good to “chat” briefly today.
    Rest weeks are needed. My comment ot myself yesterday was basically “Running hurts physically right now. Why are you doing something that hurts?”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, many, myself included, will push through whether in pain or not. You’re really good at listening to your body. It’s a great skill to have as a runner. I’ve gotten better at it, but there’s probably still room for improvement.

      I’m glad I left when I did — when I run through lunch I invariably get the rungries & it isn’t pretty.


      1. Well, of course there is never any have to. But I still debated for me whether running was the right decision yesterday. But I still did it, even though I was unsure.

        The good news is I do feel better today. 🙂 I was definitely quite tired after though!


    1. As I said to Marcia, I have no idea how I ended up at that video. I don’t think it had anything to do with what I was searching on.

      Divine intervention, hmm?

      Well, tomorrow’s challenge isn’t a physical one. Hopefully it’ll help someone though. It helped me on the day I thought of it.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I saw a few snow flurries on Friday, but earlier last week it was in the 70s! So strange. Good job keeping up with the nose breathing. Hopefully it will start to feel easier soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, I’m not racing or training really (well, still not sure if I’m actually training) so it seemed like the perfect time to take the hit on pace.

      It’s supposed to eventually make runs feel much easier, but right now, they feel so much harder & my HR actually still gets up there even at the much slower pace. Weird!


  8. No snow flurries here but we’ve had rain and cloudy and gloomy days. But it was warm and humid on Tuesday. So weird. I also run in my neighborhood and am curious about your challenge. 🙂 I haven’t had groceries delivered but have ordered some food. I try to limit my time at the store but so when I do go I quickly get what I need and get out.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I may have to go to the store this week in addition to the delivery because there was a fair amount they didn’t have, although a lot of it I can probably get by with. We’ll see. But at least that makes a trip quicker since I already got a lot of stuff.

      This week the weather is gonna be meh, but it looks like there’s a *slight* warming trend next week. Although sometimes they tease us with that.

      I don’t know, I hot being in hot & humid weather but the lack of a real spring after 11 years is kinda wearing on me!


  9. Snow! Ah, I can’t imagine! We’ve got a ton of rain and wind here in Philly. I think we have a tornado watch or warning today…sheesh!

    I’ve been mostly doing okay. The baby gave us a few rough nights but we seem to have gotten back to our “normal”, so that’s a relief! Finding time to work out has definitely helped! I would like to practice more yoga though!


  10. This past week was just draining. I don’t know why. I think we are passed the newness of the situation, and now it’s just … trying to power through.

    That’s about the best partner yoga I have ever seen. The pugs would not tolerate it, without lots of snorts and snots. Although they are excellent nappers, and have been taking full advantage of that.

    Hugs to you.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I took a look at our grocery delivery, which is something I’ve never done, and the delivery days were a week away! I’m not sure I’d be organized enough to pick food for a week away. I’m looking forward to the neighborhood post. If I’m running 3-4 miles I typically loop around my neighborhood.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Couldn’t really put my finger on it, but this week was just hard…tiring. I took an extra rest day myself.

    It’s so nice that you can have your groceries delivered. The stores here seem overwhelmed and unable to handle it all so my husband’s been venturing to the store when needed. I’ve had an urge for sushi lately, but we’ve not ordered takeout in weeks! I miss it!

    Looking forward to your neighborhood post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Most everyone seemed to agree with you! I didn’t feel that this week was different, but my body did, so I guess I was with everyone else on that.

      Grocery delivery is definitely not perfect, but so far, it’s working. I may end up going to a store this week. We’ll see how i can make it work.


  13. I had been feeling tired/run down for a couple weeks, but seems to be getting better. We got snow this weekend too – nice because it gets all the skiers off the running routes!

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  14. Sounds like last week was hard for a lot of us. I think not knowing how much longer we will be in this state of emergency is tough. We had some crazy weather but no snow!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Good to see how you’re doing and I think we have to listen to ourselves even more in these times of stress. I am still keeping on keeping on but can’t bring myself to do running update posts as I miss my routes and my friends. Still running though – 16 miles last week and 7 already this week. Stay well x

    Liked by 1 person

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