My Week of 5ks: 5/18 – 24 WRD

We had a string of beautiful days this week, and trust me, we all needed that for our sanity up here! I love the freedom of living in Skirt all Summer long (with temps going up to 90 next week, yup, looks like unofficial Summer has arrived).


Joining Kim @ Kimrunsonthefly and Deborah @ Confessionsofamotherrunner, and sharing my string of 5ks in prep for a virtual 5k — this week, or maybe on Memorial Day.

Workouts update

  • Monday:  Dogwalk, Yoga (30 min)
  • Tuesday: Dogwalk, 3.1 miles easy, Bodyweight + Kettlebells (30 min)
  • Wednesday: Dogwalk, Yoga (20 min)
  • Thursday: 3.1 miles easy with 7 x 20ish strides, Core (15 mn)
  • Friday: Dogwalk, Yoga (35 min)
  • Saturday:  6 miles (maybe not so easy), Yoga (60 min)
  • Sunday: Dogwalk, hopefully Platform Yoga and ST

Mileage: 12.2 (+3.2)

JY = Jasyoga
PB = Killer B
TM = Treadmill
YFR = Yoga for Runners*
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike
YFPR = Yoga for Pain Relief
YTU = Yoga Tune Up Lower Body*

*Disclaimer: Amazon affiliate links; I will make a small amount of money if you buy through these links

Running Update

Another neighborhood rainbow

I kept thinking I needed to do my virtual Freihofers this week, but luckily realized I don’t need to do it until next week. I ran 3.1 anyway, just to have something to report if things don’t go my way next week. Another nice day to run, but I really need to start getting out there earlier.

Today I had to walk the dogs before I ran, as Mr. Judy was waiting for a delivery. Lola, who is 14, just can’t take temps much over 60F, so she needs to be walked earlier now.

Now violet is everywhere it seems!

Another great day to run! Of course I stopped to take a photo and while I thought I’d paused my Garmin, I hadn’t. No matter what, nice negative splits. Still slow but those strides always help; I cheat and run down a slight incline in front of my home, pause the Garmin while I walk back to my starting point, and repeat. Maybe not so kosher but that’s how I roll.

A washed out rainbow

I decided to try to tackle a 5k as part of my long run. I warmed up with .9 (because 3.1 + .9 = 4 miles). Then I ran down the road on one side of my neighborhood for 3.1 miles. I did stop a couple of times to take photos (and paused my Garmin) so this probably won’t be my official 5k. The pace was decent because it was almost entirely downhill, which the race isn’t. I’m sure the stops helped the pace, too.

Although in typical fashion of this particular race, it was suddenly hot! I got out a bit later than I wanted (but earlier than the race starts). By the time I finished it was in the mid 70s. I haven’t run in those temps in many months. I’ve been lucky if it’s in the 50s!

One of the weirdest things I’ve seen on the run (but not the weirdest)

Of course what goes down must come up. I walked up the very long, very steep hill after I’d finished those first 4 miles. I had zero desire to run up a hill that steep, intervals or not. I ran some more on the flatter parts. Then walked up the final hill, too. I did run it in.

I’d thought I might add a mile to my long run this week, but with the sudden increase in temps, I really just had no desire to. I must’ve gotten in a good couple of miles walking uphill in addition to my 6 miles running.

Lola joined me for a little Yoga

Favorites of the week
I’ve been teasing what Mr. Judy was building for me for a while. Lola and Bandit helped me to christen it after my run.

It’s a Yoga platform in my backyard!

Bandit continues to be my Yoga partner

As much as I love my deck Yoga, platform Yoga is even better! It’s shaded by our pine trees (although those pine needles get everywhere) and there’s a nice breeze back there.

Apparently he’s also my construction partner (he just needs thumbs)

I helped just a smidge: carrying over most of the top boards and tightening up most of the bolts on the corners.

This is where I plan to be teaching my Yoga student — I’m not sure if she’ll be on the ground or maybe with me on the platform. I think there’s enough social distance between us if our mats are turned the other way.

My friends are getting ready to social distance run and brunch (also outside). I wasn’t quite ready, and they decided to run today anyway — I’d already run Saturday. I want to join in, but I’m not quite sure it’s the right thing to do now. I have several people in my life that are at higher risk.

One is my mom, and of course it’s been months since I’ve been in contact with her — but I’m hoping to see her soon. Others are ones I’m in contact with more often. I shared a post on my FB page here this morning on the risks of various gatherings, written by a runner who is also a virologist.

Of course it’s also not great to be isolated. As I said on FB, difficult times and difficult decisions.

Wouldn’t you love to join me on my platform? I can definitely envision filming some videos out there! Too bad the wifi isn’t strong enough for Zooming.

Are you handy?  Me, nope. Good thing Mr. Judy is.

How much of your exercise do you take outdoors? I thought about strength training out there, but lugging the weights out — and back! — didn’t seem enticing. Of course it’s more exercise, but I use different weights.  Although I’m sure ultimately it would feel great!

Coming up on Tuesday: I’m sharing some of my running hacks that make running go smoother. Of course Friday it’s time for runfessions; we all love getting those out there, don’t we? Don’t forget that Skirt Sports is selling off its inventory, so check out the sale here.

41 thoughts on “My Week of 5ks: 5/18 – 24 WRD

  1. Nice job on Saturday’s 5k! A good idea to take it all downhill, that’s motivating!
    And I love your yoga platform! How cool is that!! I would definitely join you there.
    I went running with a group for the first time yesterday. We are allowed to train in groups of 5. I enjoyed it immensely – but, as you say, it might not be a wise move if you are close to people who are at higher risk. Hopefully, everything will settle down soon and you will get to join your buddies when it’s safe enough.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love your platform! I am happy running with one other person at the moment, that’s opened up my world to include new faces but also different places I can run that I’m not comfortable with on my own. Not sure I’d want to increase that number for a while, though.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You’re right – we needed the better weather this week! He had some rain on Friday and Saturday but other than that it was pretty good.

    I’m still running solo for the time being, but I think we’ll be able to go back to group runs sometime next month.

    I love the new yoga platform in your backyard! It should be so nice and peaceful to do yoga outside, especially with the nicer weather!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Yay! for Mr. Judy. What a great guy to build you a yoga platform in your backyard. You will have a beautiful spot to film yoga classes all summer. I am a little bit hesitant to socialize again too. Our region of the state is opening up in just under 2 weeks. Groups of up to 10 people can gather, socially distanced, of course. My in-laws are in their late 80s. I would not want to pass any germs along to them!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a great platform for yoga! I love it. As for pausing your Garmin or not, you’re only competing against yourself and getting stronger than you were yesterday, so who cares how you decide to do it 🙂 Totally kosher in my opinion.

    I’m easing into socializing…Minneapolis isn’t really doing that well. I don’t expect to see my parents for awhile (they live in Michigan) but we had thought about going to Dustin’s family’s cabin this weekend, but his mom is there, who is over 70. It just didn’t feel right yet, even though it’s technically allowed (cabin is in Wisconsin, which is essentially totally opened up…)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, it’s technically allowed here, too. I’m hoping to visit my mom soon, so that’s part of my decision process.

      I got my 5k done today with no stops for photos & no Garmin pausing. It was a much cooler day!


  6. Everyone’s comfortable level with the virus is different. Hopefully by fall, the worst will be over.

    We had all our pines cut down, I hated the mess of the needle everywhere. Where’s your grass?? We had to plant more and now I am planting a big perennial garden.

    Hope your platform helps you with your yoga and your teaching.

    Hasn’t this weather been great for running?? I will probably walk the FRW 5k sometime this week. You get a shirt and medal no matter what. Don’t see any reason to run fast.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The grass is on the other side. The photo was taken facing the fence.

      The pine needles are a pain, but remember we have a car dealership behind us (even though they’re no longer in business, now they’re using that to park tracks (which is its own annoyance). So I love my pines because they mostly block all that. It’s so peaceful under them, although I have to sweep the platform before using it every time.

      I did Freihofers today. I wouldn’t say I raced it, but I definitely pushed more than I have in a long time. The weather has been great for running. Until the next few days. Today was perfect!


  7. Great yoga platform! I wish you many happy classes out there. Glad to hear the weather improved there. We had gobs of rain and wicked thunderstorms but today I’m basking in a sunny 85 degrees. I’ll take it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We’ve been having amazing weather. Sorry about yours!

      The Yoga platform is amazing. It’s just so peaceful out there. We have more things planned for that space, too. A work in progress.


  8. That yoga platform is nice! Oh, the weather! We’ve had quite a roller-coaster of sorts this weekend…rain, no rain, sudden rain, hot sun, more surprise rain, and humidity. I’m not complaining, because we all know how much I love the heat, and we definitely need the rain. Just a little annoying Momma N is doing her own thing, and the weather people (and various apps) are all in disagreement LOL


  9. Ooh I like that yoga platform that you built! Many happy hours of down dogs 🙂 I am not quite ready to run w people yet but I hope soon. Glad to read that you had a better week of running. Thanks for linking up!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I definitely love my Yoga platform. It was amazing how quickly he built it, too! He’s been busy!

      Running has been much better lately. Which I needed. I was really dragging myself through runs for a quite a while (even downhill ones!).


  10. That platform looks great! I’m somewhat handy but my husband is handier, hands down. 😉 I think I’d run a 5K faster without stopping — I have a hard time revving up again once I stop. No way am I ready for brunch with a group — but the infection rate is much higher here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Once you get used to intervals, it’s really not that hard (my walk interval is also only 30 seconds).

      The infection rate isn’t that bad upstate. The problem is hoping to see my mom — and some other people in my life that are hgher risk. So when you start hanging out with 5 people, and all the people they’ve come in contact with . . . even outside, even socially distanced — it’s still just not an easy decision. For me, at least.


  11. Love the platform.
    I was so confused about the 5K too. I thought it was this weekend because i was supposed to be away and knew I hadn’t signed up for the live event and assumed that was why. Ran a 5K ish today too anyway.
    Way to go on the hills
    You’re way warmer than us, which is so weird

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know, being warmer than downstate was weird but made me really happy. 🙂

      I got Freihofers done today. A much nicer day than the typical race day sweatfest (but missing the race vibes & being with friends).


  12. How nice to have that yoga platform! When we vacationed in Florida, there was a yoga platform on the property. I used it a lot! Will you plant around it? I’m thinking lavender…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We have some plants, and plan to plant more — probably Hostas. Which I don’t really like, but they’re the only things that are dog friendly, and will survive in the pine needles and shade.

      We haven’t even been able to keep lavender alive in the sunnier parts of our lawn! OTOH, we recently discovered an azalea bush we didn’t even know was there. I kid you not! It’s so pretty. Unfortunately toxic to dogs, and again, wouldn’t survive in the shade.

      Maybe it needs to be a runfession. 🙂


  13. That yoga platform looks great! Its so hard to decide when to start seeing people. I mean the risk is there, I guess its just balancing how high the risk will be. I’m definitely not ready for anything in a group but I am hoping to be able to see my parents again once we all feel comfortable with that.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I thought about doing a post on the weirdest things I’ve seen on a run but I think mine will consist of mainly gross things. Haha. Seriously though. I love that you are still seeing rainbow color things on your run. You are the only one that should care about pausing your Garmin. No one will judge you.
    <<I don't mean it in a bad way but more like to say that it is OK to do. Hope that made sense. That is a great platform! Will you paint it? What color?

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I would love to have a little platform to do yoga. We have these amazing apple trees and it would be perfect under those… hmm might need to add something to the Honey do list. 🙂 Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Despite the heat this week, still, I am not complaining! It’s been a long time since we’ve had such a long run of nice weather –maybe I’m biased right now because it’s so cool in the backyard beneath those pines despite the heat.

      I hope you can get some good weather too, Michelle (although it is kinda killing my mojo for getting stuff done. You know, the boring stuff like cleaning & decluttering).


  16. Oh my goodness, I LOVE your yoga platform! What a great idea – Mr. Judy did a really nice job! If you want to do your strength training on the platform, do farmer’s carries to get your weights out there. You can double up with a lighter and heavier dumbbell in each hand so you don’t need to make as many trips. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love my Yoga platform too. It’s just amazing. As I said in the one of the groups I’m in today, I want to live on it!

      I actually do know about farmer’s carries. I am getting in a lot of steps just carrying stuff back & forth (it’s in the back corner of our backyard) — but that’s a good thing!

      Liked by 1 person

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