Free at last!: 11/22 – 28 WRD

I managed to escape completely unscathed from jury duty! For the last 30 years, I’ve been called regularly and usually picked. Very grateful to break that cycle. No Turkey Trot for me since we were on the road by the time any race would have started.


I’m joining Kim @ Kimrunsonthefly and Deborah @ Confessionsofamotherrunner, and ramping things up just a bit before cutting back next week.

Workouts update

  • Monday: Yoga (45 min), Dogwalk, 1.25 recovery mile, Yoga (40 min)
  • Tuesday: Yoga (45  min),  Dogwalk
  • Wednesday: Yoga (60 min), 3.5 mile with fartlek, Dogwalk, 1 mile recovery, PB ST (25 min)
  • Thursday: Yoga, (45 minutes), Multiple short dogwalks on the way to & at moms for Thanksgiving
  • Friday: Yoga (40 min),  Yoga Booty Ballet (a blast from the past!, 30 min)
  • Saturday: Yoga (45 min), 6.41 miles, Yoga (20 min)
  • Sunday:  Yoga (45 min), Dogwalk, 1 mile recovery run, ST & Yoga later

Running Mileage: 12.16  (+2) 

PB = Killer B
TM = Treadmill
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
SB = Stationary Bike

Running Update

Who has to be up late to catch the moon?

Monday Intention: recover & endurance
I often miss a Monday — but not always. Just depends how running works into my week. Added a quarter mile to my recovery run — no walk breaks — just working on endurance. A little. Because running has been on the back burner a long time. I actually don’t see that changing anytime soon, but we do what we can when we can.

This tree always made me smile. It was a showstopper when the sun hit it just right.

Wednesday Intention: a splash of speed + adding distance
I wanted to go somewhere new to run, but I also had things to do, so I settled on a route near my neighborhood I hadn’t run in a long time. I threw in a fartlek by the row of trees midway, and just decided to go a little bit further, too. It was a surprisingly good run with negative splits, too.

When your boat is bigger than your house

Saturday Intention: increase time on long-er run
I met my intention and increased this run by 5 minutes — but I gave myself the grace to quit earlier if I wanted to. Because this was a very cold, very windy, very tiring run — even though it was just shy of 7 miles! One tiny bit of black ice (even though I waited til the afternoon to run) threatened, but I managed to get through it unscathed. Pace was all over the place.

This glove was on the street, then someone put it on this bush — and there it stays

Sunday Intention: recover
I got in my four runs this week, knowing getting in three next week won’t happen — which is okay. This was a slow one but that’s okay. It’s all about recovering and working on endurance (no walk breaks).


Favorites of the week
We decided to give Bandit a bath before going to my mom for Thanksgiving. It was much needed — I really didn’t want do it; it’ has been a busy day but it needed to be done. Normally we bathe him outside, but it’s too cold for that now. I actually think it might be easier doing it inside, although getting him dry took forever.

Another week, another stop at Olana, still playing with new zoom.
It warmed up later in the day, but the morning was chillier than expected! I had to borrow some gloves from Mr. Judy
The only photo I took. My mom wasn’t feeling great & I was busy doing things for her.

I’m not sure it was really a favorite, but I’m glad that we were there for my mom for Thanksgiving. Just me, Mr. Judy, my mom’s aide, and Bandit. Despite not having to cook, between cleaning up and doing my mom’s meds, it was a busy day. My brother came the next day, and my sister and her family also came up to visit the next day. The weather was decent on Thanksgiving, but I don’t think we would have wanted to drive down the day after, which was a mix of rain, sleet, and snow.

She enjoys having Bandit around, not sure he feels the same way, although he always cozied up to my Dad

I am glad we could be there when the rest of my family couldn’t be. I am also very grateful that there was little traffic — both going and coming.

ICYMI: I am sharing exactly how I stretch in bed & get energized in the morning this week. It’s a really short practice. Bandit totally got into the act, which he actually doesn’t do in the morning! I have a couple of videos dropping on Thanksgiving Day, too.

Morning Energizing practice  click here

Live now:

Guided Gratitude Meditation (filmed by a waterfall!) click here * Flow for when you’ve overeaten click here

Coming up on Tuesday & Friday: Tuesday it’s time to wrap up November — and I have begun contemplating a word for 2022. I haven’t picked one yet, but I have considered a lot of words starting with C. Stay tuned on that. Friday I’ll be joining up with my hot chocolate in hand and sharing the other odds and ends that went on in November.

31 thoughts on “Free at last!: 11/22 – 28 WRD

  1. Congrats on skipping jury duty and getting in 4 runs. Luckily Thursday was the best day of the week for travel and racing. Yesterday almost made me wish for a treadmill. Not quite. But with the ice yesterday, the only place to run is Ualbany and it’s windy there even with no wind. Lol.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Way to escape jury duty! Can’t believe you have snow already! Glad you got to spend Thanksgiving with your mom and I am sure she was too. Way to go on the longer runs this week. Have a great week ahead

    Liked by 1 person

  3. How nice that you got to spend Thanksgiving with your mom. I bet she likes having Bandit there–if I lived alone, I’d want a dog, for company! Nice that you didn’t get called for jury duty. One of the girls at work has federal jury duty and has to go once weekly for 18 months!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They can have pets there, & I know she’d love a cat, but unfortunately she’s not able to take care of them. She doesn’t sit on the couch anymore so Bandit didn’t really have an opportunity to sit by her. Luckily the aides so far haven’t minded him.


    1. We just light the candles for the first night of Hannukah with her via the Amazon echo, & she enjoyed that, too.

      Hopefully you haven’t jinxed yourself. I know a lot of people who are never, ever called for jury duty.


  4. Sounds like a nice Thanksgiving and a good week overall. You lucked out weather-wise and jury-wise! And you got some nice runs in. And how nice to spend quality time with your mom- I’m sure she appreciates it!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Virginia lets attorneys off the hook for jury duty, but my husband has served several times. I wouldn’t mind doing it once, but I probably wouldn’t be a good juror for the reasons people don’t pick attorneys for juries in the first place!

    I’m glad you got to spend TG with your Mom — and I’m sure she appreciated it. Scooby did well at my son’s place, but we have to keep him on a different level than the cats!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It takes a while for dogs & cats to get used to each other. Throw in the busyness of a holiday & it’s a lot for them!

      I think most states don’t call attorneys. In fact my mom never served because once they heard my dad was a lawyer they didn’t want her, even though she wasn’t a lawyer & my dad wasn’t a litigator (although my brother is).


  6. Great job on all those runs! I got called (and picked) for jury right after I’d started a new job. Then, got called AGAIN, a couple weeks later, and got picked AGAIN. Then we moved to Michigan a few years later, with no family network…and I got called twice, and had to go in but (thankfully) didn’t get selected. Now, back in Iowa (since 2002), I’ve gotten called only a few times, but never have had to report in…and I have family here and (now) the kids are grown and gone…and **crickets**

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bandit’s fur is very short, but it still takes time to dry & it was cold! We had a space heater going in there, too. Usually in the winter we just don’t bathe him but he needed the bath. He kind of seemed to like being blow dried! Both Chester & Lola were long haired & it was pretty thick, too.


  7. How great that you were able to have Thanksgiving with your mom!
    I’m glad Bandit tolerated his bath. Is it easier to bath smaller dogs or do they wiggle around a lot?

    Can I tell you a secret? I’ve always wanted to be called for Jury duty but I never have. Why does everyone hate it so much?

    Have a good week Judy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know people who actually like jury duty. Or want to do it (usually the ones who have never been called). It’s usually in a bad part of town, often with poor parking. It’s a lot of responsibility. It’s also a lot of sitting & waiting.

      In addition to all that it takes up all day! Sometimes whole weeks. I’ve been lucky — never had to serve on a trial over a week but I know people who have had to.

      All our dogs have been relatively good about baths. They don’t/didn’t like them & will try to escape if they can — but much easier to hold onto a small dog!


  8. How nice to spend the holiday with your mom. That’s funny our Bichons and Ozzy all seemed to prefer my dad as well. My mom decided to stay home on Thanksgiving. I wasn’t going to beg her.
    When we renovated our mudroom Ozzy’s bath was one of the things we took into consideration. He’s so odd he LOVES the bath.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would love to have a dog that loved a bath! We actually use the utility sink in our laundry room — it is raised and has high sides, so it actually works quite well. Plus the water is warm unlike the cold water he gets outside!

      My brother came in the next day and my sister & her family also came the next day, after work for her. My brother doesn’t leave until tomorrow, and then I am back for a few days this week so it’s been nice for her.

      I’m sorry you weren’t able to be with your mom, but things have a way of working out, one way or another. I won’t lie — I would’ve loved to just relax at home, but my mom most likely doesn’t have a lot more Thanksgivings & it’s her favorite holiday.


    1. Thankfully I’ve never been called for a grand jury. The previous time for me was for a murder case, though, and the death penalty was an option. It was the only time I wasn’t chosen. In fact, they couldn’t seat a jury at all & had to call in a new group!


  9. ❤ ❤ ❤

    First of all, your blue skies are so beautiful.

    Would you believe I was called four times for jury duty, but each time, I was called for the county in which I no longer lived, so I was exempt. Crazy.

    I can't believe Bandit lets you blow dry him. Luna would END me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 🤣 about Luna. None of mine are/were fond of baths but they always (mostly) cooperated. I think Bandit actually liked the blow dryer (although it kept trying to eat my hair!).

      This post was for The Who,e month of November we don’t get sun or blue skies much at this time of year. It’s very depressing. 😔


  10. Well done on getting four runs done and so glad you were able to spend Thanksgiving with your mum. I think you’re the first person I know who has been on a jury! And several for that matter!! It’s not running related at all but I would love to hear some of your experiences in a blog post one day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I guess it’s much more common in the states. I know some people who have never served but I know lots that have. I just have to get through the next 10 years & then I’ll be old enough to ask to be excused!


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